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Can waypoints be loaded into the Nav system

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I currently use a Garmin Nuvi 3790 for my navigation. I have had it for many years, and have a lot of waypoints saved.

I use Garmin software called Mapsource to manage those waypoints, routes etc.


Does anyone know if I can create waypoints on my computer, and download those onto the Ford Nav system?


And if not, can I manually add them either by address, or by putting in the Lat and Long?




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I think there's a mobile app you can use to enter a destination in Google Maps and send it to the car through Sync, but haven't tried it yet. I think by default mapquest is the only compatible app with MFT.

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I tried using mapquest on my Droid about a year ago, and had terrible results. Not sure I trust it.

But I know I can use lat and long with Google Maps, so that may work.

Will have to play with it and sync.


I just read some topics on Google that Ford doesn't support Google Maps. Very strange. Ford should be trying to keep customers happy, and Sync should support Google Maps, Mapquest, and any others out there.

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There is a Ford Destinations SYNC app. I don't have my car yet, so I cannot tell you if that is what you are asking about for iOS phones.

Edited by shaggy314

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Well I have an iPhone. so yes, any app that will work.

From what I can tell so far, the Ford Nav system is very limited as far as waypoints, routes, etc., and MapQuest is the only software Ford allows.


I would love to hear that something else works. I may end up just using my Garmin, and not use the Ford NAV system if I can't get it to work well.

Plus the fact that you can't operate it by hand when moving. My Garmin will probably do a better job.

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Take the Garmin with, trust me on this, you wont wind up taking a ferry crossing if you have the Garmin, and if you do use the Ford Nav and come across those caution, unknown roads, at least you will have a second helper to steer you along. Thankfully I had my TomTom with me when I went to Florida, and should have just stuck with its trip plan instead of following the EcoRoute with the Ford Nav. Thankfully the Ferry was still running, even though it was a dark stormy night.

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I found Send To Car for iPhone. http://www.ollapp.com/app/send-to-car/iphone


Maybe someone with a FFH and an Iphone can try it out ?..... Please...


I played around with MapQuest, and looks like the mobile app and the web app don't talk to each other, plus, the MapQuest site requires an AOL login?!!!! Really, wasn't that the cartoon chat site from 20 years ago!???? Can't beleive Ford would go with something AOL.


It also apears that you need a seperate login on the mobile app than you use on the website for MapQuest. Seems they must be decades behind in doing mobile apps.


Again, looks like my Garmin will remain on my windshield. Guess my $995.00 Ford NAV system is there just for entertainment.


But we will see, I will give it a try. My kids (teenagers) have eyes on my Garmin. So not sure how that will go down. :)

Anyway, will see how it goes.

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Maybe that is why Ford is looking to have people make APPs for them. :) The built in Nav does have its good features. If you get low on gas it will pop up local gas stations, or hungry, look for food and stuff like that.


I prefer a good old road map though when interstate driving, then again, I was a truck driver for a while and miss reading those big atlas maps.

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My wife has a 2010 Buick LaCrosse to which we can send "trips" from Google Maps or Mapquest. I thought that this would FINALLY give me a way to customize routes on the car's nav system. Well, the feature "worked," in a way, but all that gets transferred is the destination. The in-car nav then calculates it's own route. All my customized routing was lost. Why anyone thinks this feature would be remotely helpful is a mystery to me. I'm hoping that it'll be better implemented in my FFH.

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For customized routing, I hook the TomTom to my PC and load the routing in through that, then I just plug it in and go. Its good to have a spare when you no longer carry a paper map.

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For customized routing, I hook the TomTom to my PC and load the routing in through that, then I just plug it in and go. Its good to have a spare when you no longer carry a paper map.

So what your saying is that you use your Tom Tom and not the Ford NAV ?


Or are you saying you are loading your Tom Tom data into your car NAV somehow ??

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So what your saying is that you use your Tom Tom and not the Ford NAV ?


Or are you saying you are loading your Tom Tom data into your car NAV somehow ??

He's using the TomTom instead of the Ford Nav :)

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He's using the TomTom instead of the Ford Nav :)


I was afraid of that. Guess my Garmin will stay around. But then, I always figured that a Garmin is hard to match.


