502A with premium floor mats as well as all weather floor mats. MSRP-- $32,745 Invoice-- $30334.14 X plan--- $30487.80 D Plan-- $29395.14 A & Z Plan--$29295.14 Dealer makes a flat $1800 from Ford for A & Z Plan and cannot pass any of that along to the customer nor can they charge any other fees with the sale. D Plan is what dealership employees can purchase for and cannot pass along to others since Ford is subsidizing part of the sale. Anything below this Invoice number and the Dealership does not make money, only the salesperson gets his commission and the Delarship can pay its overhead and finance bills but would not make extra money unless their total sales for the month met their Ford Motor Company goals then as much as $900 could be realized. The extra money is often why the end of the month might entice them to go low so as to meet their goals.