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Fusion Hybrid Member
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Everything posted by acdii

  1. Read into it a bit more and see what they are really saying. 67% off for 3 months, after 3 months you pay more. 60% off for 6 months, after 6 months you pay more, and 50% off for 12 months. When you add it all up, the Quarterly will cost more in the long run than the 12 months, and that's how they get you in. You see the first bill at $12.96, but the next three bills are $38.85. The 6 month is $29.94, and the next bill is $77.70. The 12 month is $77.04 You save more with the 12 month than the others. The quarterly is $129.51, the 6 month is $107.64. Nice how they trick you eh?
  2. For some reason they look small on your car compared to what they look like on the Sport. Must be the dark color. They are good looking rims, tires are not cheap for them though, priced them out when I first got the car since I heard bad things about the Goodyears that come with the car, BUT surprisingly enough, the tires are doing very good. Decent snow traction, much better than anticipated, and I am glad I waited until it snowed before making a decision on steelies and snows, saved me $500.
  3. Wait, WHAT? iTunes, and Sync? An Apple product working with a Microsoft product? Oh my, next thing you know, ducks will mate with groundhogs. What is the world coming too!!!! :headspin:
  4. Oh man, good luck with the black paint. I had 2 black cars, keeping them clean and scratch free was horrible! It was so bad I just repainted the one we still have in Dark Amethyst. :) My Veracruz is Black Diamond, not jet black like the other ones, it has a slight gray tone to it from the metallic, but it too is a pain to keep clean. They look fraggin awesome when clean, but man do they get dirty fast! If you do get one, use Zaino on it right after you get it, do the whole cleaning, prep, and polish, and you will thank yourself later when it comes time to keep it clean. The Zaino will help prevent the light scratches that always happen on cars, like from a car wash or dusting it off with a cloth. It also puts one heck of a deep shine on it. I used it on my Blue Sport, and man does the car glow.
  5. Left over taco shell when they built the car?
  6. Oh someone did something like that to a Caddy. My link *WW* Language
  7. XM keeps wanting me to renew my subscription on the Camry. What fraking part of I SOLD the Sumbiotch dont they understand? :finger: I seldom listen to Sirius now that I have the HD hooked with all my music, so I am not going to subscribe once the trial ends.
  8. I cant tell you that, I don't have the Hybrid model. :( We couldnt afFORD one. But I did get a SPORT :D It is like night and day compared to the Toyota's. I did test drive the Fusion H, and it is a nicer driving car than the Camry H, the battery was too low to effectively get it into EV mode, but the braking did hold when hitting bumps, where the Camry would be disengaged.
  9. BOO HISS, I have a Sport you TEASE!!!
  10. Update on Auto climate Control and gas mileage. for the past 1500 miles I left off the auto setting and just used either defrost or floor settings. I have seen no improvement over fuel consumption. I can understand it being true in warmer weather where you really don't need AC, but it doesn't seem to make any difference in winter. I also had a Toyota Camry Hybrid and a Prius, both cars got better economy running the ACC, than manual since it was all controlled via the PCM, when set to manual on those cars, since they used electric heaters, I saw more battery depletion manually than using the ACC, so a lot depends on the car itself than theory in general.
  11. I had a Prius, the systems in that car are very sensitive to road conditions. A little wheel slip and the entire system shuts down for a second or two. With the factory tires they had on it, very poor traction in wet or loose conditions, so the TC kicked in a lot. It was so bad that we got rid of the car, we just didn't feel safe driving it. There is a county road we take in the morning that we have to turn off from onto a two lane highway, and there is always loose gravel on the road, and the traffic is usually moving pretty fast, so getting out and up to speed is a must, with the Prius though it was tricky, a little slip and the power was gone. We then got a Camry Hybrid, although it was better , didnt have the TC problems of the Prius, it too has braking problems as mentioned above, hit a bump and the regen braking shuts off, and you have to panic stop. It also had a slight surge at times when slowing down, I don't mean the regen kicks off, the car sped up, you could see the engine apply power on the dash. Between these problems and the poor overall quality of the materials, we dumped it and bought a Fusion. I have 9300 miles on it now, and not a single complaint.
  12. I'm going with the 55W unit for my lows, that should give me plenty of light as it puts out about 600-800 more Lumens than the 35W units. Haven't decided which company to use yet.
  13. I am keeping fingers crossed that Sirius XM will merge their billing under one so I can add the Fusion as a radio to my existing XM account.
  14. I went one day with setting the defroster/foot to on with low fan, and after 10 minutes I had ice all over the windows, so I set it back to auto and haven't had them ice up as bad. The kids sure like to breath a lot! :rant: It all depends on the weather, when it is really cold and you have a full car, it is best to leave the CC set to Auto, otherwise your windows tend to ice up, if above freezong though, then I can see setting it to manual, just not while driving, those buttons are a pain to see and reach while driving.
  15. How well does the 6K work in rain at night? With the OEM the road disappears, and I heard that the hotter you go the less they work in rain.
  16. XM used to include online listening, then changed it to a fee based subscription. They make portable receivers that can be hooked up to a stereo, but is an additional radio fee. I think it is something like $6 a month for an additional radio. I am hoping they merge billing soon so I can have both my XM and Sirius on the same account. I have 2 XM already and the Sirius in the Ford will be coming due soon after the 6 month trial ends.
  17. acdii

