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Turn off creep?

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Is there a way to turn off creep? (Creep meaning forward movement without using the throttle)


I prefer keeping my foot off the brake, when at stop lights, and not always have to turn the rotary dial into Neutral).

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Nope, but you could always pull the electric parking brake on.

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If I don't want to keep my foot on the brake, I put the transmission into Park. So, either Neutral, Park, parking brake, or keep your foot on the brake pedal. Those are the options.

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21 hours ago, MeeLee said:

Is there a way to turn off creep? (Creep meaning forward movement without using the throttle)


I prefer keeping my foot off the brake, when at stop lights, and not always have to turn the rotary dial into Neutral).

As has been noted, the options are a few.  However, it is not smart to have your foot off the brake at lights.  What if someone slams you from behind ... you will end up in the ass end of the vehicle in front of you - or the middle of the intersection.


It really is best to keep the brake in action to prevent things like this.  And they do happen ... my late wife was in a chain-reaction when a drunk woman plowed into the car 3 spots behind her.  She had her foot on the brake.  The back of our car got a bit of damage, but nothing up front.

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It's also not smart to have your foot on the brake when having it on the gas could save you...

There's no say at what the right response is in every situation. 

I just want to know if creep can be disabled.

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Ford is slowly introducing auto-hold on it's newer models (I think the Hybrid MKZ might have had it), but the FFH doesn't have it, so there is no automatic solution for what you're looking for.

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On 3/17/2021 at 9:31 AM, Waldo said:

Nope, but you could always pull the electric parking brake on.

Apparently this is a very bad suggestion! 

My 2019 FFH still uses creep, which means now the electric motor is still trying to push forward the car, with the brakes on.

Not only do I lose power like crazy, the motor also heats up!

Unlike the regular brake, where the motor cuts out, using the parking brake is really not recommended. It's a ffh design flaw!

You know because the rear of the car comes up as you pit the car into D with parking brake on, or, the rear goes down once you shift into N with the parking brake.


I think the ecu isn't programmed to cut power to the motor when on parking brake.

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All automatic cars have this.  There's no such thing as "creep"  What?  It's called IDLE SPEED and it is normal.   You have to keep your foot on the brake at the light by law, in my state, I believe in case you get rear ended and forced into cross traffic.  They taught us that in driver's ed and I had a pretty good 4 or 5 week course.  People also need to see your brake lights when you're stopped.

Edited by Sky14FFH

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2 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

All automatic cars have this.  What?  You have to keep your foot on the brake at the light by law I believe in case you get rear ended and forced into cross traffic.  They taught us that in driver's ed and I had a pretty good 4 or 5 week course.  People also need to see your brake lights when you're stopped.

No, it's not a requirement. There's no where that it states that you'd have to put your foot on the brake at an intersection.

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Even if it's not a requirement it is a safe practice to follow and just about everyone does it.  It can and does happen.  You're also endangering those behind you without brake lights on.  Damn it can't the new generation just drive safely FFSs?

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Not true. My method saved me lots of expensive $$$ last week.

Stopped at a stop light, a guy behind me hit me.

Got off with a paint scratch.

I do believe the car did brake though (probably collision assist)

Had I stepped on my brake, the rear bumper would have needed replacement. In neutral, most of the energy was absorbed by rolling forwards a few feet.

Edited by MeeLee

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That's not how physics works.  If you were at a dead stop, it would have made no difference to the damage the impact caused whether you had your foot on the brake or not.  The impact is still the same.  So will the damage be.

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11 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

That's not how physics works.  If you were at a dead stop, it would have made no difference to the damage the impact caused whether you had your foot on the brake or not.  The impact is still the same.  So will the damage be.

Not always true!

The accident was a relatively low speed accident. Had it been a high speed impact, you may have been right.


Some of the energy escaped by pushing the car forward a few feet in neutral, before collision assist kicked in. Had I held my brake pedal, the car wouldn't have rolled forward (by much) at all, and all the impact would have been taken by the bumper, with a broken bumper, and possibly deflated airbags.


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17 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

That's not how physics works.  If you were at a dead stop, it would have made no difference to the damage the impact caused whether you had your foot on the brake or not.  The impact is still the same.  So will the damage be.


Actually, that is exactly how physics works.

Edited by Waldo

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No it would be exactly the same. The airbags only inflate in a very high impact.  I rear ended someone once pretty hard in another car and the airbags still didn't go off.  My bumper was damaged though.  Please just stop. You're endangering yourself and others by not keeping your foot on the brake.