Why don't car manufactures just pardner with Garmin and get an awesome NAV system ?? Or make that an option.


Plus, would love to use my Yoda voice download in my Garmin in my FFH !! :)

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Guess my Garmin will stay around. But then, I always figured that a Garmin is hard to match.


I bought the MFT Nav so I could have the other associated systems, none of this is unexpected.


My Garmin is in my car too, I have so many custom POI's, waypoints, lifetime maps and traffic that it can't be replaced for trips.

I store it in the car otherwise, under the seat. The power cord fits nicely from the front power outlet to the far left of my dashboard, held in place with black zip ties.

I use the MFT (sound on) and the Garmin (sound off) at the same time when in unfamiliar territory, interesting to see how the two systems compare.

It's nice to have a Nav backup (and a map) too.


Over the years I've watched my relatives and friends with in-car Nav systems struggle with the cost of map updates and things like On-Star.

Most end up with a portable Nav unit, don't use the Nav or sell the car rather than pay for the expensive car manufacturers map prices.

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Agree, I hope and wish car manufacutres would get with the program and get decent NAV. Would be easy to use third party like Garmin who are best at it.

With so much WiFi, how easy to update ?....


Just pull up to StarBucks for your favorite coffee, and your NAV maps get updated.


Easy Easy. Just do it Ford, come on !!!

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So what your saying is that you use your Tom Tom and not the Ford NAV ?


Or are you saying you are loading your Tom Tom data into your car NAV somehow ??

Yes, No.


After the fiasco with the car ferry when going to Florida on a dark stormy night, I will never trust the car nav again. Not once has the TomTom led me astray, provided the address is in the system. Only once did it have me going in circles as the road name and zip were confused. A map update corrected it.

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Reading the Community comments on the MS SYNC website I came across a way to use Mapquest to load a destination to the MFT Nav system.

From the instructions of "American_Coot", I quote:


"The manual is silent on how to download a destination from MapQuest to the Nav system. After three calls to support I now have the answer.

1. Go to MapQuest, enter the destination but do not click select a route.

2. Click the "send" button to the right of the screen in the gray bar just above the map.

3. Select "Synch"

4. Select "Car" The option will not appear if a route has been entered, or even if you just click "get directions".

5. Enter the phone number of a phone that will be accessible via Synch Services - Blue Tooth connection in the car. Don't bother entering the name to be applied, it won't download.

6. Click the send button

7. Go to the car, select the "I" - information option

8. Connect to Services

9 You will be prompted with a request to download the "route" say yes. They call the thing a route but it's only a destination, the nav system in the car calculates the route.

10. After the download you have an option to add to favorites, select it and,if you care to, NOW you can give it a name."


Only MS could make it this complicated...

What was left out was that you have to provide your cars cellphone contact to Mapquest so they can dial your phone linked to your car. Use Mapquest preferences for that.

Anyway, I tried it and it works, basically, as he pointed out, it just sends the address to your MFT Nav which then determines the route directions from your current position, and you save it as a route or a waypoint.

This was twice as much work as just inputting your destination or waypoint directly into the MFT Nav system.


They say it works and it does. Does it work well, no. Control, Alt, Delete.

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I tried it, but there is no send option.

Once I put in an address, my only option is a grey bar with a green GO button.

Nothing above the map except the destination, with an X to clear it out. My Mapquest is on an iPhone so I suppose it's different from what you have maybe.


Either way does sound like too much work compared to a few touches on my Garmin.

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My Mapquest is on an iPhone so I suppose it's different from what you have maybe.


Either way does sound like too much work compared to a few touches on my Garmin.

The following comments on SYNC also said the iPhone App does not work, I used my iMac computer with newest OSX.

My Garmin is in use too.

Edited by GrySql

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I did try "Send to Car" App from my Android table and supposedly you can do this directly on

the web with Google Maps. It did work, but you have to use the Sync Services in the car to

pull down any destinations you created - they of course, don't just show up in your



So it's somewhat limited I guess.


Looks like Google Maps can't send, but I did a quick test with MapQuest just for

a location and it has a "Send to Sync"

Edited by smr2112

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