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Tire Mobility Kit Message

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“Service Tire Mobility Kit” is the message that won’t go away from the left panel of the dash. I’ve replaced the canister in the kit and thought that would miraculously do the trick, but no. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get rid of the message?


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It is a timed reference that can be reset in the Vehicle menu on the instrument cluster

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Thanks. I must have missed it when I was going through things this AM. I’ll check Vehicle menu more closely.


Later..... there it was buried down in there. Thanks for your help in relieving my pain.

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1 hour ago, 3clusterliver9 said:

Thanks. I must have missed it when I was going through things this AM. I’ll check Vehicle menu more closely.


Later..... there it was buried down in there. Thanks for your help in relieving my pain.

<chuckle>  One thing I learned here when I was waiting for my first FFH was to take the time to explore ALL the screens - dash and SYNC.  Find out about everything and where preferences could be set note what you want.  Then go back and set the preferences.


TBH I thought "what a crock" ... until I saw all the screens.  Spent a couple hours looking at and fiddling with everything.  Made transition to later models quite easy.

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I was a good little doobee when I bought our FFH in late ‘15 and read everything I could find. Then I sat in the car for about an hour and a half going through all the screens. I was amazed at all the menus and sub menus available. Since then I’ve thought of this beauty as a computer on wheels. What a joy!

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The owner's manual is your friend you know.  My girlfriend found the answer while I pumped gas.  It's based on a timer (that can be reset like the oil life monitor) not on any radio frequency thing coming from the canister.  It's a really annoying computer on wheels.  I'd rather have no computers at all.  No screens, no glittery things for the pigeons and no endless menus to dig through taking your eye off the road.  For example, why can't I see the tachometer, temperature, and "empower" power usage monitor all at the same time?  What good are friggin leaves growing? 


I bought a 2nd hand spare tire for about $40 from a non hybrid fusion in great condition plus the jack kit/styrofoamc mounting set up from another salvage yard for $25 in not so great condition (must have been sitting out in the elements) cleaned it up and they mounted perfectly.   Just didn't feel secure without it even though I've never needed to use a spare tire. 


I never got a new canister of tire goo.  I've read once you use that your tire is destroyed and cannot be repaired.  The pump sits on my workbench.  I had it wrapped in bubble wrap and left it in the small battery compartment but grew concerned when my battery started to get low this winter.   I prefer just to keep my eye on things and pay attention.  I actually did get a screw once in my tire and heard/felt it while driving on a smooth patch of asphalt assuming it was a rock and inspected it.  Immediately drove it back to Costco before it got flat where I got the tires and got it repaired for free.  This was last summer.  The new ways aren't better than the old ways. In fact they suck wet dog fur.  I bought a quality bike tire pump to keep the tires topped off and it was the absolutely best "investment" I got for tire maintenance.  No more hunting around for gas stations that still have free air.  I HATE the tire pressure monitoring thing for idiots that just costs us more in the long run.

Edited by Sky14FFH

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2 hours ago, Sky14FFH said:

< ... snip #1 ... >I bought a 2nd hand spare tire for about $40 from a non hybrid fusion in great condition plus the jack kit/styrofoamc mounting set up from another salvage yard for $25 in not so great condition (must have been sitting out in the elements) cleaned it up and they mounted perfectly.   Just didn't feel secure without it even though I've never needed to use a spare tire. 


< ... snip #2 ...>  I've read once you use that your tire is destroyed and cannot be repaired.  The pump sits on my workbench.  I had it wrapped in bubble wrap and left it in the small battery compartment but grew concerned when my battery started to get low this winter.   I prefer just to keep my eye on things and pay attention.  I actually did get a screw once in my tire and heard/felt it while driving on a smooth patch of asphalt assuming it was a rock and inspected it.  Immediately drove it back to Costco before it got flat where I got the tires and got it repaired for free.  This was last summer.  The new ways aren't better than the old ways. In fact they suck wet dog fur.  I bought a quality bike tire pump to keep the tires topped off and it was the absolutely best "investment" I got for tire maintenance.  No more hunting around for gas stations that still have free air.  I HATE the tire pressure monitoring thing for idiots that just costs us more in the long run.

Snip #1 - Regarding spare tire ... when I ordered my '15 I got the required parts new from Ford and TireRack (tread).  It was pricey but we have no decent salvage yards within 30 miles of where I live.  If you go salvage/used/second-hand, get any 2013+ gas Fusion spare and all the parts for it (assembly cone, jack, wrench).  It'll fit into the well in place of the mobility kit and you can use the holddown bolt and screwcap.


But not on a '20 (dunno on '19).  Why not?  Because they changed the size of the mount for the assembly unit and changed the screws that hold the HVB cover on/together.  Result is even if you hone out the area to mount things, the screws will interfere wit the tire seating properly in the well.  If you want to remove the screws I suggest keeping them ... but leaving them in will either puncture the tire (if you force things) or prevent proper installation.


Snip #2 - I would rather pay for a wrecker to get my car to the shop than put that crap into my tire.  One, if it is a simple screw as you experienced, it may be patchable - and if not a pro-rated replacement is fine.  The goop is no good on sidewall blowouts ... period.  It sets up like concrete in the tire if you use it AND destroys the TPMS sensor for that wheel.  So you are out a tire AND sensor - added expense.  Common sense and my Goodyear Manager tell me that. <chuckle>


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