" before collision assist kicked in. "  Ugh "collision assist" is KEEPING YOUR FOOT ON THE BRAKE.

Edited by Sky14FFH

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18 hours ago, MeeLee said:

Not true. My method saved me lots of expensive $$$ last week.

Stopped at a stop light, a guy behind me hit me.

And goddamnit! You were hit from behind probably because like I said you didn't have your brake lights on!  If you had your foot on the brake You would NOT have been hit from behind.  I WARNED YOU OF THIS and you didn't learn from it!  So you not only caused damage to yourself you endangered the other driver.  I hope a cop catches you pulling this crap because that's what you deserve right now.

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9 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

And goddamnit! You were hit from behind probably because like I said you didn't have your brake lights on!  If you had your foot on the brake You would NOT have been hit from behind.  I WARNED YOU OF THIS and you didn't learn from it!  So you not only caused damage to yourself you endangered the other driver.  I hope a cop catches you pulling this crap because that's what you deserve right now.

And again, you're totally wrong!

First of all, it was broad daylight. We all were stopped, including the car behind me.

It was his car that started to creep forward, as the driver was looking around for some toy the dog had dropped under the pedals.

You see, he relied on his brakes too much at stop lights because of creep, and it ended up being the cause of the accident!

Had the guy been in neutral, like me, and like it should be, even with an automatic, the accident would have never happened!


Before you make bold assumptions, please make sure you thoroughly understand what you're talking about?

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No Meelee you're wrong.  Doesn't matter if it was daylight.  Your story is made up.  The driver didn't know you were stopped because your brake lights weren't on. Wish I'd been there because I'd have told the cop to write you a ticket.  Some criminals do this trick.  It almost happened to me once. They had deliberately disabled the brake lights and then were slamming on the brakes to collect insurance money.  This happened because your foot was not on the brake.  What problem do you have with holding on the brake? People like you are a menace on the road.  Gonna ignore you now because you're obviously ridiculous.

Edited by Sky14FFH

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14 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

No Meelee you're wrong.  Doesn't matter if it was daylight.  Your story is made up.  The driver didn't know you were stopped because your brake lights weren't on. Wish I'd been there because I'd have told the cop to write you a ticket.  Some criminals do this trick.  It almost happened to me once. They had deliberately disabled the brake lights and then were slamming on the brakes to collect insurance money.  This happened because your foot was not on the brake.  What problem do you have with holding on the brake? People like you are a menace on the road.  Gonna ignore you now because you're obviously ridiculous.

NO, in fact you are wrong and i dont know what book of bullshit you are reading but there is no statute (in my state anyway) that requires an individual to hold their foot upon the brake and have the rear light of the vehicle illuminated!

The only thing you are required to do at specifically a red light is stop behind the solid line and yeild right of way until the signal deems that you can then proceed into the intersection.

So you and others here need to stop relaying old wives tales and start using some common sense.

If you want proof, here it is:


Specifically Section 265:10 (III)

And from the State issued Drivers Manual https://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/dmv/forms/documents/nhdm.pdf

Drivers should not rely on other road users to
obey traffic control signals or signs. Drivers
should always be prepared to avoid a collision.


So go write yourself a ticket or go take the driving course AGAIN

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Oh....my....God!  It is not an "old wives tale."  (That's not even an appropriate metaphor!)  It is a common instruction in PROPER driver's education programs. If you want to be LESS safe and endanger others then GO RIGHT AHEAD. It's no wonder society is declining.  Your idiotic generation is taking over.  If the drivers behind you cannot see your brake lights they do not know you are stopping or stopped  It's common FREAKING SENSE!  Close calls like this happen ALL THE TIME especially on four or more lane roads.  And your citation says NOTHING.....NOTHING!  about holding the brake on while stopped at a light.  However, that is WHY brake lights are REQUIRED on cars to indicate that you have BRAKED, OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!  This EXACTLY why you can be pulled over and ticketed when one of your brake lights are out.  If you are not using ANY of your brake lights while stopping or stopped you SHOULD be ticketed for each of the three lights that fail to illuminate.


