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Hybrid Titanium ordered... $750 coupon from Ford excludes hybrids??

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I have a Fusion Titanium Hybrid on order since Feb 19th. After spending some time with a Ford cust rep on the site chat, they sent me an email from Ford as well as a brochure in the mail. The email includes a $750 private Cash coupon. But the fine print reads "2011/2012/2013 vehicles: $750 on a Ford or Lincoln vehicle. Not available on hybrids, ... May not combine with other private or commercial offers, owner loyalty and lease renewal programs. A/Z/D Plan ineligible. ... Take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 05/14/2013."

A few things here that called my attention.. Why would they send me a coupon that does not work on hybrids?.. They knew I ordered a hybrid.. Then the note on retail delivery from dealer stock suggests the coupon does not work if you ordered your vechicle?? Any recommendations on what to do to find out whether this coupon is good for my HyTi or not? Any help you guys can provide is greatly appreciated.

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Have your dealer check for it in Vincent and tell you whether or not it applies to the Hybrid. It might still apply, even though the fine print in the e-mail version excludes hybrids. You might also get a printed copy when the brochure arrives, and the fine print might be different.


BTW, I like that May 14th 2013 expiration date!

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Thanks for the hint.

I think by the time my car is delivered that coupon will have expired too! :banghead:


Did yours actually built March 18th?

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Keep asking on the web site for a Fusion brochure they send them out randomly some excluding hybrids some not. Ask for in other names such as your wife or other persons as long as they are living at the same address.


I got 2 in my name and 2 in my wife's name. The ones in my name did not apply to Hybrids but my wife's did apply to hybrids--Go figure?



Also there are a lot of folks whose coupon expired but talked with the dealer and were able to use.

Look for posts about $750 coupon, they are all over the blue oval fusion site.

Edited by cwb1183

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Same here. It's because I had already ordered my car and my name is on the order and my wife's is not.

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Got a new $750 coupon, issued on 3/29 with an expiration date of 5/31! Yes, it does indeed apply to the Hybrid!

Edited by neod192

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Got one as well, but it's incompatible with my competitive lease conquest rebate of $1,000, so I'll stick with that one. My expiration is 5/25.

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Dealer told me yesterday that the $750 Direct Cash coupons if still good at time of order lock in until

the car arrives. He says this is a recent changes by Ford about a year ago.


He couldn't find mine in the computer, but he found my wife's coupon @ same address and

took that. And if you don't have the coupon in hand or have gotten them int he past, they

just look you up on the computer.


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Dealer told me yesterday that the $750 Direct Cash coupons if still good at time of order lock in until

the car arrives. He says this is a recent changes by Ford about a year ago.


He couldn't find mine in the computer, but he found my wife's coupon @ same address and

took that. And if you don't have the coupon in hand or have gotten them int he past, they

just look you up on the computer.

Different dealers = different rules. My dealer wouldn't lock in any rebates/coupons. I'd just get what I have available when I pick up the car. Lucky for me, both the $500 and $750 are available until 5/31 and my car is due Saturday!

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