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Everything posted by coach81

  1. So far I have only seen one other FFH '13 around my neck of the woods.. and it was at a hotel parking lot.. my wife said they were probably from out of town... How 'bout you guys???
  2. Rained this week.... Got spots on Sylvia..... Time to wash her again!!! :)
  3. I hope and pray none of us ever have to worry about such a scenario.
  4. U guys are kickin' ass and takin' names!!!
  5. Did I mention to u guys how much I'm enjoying my new car :)?
  6. good question.. I would think with the 4 cylinders.. gas economy should be pretty good?
  7. so sorry for your continued problems with your vehicle... I continue to hope and pray it somehow gets resolved...
  8. Sure.. I'd love to get a few dollars back.. but you are not getting my car!!!!
  9. I have NO REGRETS about my purchase.. I love the vehicle.. and now I feel even better about it after this post.. thank you!
  10. Here are the pics and my thoughts: Passenger side.. good coverage.. I like it: Driver side.. a good upgrade from the standard ones. Still not as good as I'd hoped, but will do for now:
  11. coach81

    IMG 0702

    From the album: Coach's FFH pics

  12. coach81

    IMG 0700

    From the album: Coach's FFH pics

  13. agree.. empower on left.. entertainment on right..
  14. I have put a nu-shield on my screen, don't have a problem with the touch sensitivity.. or the interaction.. overall my experience with MFT has been very positive.
  15. interested to what the outcome of this is...
  16. coach81

    I'm in!!!

    Welcome to the family!!!! So happy for you!!!
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