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Question about the 'save song' feature for satellite radio

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Hi everyone......


I've got an '11 SEL equipped with the premium stereo, and the Sirius six month trial. I've noticed that certain songs on certain satellite channels are able to be saved, but others aren't. It will say "cannot save". I'm clueless as to why this is. Anyone have an answer????



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I thought the song save feature was only in Sirius, so HD wouldn't have anything to do with it?

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im in the same boat musicman...2011 SEL premium stereo some songs will savfe and some wont. on top of that, a) is there a way to find out how many songs are able to be saved? and B) why do they only give the option to delete every saved song instead of being able to delete certain ones?? still trying to find answers...im gonna call sirius tmw...will post any info i find out

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Hi Slojay......you can save up to 20 songs, and once you get to 20 it'll start asking to replace songs etc.....And you do have the ability to delete individual songs


While in satellite radio mode:


-Song seek menu

-Delete a song

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