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About pacsai

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  1. pacsai

    New here

    Ian, I will state that the FFH is the best vehicle I've ever owned. 18 months and over 34,000 miles without a single issue (that wasn't my fault)! I live in a northern state and average over 37 MPG year-round. I just love the car. A cousumer magizine just retested a Prius (not a Ford but with similar technology) with 200,000 miles on it and found most test results matched the original ones from years ago and Ford has been building hybrids for a few years too (Escape Hybrid); so I would guess that the hybrid system and batteries will probably last on the Fusion also. Good luck on your deal, you will not regret it!
  2. I added some Michelin snow tires. I expected some slippage with the OEMs (but never really tried out that theory). I spent a lot of time in every winter condition, on the freeway mostly, and had absolutely no problem. Kim
  3. Jon, Bummer dude! I was so hoping that your HID experience would be successful (I was anticipating trying it myself). I've got HIDs on another car and really like them. I find the FFH's incandescent bulbs lacking in brightness and would have added them, were they an option. You've got a lot of sweat equity and time invested in your HID mod. I hope that you can find the Phillips bulbs and that they exceed your expectations. Coastie
  4. Greetings All! I commute 240 miles each way once a week and drive 70 miles round trip each day to work (roughly 2,000 miles each month). I drive about 75% freeway. I've found that using 45 mph roads maximizes the mileage (45+), and I actually don't mind freeway traffic jams, cause the mileage goes way up then too. After 18,700 miles long term avarage is 39.5! :happy feet: Loving the FFH. Yahoo!
  5. Oldschool, Although I did not use the Re-aquired Vehicle Program, I did get something similar. With patience and perseverance I was able to get Ford to buy back a 2001 Focus (after five uncessful attempts to correct a firewall water/air leak). They deducted around 20 cents/mile, and some sort of monthly charge (I forget how much); they added the spoiler and K&N filter that I added to the car, to the cost. After the whole thing was done, I felt very well reimbursed. After all, I did drive the car for almost two years. Ford cut me a check and I used it to buy a used car from a different dealer. Even though you had lots of trouble with your FFH, you were able to use the car for the last nine months or so and the value should reflect that use to some extent. On the other hand Ford obviously has programs and policies for dealing with these types of situations; make them sitck to thier policies and you stick to your guns! Good luck! Kim
  6. Greetings all, Living in northern Michigan I felt the need for some dedicated snow's. I got the Michelin X-Ice 2's mounted on the OEM rims (I paid a little extra to get lifetime remounting). They ride a little better than OEM, but sometimes sound a little different too. Mileage has dropped about 3 MPG (probably due to cold, snow, slush, rain, new tires). Thus far no problem with any road condition. Traction control and ABS are great safety/control systems! Merry Christmas to All!
  7. Dear Grrr, Don't worry it could ALWAYS be worse. I ran over road debris at seven days of ownership (undriveable for two weeks). At two months ownership (last Sunday), a deer hit the car, while my wife was driving, in broad daylight at the entrance to our subdivision! :censored: I still love the car but I'd like to NEVER have to go to the body shop again! "If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all" :finger: Good luck!
  8. Kirkster, Check the warranty; I believe that Ford will replace the wipers (blades?) for the first year. Kim
  9. Ford Fan, I have the Nav system. When I've got the map on full screen and a CD is playing, I can touch the screen in in the bottom right where the track number and time is displayed and change to track number and track title. I haven't done anything to update Sync yet. Good luck, Kim
  10. Thanks for the input. I checked out the Tire Rack web site; I've never been dissappointed in Michelins and the X-Ice Xi2's look very good. I've never needed dedicated snows; would I be better off getting get new wheels too or just swap the tires? Thanks, Kim
  11. One funny problem with the Sync is that I can't get the system to direct me to the "OutBACK Steakhouse"; the system ALWAYS reverts to the previous menu; it focuses only the "BACK". But thats the only issue I've found thus far. :hysterical: Kim
  12. Greetings all! With snow/sleet/ice in the forecast does anyone have a recommendation for low rolling resistance snow tires (if such a thing exists)? I am all in favor of the FFH specific wheels and low rolling resistance tires. I, however, live in snow country and am looking for advice on winter driving needs for the FFH, i.e. leave the Michelins on, are M+Ss enough, or should I get some Hakkapeliittas? Thanks for your help! :cold: Kim
  13. Sporty, Glad to hear the damage was not too extensive. I hope your repair experience is good and the car ends up looking like new again! Now, I'm actually looking for excuses to drive this car! Cheers, Kim
  14. Greetings, Just got my FFH back from the Dealer Body Shop. Took a little longer than planned, but I did advise them that they should take the time to perform the repairs correctly the first time, so I didn't really mind. They did a terrific job! Everything is back to brand new with NO evidence of any damage or repair; paint matches perfectly (tri-coat). I've given so many tours of the car, I could start charging admission. The car rental guy just had to check it out and he loved it too! :happy feet: Happy to be back to silent cruising. :shift:
  15. There's a button in the media menu (either CD/DVD or Jukebox) that will update the Gracenote data for a selected album; have you tried that yet? Kim
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