Here IS a citation that states exactly what I am saying.  https://www.oregon.gov/odot/DMV/Pages/Online_Manual/Study-Section_7.aspx

Communicating With Other Drivers

Crashes often occur when one driver does not see another vehicle or a driver does something unexpected [like not holding your foot on the brake when stopped at a light!]. You can let other drivers know what you plan to do or where you are by:


  • Signaling before changing direction or lanes.
  • Using your brake lights to indicate you are slowing or stopping.
  • Turning on your headlights.
  • Using your horn as a reasonable warning.
  • Using your hazard lights when needed.

If I can recall these are exactly, if not very similar, to the rules they had laid out in my state in the driver's handbook.  It's pretty universal.

Edited by Sky14FFH

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2 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

Oh....my....God!  It is not an "old wives tale."  (That's not even an appropriate metaphor!)  It is a common instruction in PROPER driver's education programs. If you want to be LESS safe and endanger others then GO RIGHT AHEAD. It's no wonder society is declining.  Your idiotic generation is taking over.  If the drivers behind you cannot see your brake lights they do not know you are stopping or stopped  It's common FREAKING SENSE!  Close calls like this happen ALL THE TIME especially on four or more lane roads.  And your citation says NOTHING.....NOTHING!  about holding the brake on while stopped at a light.  However, that is WHY brake lights are REQUIRED on cars to indicate that you have BRAKED, OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!  This EXACTLY why you can be pulled over and ticketed when one of your brake lights are out.  If you are not using ANY of your brake lights while stopping or stopped you SHOULD be ticketed for each of the three lights that fail to illuminate.


Here IS a citation that states exactly what I am saying.  https://www.oregon.gov/odot/DMV/Pages/Online_Manual/Study-Section_7.aspx

Communicating With Other Drivers

Crashes often occur when one driver does not see another vehicle or a driver does something unexpected [like not holding your foot on the brake when stopped at a light!]. You can let other drivers know what you plan to do or where you are by:


  • Signaling before changing direction or lanes.
  • Using your brake lights to indicate you are slowing or stopping.
  • Turning on your headlights.
  • Using your horn as a reasonable warning.
  • Using your hazard lights when needed.

I am SO tickled this is still grinding on.  Coming home from the restaurant I had to dodge a bit of mayhem on the road.


Seems 3 vehicles were in a rear-ender.  According to a witness, the first car hit did not have brake lights.  You would think the vehicle hitting them would get ticketed, right?  Nope.  The car with no brake lights was ticketed as causing the accident since the approaching driver had no knowledge of their stopped condition.  This no-light situation CAN cause grief.


In essence, this quoted snippet above holds true in NY - Drivers Ed. and Defensive Driving courses.  Obviously it also holds true in accident situations locally at least.  Sometimes the cops around here are really, really on the ball.  Which brings me to MY pet peeve - stopping distances.


Do you come to a stop nice and close to the vehicle in front or do you sit back a decent space?  If the former, incidents like a rear-ender that involve you have a good chance of shoving you into the rear of the vehicle in front.  Defensive Driving course I've taken advise stopping far enough back to see the contact patch of the rear tires of the vehicle in front.  With your foot on the brake, should you get hit in the back, you have a damn good chance of NOT getting shoved into the trunk or pickup bed ahead of you.


There ... now I've given y'all another "let's avoid common sense and courtesy" topic!  Aren't I nice?


Edited by Cobra348

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5 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

Oh....my....God!  It is not an "old wives tale."  (That's not even an appropriate metaphor!)  It is a common instruction in PROPER driver's education programs. If you want to be LESS safe and endanger others then GO RIGHT AHEAD. It's no wonder society is declining.  Your idiotic generation is taking over.  If the drivers behind you cannot see your brake lights they do not know you are stopping or stopped  It's common FREAKING SENSE!  Close calls like this happen ALL THE TIME especially on four or more lane roads.  And your citation says NOTHING.....NOTHING!  about holding the brake on while stopped at a light.  However, that is WHY brake lights are REQUIRED on cars to indicate that you have BRAKED, OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!  This EXACTLY why you can be pulled over and ticketed when one of your brake lights are out.  If you are not using ANY of your brake lights while stopping or stopped you SHOULD be ticketed for each of the three lights that fail to illuminate.


Here IS a citation that states exactly what I am saying.  https://www.oregon.gov/odot/DMV/Pages/Online_Manual/Study-Section_7.aspx

Communicating With Other Drivers

Crashes often occur when one driver does not see another vehicle or a driver does something unexpected [like not holding your foot on the brake when stopped at a light!]. You can let other drivers know what you plan to do or where you are by:


  • Signaling before changing direction or lanes.
  • Using your brake lights to indicate you are slowing or stopping.
  • Turning on your headlights.
  • Using your horn as a reasonable warning.
  • Using your hazard lights when needed.

