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Text Messaging Now Working on My Galaxy S3

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The Text Messaging on the My Ford Touch is very unreliable. I have an HTC One and my Wife has the HTC EVO LTE. One day text messaging works and one day it doesn't its so random. (my HTC one has 4.3) and her phone has 4.2). Even weirder sometimes text messages work (receiving them) but when you try to send them it says your device isn't supported.

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Hi Kim,


Thanks for the info, but that is basic troubleshooting steps. (I work in IT and tell folks this all the time) The point is we shouldn't need to soft reset the phone every so often to get this feature working. Its obviously a bug with the Sync system.

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Does MFT display metadata on material streamed via BT from the latest iPhones? If so, I'm close to ending my love affair with Android and moving to Apple.

Yes, when playing Pandora over BT it displays the track information. I use USB though as the sound quality is much much better, and the phone gets recharged at the same time. The Iphone battery life sucks. I can drain it in a few hours playing Angry Birds or listening to Pandora.


I briefly had a Galaxy 4, and quickly got rid of it for the 5s. Could NOT stream pandora over USB, and the BT sound quality was muddy, and like you, no track information on the dash screen. It was also a very awkward phone to use, as a phone. Felt like I slapped a laptop to the side of my head to make a phone call.

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Latest and greatest. It also worked with my iPhone 4 running the prior release. I will double check today, I haven't used BT since the first day I got the iphone. I didnt have a USB cable at the time.

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Well I tried it tonight over BT and this version iOS does not transmit the data to the right screen, only the main screen. When I first got the phone it had the first release of iOS, and has since had two updates, and it did work the first time I tried it, but since I use USB for streaming and charging, I never noticed the change.


As far as the BT vs USB, the difference is noticeable with songs on the phone as well as Pandora. My wife is not musically inclined and even she noticed the difference.

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Thanks, acdii. Over USB, does the iPhone 5 display track information on BOTH screens?

Yes it does. If MFT had Applink everything would work over USB.

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Not a very good picture, but art work does come up using USB. Just noticed I took it when it had generic artwork. for some reason Pentatonix Royals doesn't have the album, but the rest show the PTX cover.



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