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miles per gallon

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My wife has seen quite a drop in her town mileage since the cold weather set in here in Minnesota, with more warm up and idling time. But now she's tying a little harder to improve her mileage since I bought a 2006 Escape Hybrid recently and installed a scangauge 2 above the rearview mirror. I have gotten as high as 39.2MPG in town with my 4x4 on the warmer 25-35 degreeF winter days. That's on short 7 mile trips according to the scangauge which is set up for the escape. I have added battery temp and recharge info to the readouts through the xgauge feature. Most of the time I manage 29-33mpg. I know this is kind of off topic for the Fusion but it's because of the Fusion Hybrid that I got the Escape Hybrid.

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Hey, it's a Hybrid, thats all that matters. Good information too.

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I have seen a significant increase in mpg when switching to ethanol-free gasoline (E0); over 5-6 fillups it looks like 3-4 mpg. It's hard to find and more expensive, but pays for itself in additional mileage.


It is a shame is that we all had access to this wonderful fuel until 2007 when the US Congress got in bed with the corn farmers to make this crappy E10 fuel. They actually are paid a subsidy to make it and then force the retailers to sell it. And it takes more energy to produce a gallon of E10 than is contained in the product. Not to mention it absorbs water and will separate out in 60 days if not used. And now they want to force E15 down our throats, resistance be damned.

Edited by Shadetree

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It is a shame is that we all had access to this wonderful fuel until 2007 when the US Congress got in bed with the corn farmers to make this crappy E10 fuel. They actually are paid a subsidy to make it and then force the retailers to sell it. And it takes more energy to produce a gallon of E10 than is contained in the product.


You forgot about the part of raising corn prices so the millions of folks in Central/South America whose corn tortillas are now more expensive... I bet they are big fans of ethanol too.

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I must have gotten a lemon. First 3 tanks 31.1 mpg. I have gotten it up to 36 this tank but not what it should. I only just turned 1100 miles so she is still pretty new. Very dissapointed in the mileage and how you have to drive to get it. Just call me grampa Mark. LOL I sure hope when the weather warms up a bit that will help.

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