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Everything posted by hermans

  1. I very recently paid $4.04 a gallon in Niagara Falls, Canada. I only bought a couple of gallons to get me out of the country.
  2. My 2013 FFH's sticker price was $34,585.The Z Plan (retired employee) price was $31,067. On top of that I got any incentives offered by the dealer or Ford. That brought the price of the car down to $29,567. So I got a $34,585 car for $29,567. The A & Z plan price is the same. That works out to a hair over 10%. It was the same with my 2013 MKZh and was about the same 10%. The A & Z plan pricing is below what the dealer pays for the car and Ford pays the dealer so they can make a small profit. I had a couple of dealers tell me that without me buying any extras they make about $600 on the deal. If you buy the extra warranty and such, their profit goes up. The dealer is not allowed to charge any dealer prep. If you buy a car through a dealer trade, they cannot charge you for any extras added by the first dealer. On one such trade I got a free dealer added alarm and window security etching, which cost them about $25.00.
  3. As to employee pricing (A & Z plans) if you take about 10% off the sticker price it comes out right most of the time. Having bought 12 or more cars like this over the years the 10% rule has really come close every time.
  4. The airbag light came on and stayed on. That is what he posted and I had the same issue....smartass.
  5. I had the issue in my 2010 3.0 and it was just a control module, It cost me $50.
  6. I just returned for a trip to Nuagra Falls, Ont. and then on to West of Cleveland and return to the Philly area. I purchased at A5 card and put it in the MKZh. The only trouble was on 420 from Nigra Falls to the US border. The navigation, for about 5 miles, wanted me to turn right and left onto nonexistent streets. After 5 miles it straightened up and there were no issues the rest of the trip. Gas mileage was great, when you factor in the PA and NY mountains I got 44.7 for the trip. That's 3 tenths under the EPA estimate. That's the best mileage I've ever gotten in this car. The AC was used for a total of 300 miles; didn't need it the rest of the trip.
  7. If you check their FB page they normally announce it well in advance. They do it several time a year. Usually during the Christmas holidays and always During Memorial Day time frame. This one started on May 22nd and lasts through June 2nd. BTW, the promotion is for music only and does not include any of their optional add ons.
  8. $118/hour...now I see how they can feed you. My dealer rate is $78./hour. They provide all the coffe i want to drink, donuts in the AM, soft drinks and they have always given me a free loaner when the have my car all day and they have a drop-off service.
  9. Mine has had the TSB applied at the dealer twice now and they still won't work. I gave up on them. The Global open-close works perfectly though. This is on the FFH - the MKZh windows work OK. No Issues with them.
  10. The miles to empty isn't accurate. It's all depended on how you drive on the tank of gas you are using. I tested this out while driving on the Ohio Turnpike. I was down to 100 miles to empty andslowed down about 10 milea an hour. After about 20 miles my miles to empty had increased. I speed up 15 miles an in 20 miles my miles to empty decreased significantly. When filling up, after a trip, my MTE has shown over 500 miles, but my driving for that tank was short trips and I barely got 400 miles on that tank. I will again test my theory in a week as I'm headed out for a 2000 mile trip.
  11. I check my engine oil every month. I change it every 10k miles.
  12. II got my oil changed today at the dealer and also had them change the cabin filter. I have not had the "smell issue" but wanted to take a look at the cabin filter. It was really dirty which surprised me for only having 13,8k miles on the car. No mold but plenty dirty and bugs. Next time I change the filter I will do it myself. GrySql, I told my dealer about your dealer serving meals...he wanted to know what your dealer's hourly rate was.
  13. I got an A-5 card and will be testing it out in a couple of weeks with a trip to Canada and along the Great Lakes.
  14. I look forward to an in-dash authomtic coffe maker - I do like my Southern Pecan.
  15. Yup! Sucks to be you....and everyone else who lives there.
  16. Not offering the Dune in the HyTi was the reason I ordered an Bordeau Red SE FFH with the Dune interior. I also have a Ruby Red MKZh with Dune interior. Both cars a very striking.
  17. "Any FF built before 1/8/2013 can have this TSB applied." And....what I meant is you can't just take your car to the dealer and tell them you want the TSB work done without them confirming you have the issue spelled out in the TSB.
  18. The TSB can only be applied if the dealer can recreate the issue. It is not automatic.
  19. Agreed. I'm interested in hearing about any upgrades with the A5. As with the air intake, thanks for taking the lead with this.
  20. I couldn't afford baseball cards. I used cardboard I got from the grocery stores. It give a more rich, deeper sound and lasts longer.
  21. Steve, even when my windows aren't operating as they should my global open feature always works fine. I have the problem with both cars. The dealer has reset them many times and I have also. It's not worth the aggravation. I never expect them to work.
  22. Yes it is. Just this evening, coming back from dinner, 11 miles 53.8 mpg. I reset my mileage just this last week for Spring-Summer driving and I'm averaging 45.9 so far. Plenty of +47 mpg driving. I'm sure you will get the hang of driving your car to obtain mkaximum mpg.
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