Your "citation" mentions NOTHING of being required to hold your foot upon the brake to illuminate the rear lights when stopped at a traffic light so again stop feeding people misinformation. I cant believe you try to provide information and its not even fucking in the link provided.

Stop laying blame on others for your lack of observation. If your relying on another vehicles brake lights to determine if you should stop at a traffic lighted intersection which more than likely has more indications than the 2 on the rear of a vehicle in front of you, im sorry but youre a fucking idiot!!!!

fyi (but its pointless for you) slowing or stopping doesnt mean stopped

fyi, im 42 so what generation are you speaking too?

fyi again go fuck yourself

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18 hours ago, Cobra348 said:

I am SO tickled this is still grinding on.  Coming home from the restaurant I had to dodge a bit of mayhem on the road.

Do you come to a stop nice and close to the vehicle in front or do you sit back a decent space?  If the former, incidents like a rear-ender that involve you have a good chance of shoving you into the rear of the vehicle in front.  Defensive Driving course I've taken advise stopping far enough back to see the contact patch of the rear tires of the vehicle in front.  With your foot on the brake, should you get hit in the back, you have a damn good chance of NOT getting shoved into the trunk or pickup bed ahead of you.


There ... now I've given y'all another "let's avoid common sense and courtesy" topic!  Aren't I nice?


Yes thanks for the even added advice.  That actually happened to me once when I was about 19, I was rear ended from behind by someone who had been rear ended into me by a big van that ran off, it was icy conditions though.  I got shoved into the car in front of me but only lightly and the guy didn't care.  He was the one who had to stop abruptly because some guy turned swiftly into a Denny's without signalling and had braked hard.  I was able to stop in time because I follow far enough behind (even at age 19!) but the van who hit the lady behind me was obviously too close, uninsured and didn't have adequate brakes.  The tailgaters are really driving me nuts these days too.  I try to follow the "old wives tale" [sic] of following 2 seconds behind the car on front in DRY conditions and if someone is tailgating me I ease off the gas until they ease off.   I am not so sure "tickled" is the word I'd give it because any one of us could be in an accident with these neo-idiots on the road.  What's going on, are they getting mercury poisoning or something from the sushi they are eating?  Or reading garbage on the internet causing them to adopt these new idiotic behaviors?  These days I am driving so defensively I am just chillen.  Think I'll take on e f those courses to see if my insurance will drop even more and get any new tips.

Edited by Sky14FFH

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14 hours ago, eisbaer said:

Your "citation" mentions NOTHING of being required to hold your foot

This is unreal.  I mean just the level.....   Just STFU you menace and I am just glad not to be one of the victims to share the road with your ilk in your city.  You're an idiot.  You're improperly educated on how to drive and you need to go back to a driving course.  Like Cobra said, COPS will ticket the people failing to use their brake lights.  I've got to get a dash cam because idiots like you are on the road.  Before long it is going to be like Russia out there.


14 hours ago, eisbaer said:

so again stop feeding people misinformation

OMG You are a moron!  It's not "misinformation".  It's common knowledge! It's IN THE LINK.  I double checked.   Seriously how do you even have a driver's license?  Are you trolling?  42??? You act like you're 22 or maybe you have premature cognitive decline. Grow the hell up or get a proper driver's education. 


This reminds me of this redneck punk in a jeep that was swerving around through traffic and tailgating people. I became one of his victims.  He actually had a kid in the back seat!  It is unbelievable how off base and out of control so many idiots are these days.


" fyi (but its pointless for you) slowing or stopping doesnt mean stopped "

FYI that's called "splitting hairs" and is totally irrelevant.  STOPPED is the end result of slowing or stopping but it is pointless to you because you're like an automaton and cannot infer such a thing, UNLIKE EVERYONE ELSE. You have to be programmed with EXACT instructions to know how to behave properly.


So I'm curious eisbaer, playing devil's advocate,  can you find for me where it says specifically that are supposed to drive on the right side of the road?  And if you cannot find it are going to start driving on the left as an extra challenge, you know, just because you're feeling like Logan Paul, or one of those other airheads, and you just gotta challenge the norms right?

Edited by Sky14FFH

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