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MPG seems to have increased

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2015 FFH. My displayed mpg for my usual suburban driving has been in the 47s. However, lately it seems to have increased to 49-50. I remember at my last 10K service (early August) the dealer used full synthetic oil (0w15) instead of the previous synthetic blend 5w15. Might that be the difference?

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Personally I would think it to be negligible but it seems that it can be a possibility at the expense of engine durability.

But there may be other factors at play. I remember my Honda CT110 wold be a beast* on a colder autumn morning because of the increased density of the cooler air over a warmer summer day.

*beast is also negligible terminology

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0W15?  Do you mean 0W20?  I've always used 0W20 full synthetic in mine, but I don't think the difference would be more than a few tenths of a MPG.  More likely just the cooler temps and less use of the A/C.

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