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Everything posted by rvlasek

  1. Let us know if it fixes noise issue, but it sounds like it cure short term but may re occur. does not sound its a true fix?????
  2. Commuted to office 3.7 miles, EV battery at 1/3 charge leaving garage, ICE kicked in after about 1/4 mile after got out alley into street, went back to EV into another 1/4 mile, TEMPERATURE AT 72 degrees here in Irving, Tx this morning. 49.7 mpg... Impressed, air Temperature as everyone has stated big factor......
  3. Howdy, Fellow Texan, I hear a fairly loud buzzing sound in garage backing out on EV, (think this is normal) as far as crackling sound from front end, my started at about 500 miles, now I have 1050 miles, waiting on Ford fix to be released. Check your shifter, if you paid for 505a luxury pkg, you should have leather wrapped with silver insert on top,,, I have the standard shifter, need to get correct shifter installed at Dealer, see my other posts for photos...
  4. My Built date was Dec 20, 2012, getting about 43 mph, warmer weather betting better mpg here in Texas, yesterday driving from Ft. Worth, got 49 mpg on 25 miles trip, was on EV at 64 mph when battery charge was about 2/3, anyone ever see this?????? I thought the max mph for EV was 62 mph, very happy with it except for crackling noise from front wheels and wrong shifter installed at factory, waiting to get shifter replaced and waiting for Ford to come up with fix for front noise crackling issue..... :) see forum topics for mentioned issues..
  5. The bottom photo is My Shifter on in my car which is NOT the leather wrapped which I'm supposed to have, the top photo with the silver looking insert on top on the shifter is the one I need to get since it comes the 505a Luxury pkg. which I paid for...
  6. Mention to Ford Customer service toll free number or dealer..???? What are the numbers, recall notice or bulletin numbers..
  7. this is my shifter, incorrect, I bought the 505a Luxury pkg...if incorrect best to contact Ford Marketing or local dealer..
  8. Sounds like there are currently two possible solutions going to, one with axle replacement and another with CV Shafts, I had front right strut and bearing replaced with no luck, Maybe we will know something on the mystery crackling noise soon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  9. Well, lets us know if dealer fells axle change solved problem....
  10. I agree its not a show stopper, but annoying for such a nice vehicle to have such an issue which should have been caught and corrected in the test phases, my cracklin started at about 500 miles, also I guess its possible the issue causing the noise could be a much bigger problem and costly for owners after the vehicle ages.......
  11. First time for me when buying new car , this happened, Service Mgr. told others (did not know how many) reported same noise problem... guess new designed Fusion was not checked enough..................
  12. I agree with Hybridbear,, the Ford Hotline Assistance Request 106198928 number shoud be refered when you check in with your local Ford Service for front cracklin noise issue, may be other case number, but this is one I was issued...hopefully the Ford engineers come up with fix...they kept mine for 4 days trying to figure it out, changed front strut with no luck on noise solution...
  13. Same info I got today from my dealer here in Texas,, no fix yet but working on it.. I was told to check back in three weeks with my Ford Hotline case number...
  14. Please update forum on results of CV shafts servcie, I'm taking in tomorrow for "Battery Power Saver System Off". issue, think I have a defective starter battery, and will follow if any results from Ford about my Hotline assistance case #, pertaining to the noise , crackling issue....
  15. Expresspotato, if you want you could call service mgr and ask if any progress made on Ford Hotline Assistance Request 106198928, which is the request info I posted.. I have not talked to anyone since March 27th... regards,,,
  16. Feel same, makes it sound cheap and its annoying...
  17. Comments about cracklin noise, from FORD Hotline Assistance Request 106198**** Contact Date: Technician: P&A Code: Vehicle: 3/27/20132:01:45 PM jeff moz****** 06432 FUSION VIN: 3FA6POLUXD******* R. O. Number: 684**** Request Form Details: Description of Vehicle Concern: rattle type noise on accelleration from a stop for a brief moment in reverse or forward going straight, turning left or right. «almost sounds like a bad cv joint)) Diagnostics Performed: have chassis ears connected & can hear loudly at the right front strut area (lower end of strut housing) Parts Replaced: replaced right front strut & strut mount & Concern still present Technician's Question: are there any reports of this type of concern on the new fusions???? tempted to install a right side cv axle but then ill be starting to throw parts at it which is what i dont want to do. Additional Comments Comment from: Ford Comment Date: 3/27/2013 2:48:46 PM Jeff, The Hotline has seen similar cases of 2013 Fusion Hybrids exhibiting a click, pop, or ting noise from the front axle shafts on initial acceleration from a stop, changing vehicle directions (forward to reverse or reverse to forward), and on initial deceleration caused by an axle shaft to bearing clearance issue. If you are able to isolate the source of this noise to the front steering knuckles using chassis ears, the above condition is likely occurring. If this is the case no repairs are available for this concern as it is currently under investigation by engineering and OASIS should be monitored for updates. Note that axle shaft replacement won't correct this concern so they shouldn't be replaced.
  18. That's exactly what I'm getting, you said OK< did you have something changed a setting or service done, or did just go away???
  19. I getting this message now, started when I took my 2013 FFH to check noise from front end area,,, started then stopped now giving message every time I shut down... anybody have similar issue...do I have a battery problem or is this normal....
  20. Sounds logical, we know its not the front strut or strut bearings, they changed mine and noise persisted, then they contacted Ford service hotline, and they said known problem, and issued case #. so brake shim could be issue,
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