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I went through all this already and got no where. Only my dealer's standing behind me is what kept it from going legal. With Ford CS telling me there is nothing wrong with the car, yet now that I have a later build car that works exactly as I had thought it would, far exceeding what I could ever get in that first one leaves me with little faith in Ford CS. I consider my self lucky that I have a dealership who cares about their customers more than their bottom dollar.


When you also consider that many of us here still have been unable to get more than 11 gallons in the tank when the gauge shows completely empty, and nothing from Ford as to why, leaves me wondering. I had my service manager do a TSB check on both the tank issue and the auto highbeam problem I have, and found nothing.


However they were able to get rid of that squeak from the left wiper shaft! :)

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A defungal mode, wouldn't put it past them. An easier fix would be a UV lamp in the system that will kill the mold. Since Mold spores are everywhere, everytime the system is turned on it will intake them, then the cycle starts all over again after every cleaning.

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Ashley :worship:


Good answers, and thank you. You are going to find that those of us on this forum are passionate about our cars. Ford made a superb effort with this redesign and we just want to make sure that any flaws we find can get eliminated and put the Fusion at the top, at least I do. I have owned a Camry hybrid, and the Camry can't hold a candle to this Fusion.


There are still a few early models like the one I had that can't get anywhere near EPA, no matter how they are driven, and hoping that Ford can figure out why. The Job1 SE I had was at best a 34 MPG car, where my Job2 HyTi is a 43 MPG car. They aren't driven any different, and comparing driving conditions from the first to this one, I can tell you the newer one does much better when its 10* outside than that first one did. There are still a few, like MXGOLF who is stuck in the low 30's even after the software upgrade. Whatever can be done to help them out would be great. Maybe Ford could hold a clinic in their areas with a couple hybrid specialists on board who can squeeze lemon juice out of a dried up rind test out the cars, and compare them to known good working cars. If anything it would show Ford wants to stand behind their customers.

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DRL. A few years back, most of these "features" were handled by wiring harnesses, and relays. Today, everything is driven by a master computer and modules. It is now just a matter of turning a bit on or off for a feature. So Every Ford Fusion fro the base model to the Ti model has the same wiring harness, only things lacking are the option modules. However they all have a lighting module, and it makes NO sense to only have cars built to be sold in Canada to have a different lighting module than for the US, so they just flip the DRL bit off for US, and on for Canada.


Problem is, this is all done at the factory, and not all dealers have the latest and greatest in tools to work on these cars. those that do, and have techs trained in the functions of the new systems, can turn them on. So its a training issue for those dealers who give you that look and shake their heads. The idea that having Ashley get the instructions and either pass them on to the dealership a member here requests, or supply the steps involved to us for our dealer. Thankfully my Dealer has had a lot of experience with the Fusion(gee wonder why) and was able to find the on switch for the DRL without issue.


A good example of the wiring harness, which to me seems like a good cost saver as you dont have to stock several different main harnesses for the different models, and speculate on just how many of each will be sold, is my Flex. I had a 2010 and added the tow package to it using the OEM bumper harness and hitch, and none of the lights worked off the stock harness, and an isolation box had to be wired in. I never did finish that one, My 2013 however, I plugged in the harness that has the 7 and 4 pin trailer sockets, and the brake controller under the dash, and EVERYTHING worked. The main difference between the 2010 and the 2013 is that the tow package for the early models had a separate relay box installed under the hood, while the 2013 models no longer have it, it is integrated into the rest of the system. I find that a smart move and a cost savings for both Ford and the consumer.


So when it comes to DRL, it isnt that they dont have it, it is just that they are not switched on. Having the documentation on how to turn them on would be the most help that could be provided for this.

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Hi Kim, in case it hasn't been said, Welcome, we really DO appreciate your being here. While it may come across as harsh from some, there is a lot of frustration behind it, so hoping you and Ashley being here will help calm the waters and smooth these rough patches out for us.


There are quite a few non Ford owners who have come on board getting the new Fusion, taking a big risk from Toyota and Honda, two of the most reliable brands, and anything that you two can do to make them feel like they made the right choice and get others to come over to Ford, would be great.

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