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Fusion Hybrid Member
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Everything posted by neod192

  1. Love it so far! I'll start a new thread with pics and impressions in a few days after I figure out how it works :)
  2. Hate to say it, but I'm kind of digging the HyTi wheel when it's spinning. Still don't like it when it's not.
  3. The windows on the Fusion are already UV tinted from the factory, so the glasses don't darken inside the car anyway.
  4. Picked mine up yesterday (wooohoo) and had 8.1 miles on it :)
  5. My car spent one day at the dealership when it first arrived, and when I drove by it, EV+ kicked in.... I thought it takes a few days to find a + spot.
  6. Too big to attach to posts here :-p The sun was really bright so they're not that great. I'll take more with the 60D when I take delivery :)
  7. My car is here! I took some pics this morning and hoping to pick it up this afternoon :)
  8. Has anyone picked up their car after the increase and used X-Plan? My car's here and the dealer wants to charge me the new price. They're saying I'm price protected and I'll get a refund check from Ford for the difference. I want my old price up-front minus $100 (or x-plan equivalent) for the missing aluminum pedal covers ... What would you do?
  9. The search box is your friend: http://fordfusionhybridforum.com/topic/5998-wrong-shifter/?hl=%2Bwrong+%2Bshift+%2Bknob
  10. Husky in the living room, waiting for the Fusion :-D
  11. Not really worth it. Can be done for about $20-50. It won't stop anyone from stealing your car.
  12. If my Fusion gets delivered soon, I'll give it a try. I have a Nexus 4 on, but my wife has a VZW iPhone 5.
  13. Yes, I started this thread: http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/53285-hybrid-titanium-bicycle-wheels-value-18-polished-face-with-flash-gray-painted-pockets/
  14. Different dealers = different rules. My dealer wouldn't lock in any rebates/coupons. I'd just get what I have available when I pick up the car. Lucky for me, both the $500 and $750 are available until 5/31 and my car is due Saturday!
  15. Did you select Fusion Hybrid as the trim and still see $1,500? In my zip it's $1,500 for the Gas & Energi, but $500 on the Hybrid. What zip shows this on ford.com/incentives? Check out this thread - http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/53286-april-2013-fusion-incentives/ I think he's referring to Ford Active City Stop -
  16. I looked at my DORA and it has 2 columns invoice and MSRP. The invoice also includes the fuel charge ($49.84) and Advertising assessment ($551). The invoice total does include these fees, so they're valid. The X Plan price also includes them.
  17. I asked my dealer how much it would cost to upgrade to those wheels and it'll be $1,280 (+tax I'm assuming) :drop: Check out this thread too: http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/53285-hybrid-titanium-bicycle-wheels-value-18-polished-face-with-flash-gray-painted-pockets/
  18. I thought advertising fees apply to all cars in that region. Ford / dealers are paying for advertising that brand and recovering their $ by adding the fees to all the cars sold. Just because your specific car wasn't the one they used in a commercial, doesn't mean it doesn't get charged the fee to run that promotion. It's not like this is an inventory fee and your car doesn't sit on a lot for weeks/months before it gets sold.
  19. http://www.visualgarage.com/Order.php - $69 + tax & shipping.
  20. If they talked they would lose their job :drop: . Would you talk if your job was on the line :work: ?
  21. Got a new $750 coupon, issued on 3/29 with an expiration date of 5/31! Yes, it does indeed apply to the Hybrid!
  22. Try the "Send to Car" app for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jvanier.android.sendtocar&hl=en
  23. I think there's a mobile app you can use to enter a destination in Google Maps and send it to the car through Sync, but haven't tried it yet. I think by default mapquest is the only compatible app with MFT.
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