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Sony Amp wiring diagram?

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Does anyone have the wiring diagram for the Sony 12 speaker Amp? I am planning on doing some improvements and it would certainly help to have all the pin outs. I have searched and I find images here and there but I'm not 100% sure it is for a 2014 Fusion Hybrid.


Thanks in advance.



Edited by Darkside

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It certainly would help to have this info. I just ordered all the replacement stuff (not the head unit) and I will try and do a nice write up with pics. Sure would help having that wiring info. I have found a Ford Focus Sony 12 speaker system diagram that I am hoping is the same as ours?

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Here are the Sony Audio wiring diagrams from the 2014 Service Information DVD. They are definitely for the 2014 Fusion/MKZ Hybrids. There are also diagrams (4) for "THX Audio". Let me know if you need those too.





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I looked at my 2013 wiring also but I only see 10 speakers, not 12, what am I missing?

Hey, GS! Like Steve said, 2 speakers! LOL! I really don't know exactly what to think either. Those are the only wiring diagrams I found for the Sony Audio for the 2014 MY and like you, I counted only 10 speakers. One possibility is though, (I have no proof), is that the front center and rear center speakers actually consist of 2 physical speakers each with one connection, kind of like the front center channel on a normal surround sound setup for home theater systems. Since I don't have a Titanium/Sony system, I can't prove it, but I think it's likely. The other possibility would be the subs, since there are also 2 of them, but I'm inclined more toward the front and rear centers. Can anyone with a HyTi/Sony verify that?


I went back and looked at the wiring diagrams for THX Audio, but that system has 14 speakers shown in the diagram. I looked through the Fusion order guide and stuff, but didn't see that option anywhere, so it's probably only on the MKZ though it doesn't specify on the print. Can someone verify that as well? Notice on the THX system, the front center consists of 1 tweeter and 2 mid-range speakers and each one is individually wired.


Update: I went back looking through the component location views and found that the two Rear (Door) Tweeters are missing from the wiring diagram, why, I don't know. At the speaker end, the right rear door tweeter connects to connector #C830. The left rear door tweeter connects to #C730. That makes 12 speakers; 4 ea door speakers, 4 ea door tweeters, 2 ea subs, and 1 center instrument panel speaker, and 1 center rear shelf speaker. Maybe there's an updated wiring diagram floating around somewhere?


Will have to do a little more research but not tonight. Gotta hit the hay.





Edited by TonyHzNV

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Sorry, Darkside, those are the only Sony Audio diagrams I could find. If you currently have an SE Hybrid, you're going to have "fun" trying to do that project anyway. You're going to be missing some wiring and connectors and, you won't have a place to put the center front speaker as there is no cutout in the dash for it. The cutouts for the 2 subs and rear center speaker are there, but no wiring there either. In the SE, the door tweeters (4) are piggy backed off the the 4 main door speakers. With Sony Audio, they are individually wired. Looks like the Sony option uses a different audio digital signal processing module than the standard SE. Good luck with your project. I don't think I'd want to attempt that. I'd rather just buy a Titanium! :)

Edited by TonyHzNV

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This is why I opted for the HyTi as I didn't want to futz around on an SE trying to add components and wiring, and possibly damage MFT.

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First THANK YOU for your efforts. I will look through these when I get home tonight. I DO have the Titanium Hybrid with the full blown Sony 12 speaker system and I tried to be satisfied with it, I really did.

I have ordered everything that I believe I will need and am waiting on delivery. I will provide details and images once I have the equipment.

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That's probably the better option, but if it's only one or two, click on "More Reply Options" next to the "Post" button and then you can attach files. If it's a pic, a thumbnail will show in the post that will enlarge when clicked on.

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First THANK YOU for your efforts. I will look through these when I get home tonight. I DO have the Titanium Hybrid with the full blown Sony 12 speaker system and I tried to be satisfied with it, I really did.

I have ordered everything that I believe I will need and am waiting on delivery. I will provide details and images once I have the equipment.


Please tag me in whatever it is that you find out please. I'm curious too as to what all you're installing. I haven't even purchased my car yet (later this month) but already know I want to do some aftermarket audio. Something similar to what I have in my Prius should work quite nicely. Thanks again in advance.

