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About expresspotato

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    Fusion Hybrid Enthusiast

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  1. NEVER buy a FORD. I have so many regrets (and dollars lost) doing just that. It didn't even last 10 years before its pretty much a lemon.
  2. Hello, So this car is officially junk status, with me having more than 13 separate issues with it... And now this as I'm getting close to unloading this poor lemon brand car onto someone else. All the warning lights go off on the dash while driving and complete loss of power steering at the same time. Anyone else?
  3. No. I've looked at my friends Toyota Camry from 1982 and its still rust free...America and Ford in general has done it to them selves, so much Ford had to leave Japan completely. An entire country of people know's what a piece of ***it cars Ford makes. I've had 13 problems with my piece of s*** Ford. Wasn't even first model year!.
  4. Wow this company is getting disturbingly cheap. I wouldn't be surprised if you're missing an airbag or two. Never *ever* buying a ford again, mines had over 12 separate quality related issues. Already starting to rust, it's a 2015... My friends Lexus from 2011 doesn't have a spec of rust, or his mom's Toyota Prius from 2005. I hope this company puts them selves out of business when people realize even the newer cars are not getting better. I like supporting my own country but this is too much. I don't think the Japanese would ever remove something that made the car quieter and cost $17 to produce (and was already on every model year before it).
  5. I would advise against it, the fuel economy is good, a Prius will still beat it and mine has been terribly unreliable, as so many have been on this forum. Go Japanese and don't look back.
  6. Get an bluetooth OBD scanner and ForScan light for Android or full for a windows laptop. Read the codes. Pull out the orange service plug and put it back in. Pull the 12v battery and put it back in.
  7. Check the connector under the passenger seat. Mine almost burned down my house and no recall for it. Never *ever* ever *ever* ever buy a Ford. This was issue 12.
  8. Hmm just goes to show you how cheap Ford has really gotten... mine is rusting too, just 5 years old. I've never seen a toyota with rust that early.
  9. Hi, So all of a sudden my heated (nor cooled) seat operations work... Thinking I just blew a fuse, which is what should have happened and instead I find out the car almost burned down. Anyone else? How is there no TSB or Recall for this? The module is located under the passenger seat for both front seats. All fuses were fine. Edit: This is on top of the 9+ other issues this car has had (charger cord died, charger ring died, maps sd fault, tcu modem dies after two weeks, 3 separate recalls, the list goes on, all out of pocket expenses). Anyone reading this message, although I liked supporting the local economy which is why I bought one, the truth is do not buy a Ford vehicle, they are complete pieces of crap (plus it almost burned down my home).
  10. Bump - anyone get this solved?
  11. Yes, the same sound exactly. Accelerating from a stop => clack clack left and right. Coming to a stop => clack clack. I am thinking about making 'rabbit ears' to diagnose exactly where the noise is coming from.
  12. Hi, Very strange it is still an issue on the 2019 model. I have the same sound on my 2015. There are several conclusions so far, either the TSB with thrust washers back from 2013, or moto mounts. You are not alone - surprised there is fix yet (some works some don't) and I don't feel like ours is the same problem. http://fordfusionhybridforum.com/topic/6180-cracking-noise/page-22 https://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/3815-2014-energi-titanium-popping-noise/
  13. Also looking to see what's going on with this thread. Sounds like it's coming from the wheel well, I'm about to buy 2 microphones and perform a 'rabbit ears' on them to identify where the noise is coming from exactly. Of course out of warranty and of course problems with a Ford car. What else is new, I should have known better. Everyone buys Toytas in Canada for a reason. For one guy it was actually the motor mounts but it doesn't sound like it's coming from there at all: https://www.fordfusionenergiforum.com/topic/3815-2014-energi-titanium-popping-noise/ Another guy in that same thread had the TSB done even after the build date cutoff and said it fixed his problem. I may have it done.
  14. I don't understand why I'd go back to the jerking and noisy shifts of a conventional transmission...? CVT is great and smooth.
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