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About johnnyp12

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  1. You can get a kit for like $100 for the fog lights. (this one seems good) As for cornering control, you can enable using Forscan (here's the post). Hope you have already changed your headlights to LED. It's easier in your model year than previous years. I recommend these Hikari's but they have even better ones out now.
  2. I’m sure you’ve tried a 12v disconnect for 3mins.. and are ya having any 12v issues in general? Surprised Forscan doesn’t have single DTC code for you, I have like 4 or 5 that show but ofc don’t trigger a light. Have you tried Engineering Test Mode to check for faults? Perhaps its a non-critical park assist issue? (Noticed the sensors) If all else fails, make sure you get the right Rack (i think the hybrid has a slightly smaller stance then the regular fusion, though they look the same) and aim for a 2016. Goodluck
  3. @VILSIS Great they coverd that, it is a bit unordinary. A tender is a great idea for such low mileage. But be careful about only in town driving, especially in cold months, the engine needs to reach full operating temperature every so often to avoid sludge (check your oil cap). As for the battery, I’m with @2014FordFusionSE there is likely some update that needs to pushed to the BCM or some other module at the dealer.. But for me im just waiting, gathering clues about what to look for with a dying 12v
  4. Hey yall! So does anybody know where the AC evap drain is? I believe mine is clogged, as there’s a bunch of water on the drivers side carpet (front and rear). I’ve been googling it but nobody seems to know where it is. I have looked under the car in the exhaust hump area and under the heat shielding as per some other Ford products, but I can’t find it. Perhaps someone could see where the water drains on their FFH. Pics would be awesome too PS: Make sure you clean the leaves out of the hood
  5. Hello. I’d consider inspecting and possibly tightening suspension components. Someone with a 13 FFH noticed strut problems and tightened the top nut to fix the issue. http://fordfusionhybridforum.com/topic/11698-2013-hybrid-83k-fourth-set-of-tires-rear-tires-wear-first-and-rear-also-wiggles/
  6. Sounds like the rear brakes are dragging or scraping a bit. My fusion had a similar noise at low speeds, but it was less noticeable above 10mph. As you may or may not know this vehicle uses the rear traction brakes more bc of regen in the front... I’ve since replaced my rear brakes with ceramic (@ 110k miles), my front brakes seem fine for now. I’d suggest getting it looked at by the dealer, if you’re still under factory warranty. Or carvanna might be able to help you... It may be possible for a shop to reset the position of the brakes, so they don’t drag, but I’m not totally sure. You could also try taking the toggling the parking brake service mode (youtube it). Also, one time a plastic cup somehow was lodged in inner rim and the braking/wheel mount component. The awful screeching sound was only noticeable when reversing. But I just thought my rear brakes finally took a crap, but my brother went under the car to look and found the culprit a massacred red solo cup.
  7. Well not quite, approaching 125k, but I’ve heard the horror stories of bearing failures. Anywho, other eCVT fluids are changed every 60k, from Prius to our closest cousin the Escape hybrid (which uses Mercon LV). I think I will err on the side of caution and change it asap
  8. So I’m trying to get my CVT fluid changed and the dealer quoted me $262, before tax . I asked the woman why it was so much and she said they changed the recipe, apparently in addition to Merton LV they also use some sort of additive I think she said BG MOA additive... What are you all paying for these fluid changes? Was an additive used? Definitely will be doing the fluid change myself.
  9. Oh yeah, mine is totally split. Its kind of a cheap rubber, Ford take note! The drivers seal should be reinforced.... I like the tape idea! Some black duct tape just on the bottom part would be perf.
  10. Congratulations and welcome! This car is pretty great! A few things I’ve learned over my ownership: -Try to get threw the owners manual, it’s important to know things like: HVB disconnect, jump points, dead battery entry/start. I guarantee you’ll find something you didn’t know. -Fiddle with your display modes, like turning off instant fuel economy on the Empower screen, it will show you more threshold. -The stock headlights are kind of tragic, I took off my bumper (should be ez access for ur car) and changed them with some “Lighting Dark” H11 LED. They work perf -Warmer months = AC = lower mpg.. Set auto climate control, dont just put on max AC all the time.
  11. The highway is of course not the most efficient place for a hybrid, as the only thing recharging the battery is the small generator motor that usually runs when the engine is on. Versus, a stoplight every couple miles to capture regenerative braking. In my experience, the cruise control isn’t that great at switching to EV mode, so I try to be mindful of battery level, upcoming hills, etc. If you know the throttle to be within EV threshold, you can do a cancel followed by a resume. You can go like 84mph in EV mode, not for very long though ... But of course the EV motor will assist the engine with propulsion periodically depending on battery level, throttle position, etc. 35-40 mpg depending on speed.
  12. I just had to change my rear brakes on my 14 FFH. I just hit 90k. I was trying my best to have them last longer by engine braking every now and then. When I was changing them I noticed my rear wheel bearings are getting quite worn, my brother said they'll need replacing soon. The wheels don't move as easy as they once did. I think this is contributing to my 38mpg.
  13. It sounds to me that it could be a wiring or ground issue. I've heard of problems like this if the wiring or ground isnt correctly connected. Does this happen on the highway only? I'd try: Disconnect the 12v batt and let it sit for a few mins. (You'll loose your saved stuff and EV+ saved points) Check your fuses (read the owners manual to find what system may be causing the most trouble) PS it would be supper helpful if we knew what they codes were (this helps other FFH owners too)
  14. So on a regular fusion se the right steering wheel dpad controls the sync system. The same as the dpad bellow the sync screen. But I have the hybrid, so we get the dual LCD screen in the instrument panel which is super. But on an SE the only thing I get on my right screen is a compass or efficiency leaves! It's literally useless! So my right dpad is never used because who needs a compass. Does anyone know if it is possible to change the right dpad to control the sync system? It really should just be a setting in the car menu. But it may just be a matter of unplugging something (near the fuses) and plugging it into something else. Any thoughts
  15. Hey guys so on today on this boring sunday I decided to take my front grill fasia off and have a look at these shutters. Before that I decided to just prop them open for summer, so I removed the plastic over the top of the shutters and I secured a rubber band to the top of the central shutter bar. This didn't last long and it prompted me to fix it myself. I watched a YouTube video, grabbed some tools, and ramped it. It was a pain in the ass to get the bumper off but with some help of my brother who is basically a mechanic, we did it. Then we had to remove every completely misaligned shutter off and re attach. It took a min but eventually everything lined up. Plugged the connectors for the shutter system up and started it up. Everything is working perfect now. You can all rest assured that my shutters are opening and closing exactly how they should now! Thanks! Something to note: this system is designed to not be used if intended. You can disconnect the shutter motor and place the derelict cable into a convenient dummy connector that Ford designed. So, no warnings will be triggered if the system is faulty or unplugged.
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