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Bob Teddy

Calls & Messages

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I also attempted to dial a contact right from the text message screen of their phone and noticed that a pop up message appeared giving me the following options: Voice Call, FaceTime, or Cancel. Although I'm unable to confirm that this is causing the issue, I thought it was worth noting. :)

This most likely is the issue. I ran into this with Iphones and Cisco Jabber. If something is not 100% Do It, the phone will prompt, and this interferes with the operation of the phone. Most likely the iphone is waiting for a prompt before actually dialing.


Have you looked at the phone when attempting to dial to see if it prompts?


Cisco Jabber uses anyconnect mobile for their ondemand feature. You start the jabber app and behind the scenes the phone brings up the anyconnect VPN client and connects to the remote network. This is based on a list of internal URL's that do not resolve publicly, the Jabber client tries to contact the server by name, name cant be found off public DNA, start VPN client. This is where I have encountered hangups, though they were behind the scenes, and not prompting for action, it is very similar to what I am reading here.


On this one it turned out an extra setting was needed in a newer rev of software running on the ASA, and it needed an additional URL string. When I open the VPN client and connect manually, this is where I found the issue, It would not connect automatically, but prompted to connect. Sounds pretty close to what is happening here.

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