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Ok I brought my fusion in for oil change and tire rotation which I would normally do myself but with snow on the ground and having to leave my garage door open because of how low it is and I let them do it, also had them check the audio system. I lost sound on passenger side when it was really cold and now they rattle in front at the right frequency. They didn't find a problem which I expected but they did have an update for the DSP. They just got done with that and I have been waiting almost 3 hours. Normally I would not be happy. I took this opportunity to see if I could get info on wiring, started off they couldn't help me (service department)

So I went to parts and asked him what he could find and he couldn't find any information or wasn't sure. So he takes me in back to the service manual area and guess what we found? The factory electrical diagrams for 2014 fusion hybrid ....... woo hoo

I have been taking pics and pics and now I have all the info I need. I'm a happy camper. Stay tuned.

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So he takes me in back to the service manual area and guess what we found? The factory electrical diagrams for 2014 fusion hybrid ....... woo hoo. I have been taking pics and pics and now I have all the info I need. I'm a happy camper. Stay tuned.

If they are different than the ones I uploaded, there must be an update because mine came from the service manual as well (on DVD). You sure all twelve speakers are shown? In mine, the two rear door tweeters were missing. Just wondering. Thanks.

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I have to verify and I'll post images when I can. I'm still at the dealer. There are the two different systems you posted and I'm willing to bet the THX system is for the mkz. The rear door tweets are probably not showing because they are wired together not separate like the front. I already gave the manual back (wasn't easy). Look at your rear door wiring diagram and you should see it.

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In all the other diagrams if the tweeters are piggy backed off the main speakers it shows them that way. For the Sony setup they don't show at the mdodule or the door. Everything else is wired individually per the drawing. Don't see why the rear tweets would be the only ones that aren't. Yes the THX is MKZ only. Know that now. I bought the whole service manual DVD on eBay for $9.95 with wiring diagrams.

Edited by TonyHzNV

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I bought the whole service manual DVD on eBay for $9.95 with wiring diagrams.


Is it one from seller wiibayauctions? That's a great price but their descriptions don't say they are official Ford manuals.

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Is it one from seller wiibayauctions? That's a great price but their descriptions don't say they are official Ford manuals.

Yes, from those guys. They ARE official Ford (DVD) manuals. I was wondering about that too, but I took a chance for that price and it worked out. You have to play a little trick on the DVD for it not to think it's expired, but it's not a big deal to work around. Your options are on the installation instruction sheet. I used the "RunAsDate" option (at the bottom of the sheet) and it works great. You will have to download the Adobe SVG viewer to see the wiring diagrams though. The one that came on the disc didn't work. I think I got it here: http://www.freewarefiles.com/Adobe-SVG-Viewer_program_22766.html and I installed it on Win7.

Edited by TonyHzNV

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Well I had a few paragraphs written and then I tried to link an image.... I should have posted what I had written, because when you try and link an image it brings a pop up and you/I couldn't get rid of it without closing IE.

The project has begun.

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Ok, so clicking on "My Media" seems pretty useless...

What if I paste a url here. Nope doesn't appear I can do that either. If someone can figure out how to post images or link let me know?

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I could use help in finding out what something is that I have images of AND I found something I think is VERY useful, but I can't post images........

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Ok, so clicking on "My Media" seems pretty useless...

What if I paste a url here. Nope doesn't appear I can do that either. If someone can figure out how to post images or link let me know?

You have an "Attach Files" option at the bottom of the Full Editor. Click on the More Reply Options over there... on the right side of the screen, to get the full editor. Of course, I guess it also depends on what the forum has set as the minimum number of posts you must make before you can post pics. Hmmm Mr Owner Sir? :)

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I could use help in finding out what something is that I have images of AND I found something I think is VERY useful, but I can't post images........

Lots of folks here use photobucket.com. It's free. From there (on the bottom right hand side when you have the image up) you can copy the URL (select "image" from the list) then paste the URL into your post.


"My Media" only allows you to select items you have previously posted on the forum.

Edited by TonyHzNV

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