    Butt Print

    Wiggle your butt more when you get in. I found the same happened on the passenger seat from my wife. She would get in and the edge would fold under her cheek and wrinkle. Now she wiggles her butt to settle the seat and the marks are going away.
  18. If you have Auto Climate, leave it on auto, depending on the temperature, the defrosters will come on once the engine warms up. At first I was using it manually, then I left it alone one day and found out the defrost is controlled by the CC.
  19. Meguiars is pretty good, Lexol if you can find it is also very good, but if you get the wrong type, can take the finish off, but leaves the leather super soft. I have saddles and reins that I use Lexol on and when done cleaning, my hands are brown from the stain, but the leather is soft and supple. Lexol has a cream that is used on saddle surfaces that soaks in, but does not remove the finish, and that is what I use on the seats. I used it in my Veracruz, the leather was really stiff when I first got it, and a fwe cleanings later the leather is softer.
  20. It is not the suspension, it is the tires. Dropping to 16" and taller tires will give you that cushy ride, BUT your MPG will suffer. I used to have a Camry Hybrid, it had a soft mushy ride and handling sucked in it. I now have a Fusion Sport and the handling is like night and day, and I would much rather have the sharp bumps than the wallowing whale, makes avoiding potholes much easier. I have 18" wheels with 45's for tires and except for bumps, the ride is exceptionally smooth and quiet, moreso than in the Camry, I hated how the Camry rode, it gave me motion sickness if I rode as a passenger.
  21. Those do look ridiculous, but, on a properly tuned car, like the Sport, these rim/tire combination's don't ride as bad as you would think, yes, you feel the bumps, but the handling between the 45's and 70's is like night and day. Potholes though are a worry. To put them on just for looks is crazy and 90% of the time look like crap. Spinnerz Yo'
  22. Use an ammonia based window cleaner, those still work the best to remove oil. Sprayway made some, but I noticed now it is ammonia free, and may not work as well as it did. I bought several cans years ago, and still have a couple left. You can also try using Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. Mix it so that when you spray it on you wind up with a thick paste while scrubbing. If you REALLY want to clean the glass, I mean really clean it, use Cerium Oxide paste and a polishing pad. This is difficult to use and if done improperly can leave marks. It is used to remove scratches and polish glass. Rain-x used to have a glass cleaner that had this in it, but is no longer available. I guess too many people messed up using it. It is a very fine abrasive that if used improperly can leave streaks or swirls in the glass. If used correctly though leaves the glass super smooth and crystal clear.
  23. Oh a way will be found! Considering people HACK their NAV units to bypass the built in safeties that prevent you from using it while driving, people will find a way to surf on their stuff while driving.
  24. acdii

    Sun Roof

    Since you saw the frost I take it you had the shade opened. If so, yes, frost will happen quite frequently. It is less likely to happen if the shade is closed.
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