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Fusion Hybrid Member
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Everything posted by mikeN

  1. Does anyone know if ford is planning on adding myFord touch to the fusion? i likey... it looks cool and i dont care if it works well, as long as it looks cool My Ford Touch
  2. I have had some hid lights installed for some time. When it got cold (30f) my light were having problems. They started flikering and ended up shutting off. After a while, I'm guessing once the car got warmed up they stayed on. Then it got warm and they have been fine. Now we just had a cold front and it's back in the 30s and my lights again are flickering. I have a wire harness and read that the flickering is because they don't have enough power. Also they tend to start flicking once I shift gears or when my doors lock. Or when I turn off the tart defroster. Could bumping up the light fuse? Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Dont judge me!!! Where is the fuse box on the 2010 sport? Says it's under the stearing wheel left of the brake paddel. This is my first car and I am used to trucks so :P
  4. I was looking for a HID kit for my 2010 fusion but was hearing that I I get the wrong balast it will cause problems. So being that what should I get. Thanks
  5. Share a email i got from Ford Dealer in Dallas "Mike, As it stands right now , Ford is hammering out the procedures for adding a factory Nav unit for the Fusion. They are in the process, but there are still a few kinks that need to be ironed to insure proper operation. I will inform you when the upgrade is available." 2010 Model
  6. Also wanting to know if you can do that... i want the auto ac panel.
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