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Everything posted by Geremy13

  1. "Vehicle Not In Park"???? Message on Dash OK,,, I have a question. I am into 1 month owning the car and have 2000 miles on it now. So... just in the last day or two. When I get into the car and back it out of the garage... it reports to me "Vehicle Not In Park"... Well of course ,,, I am driving it.... So I clear the message with the "OK"... and then maybe pull forward abit and it still reports "Vehicle Not In Park"???? As I back up out of the driveway it reminds me again "Vehicle Not In Park"???? Seems to go away as I drive off to work.... does anyone know what this means? Never seen it before until the last 2 days........
  2. Finished my tank test......... Got the best MPG yet! Tank of gas... No A/C..... 90% highway at 55MPH at Eco Cruise,,, never exceeding 2000RPM.......... = 46.9MPG on this entire tank. Almost joined the 500 mile club. Very excited.... raised my lifetime almost a mile per gallon..... closing in on 40MPG lifetime. However, this was a test and I will return to using the A/C so that I can drive in comfort without my head out the window to get a little relief. Am really curious how the MPG will be affected at 20-30 degrees outside and how the heating works. Have never had the heat on this car yet. NOW,,, does anybody know how the heat works on our car? I have learned that the A/C depends on an electric compressor that is questionably effecient.. BUT, I wonder how the heating works in this car. Obviously our other cars depend on the water temp of the ICE.... however, does this car have some special kind of 'Heater Core'?... Electric? or is it normal like a regular car.
  3. Excellent Idea!!! .... I've been curious and was going to just put a box behind the car and see if it would stop.... but now I'm going to use your Ex-wife..... because this Car is so Smart that it might realize that it's just a box and won't stop.... but your Ex-Wife would be the true test. Of course, she will have to sign a waiver and disclaimer, and as a precaution we will get a short term life insurance policy with myself being the beneficiary. Oh,,, if you want in on this send me a PM.......
  4. WOW,,, thanks for the input. So, what are you suggesting? To accomplish this task.. Should I stand behind the car or the wife. We are concerned that flipping the quarter might end up with one of being hurt. Obviously I will be hurt either way..... BUT... I do see that when someone gets really close to the car that it shows up on the backup screen in the RED area and the sounds beep much faster............
  5. Does My Car Stop by Itself when I'm Backing Up?.... I have the backup camera and BLIS and warnings when someone is walking behind my car. Will it STOP all by itself if I'm going to hit them? Me and the wife were wondering about this ..... And so as an experiment I asked her to stand behind the car and I will slowly backup the car until it stops by itself!.... But then,,, just then,,,, it occurred to us... what if the car mal-functions and doesn't stop the car like it's suppose to. Then we traded places a few times and then we thought,,, what if it doesn't even come with this feature........ Therefore, the question. Does My Car Stop by Itself when I'm Backing Up?....
  6. WOW,,, very interesting. I need to go check out my steering column now to make sure it exists..... and then drive around the block.... shut off my car while it's coasting... and see if I can still control it......... Good Stuff!
  7. Excellent Explaination!.... Thank you so much... I will have my mechanic friend look again and show him what he does not know!! .... and then offer him a beer...... ;)
  8. This is a great question. I too am wondering what the best practice would be. For me I have almost 2000 miles on my car and I would say that it has very rarely been over 2000RPM.... (1st thing I did to put tachometer on MY View.) Anyways, some companies say baby it the first 500 and then change the oil.... others say drive it crazy 5000 RPM for the first miles to get the motor broke in properly for it's 200,000 mile lifetime...... So what do others recommend.... what is our proper break in period? Or not?
  9. Our Steering Wheel Is Not Connected To The Wheels...??? So as I am enjoying our new car I am seeing that there is NO steering shaft connected directly from the steering wheel to the gear box at the wheels...... My mechanic friend explained to me that it's all electronically controlled....... NO actual mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the front wheels.... WHAT? OK,, so I'm old school. This is exactly what I have mounted in front of my computer for playing racing games? Yes, but when my computer crashes the wheel just turns and turns and does nothing.... and so I get up and go pee and grab another beer. But what will happen when the same thing happens to my new computerized car? I guess I will still go pee (involuntarily) and grab that last beer before I meet God. Can anyone help explain? I am completely curious how all of this works!......
  10. Settings: AC set to Auto and at 74 degrees...... AVG temp last since I purchased the car (4 weeks) = 80 to 90 degrees. It's been nice outside but a little warm in a Black car so I have used the AC.... except for testing this last week. Remarkable difference without the AC. Curious what impact the MPG will have on our cold winters. I agree, my wife won't put up without luxury (since she knows how much the car payment is..)... I would be perfectly happy with 43-49 too! But I can ONLY get that with the AC OFF.... BUT!!,,, it does show hope for my car. I had one of my mechanic buddies show me where this new fangled electric only compresssor is.... and ,, when I was younger I would just go to the junk yard and pick one up for $40 or so...... he said it's probably over $1000 for this one. Damn! I set ours on 74 too! but I am experimenting right now and trying to do a tank with minimal AC to see what I can get. I feel for you guys in Texas. I remember last summer was brutal for you. Here in Indiana we have a different kind of problem.. while it rarely gets to 100, it still does sometimes. And I ask the wife how we can live in a place that get's so stinking HOT (90+) and also get to stinkiing COLD (20 or below). Today I did another long test of 52 miles, opened the windows, opened the sunroof, and convinced myself that I bought a convertible that doesn't have AC.... got 45MPG! Yeah!!
  11. I have learned that I can hit the 40+ mark if I just don't use the A/C..... So I am sure that my car can perform. (Or has potential)......... I am surprised at how much the A/C is affecting my MPG..... If I don't use it I can gain 10MPG.. on short trips,(3 miles of so),,,,,, and at least 7MPG on long trips... (more than 10 miles). Using it as a normal Hybrid (20 miles below the speed limit ;) ).... I get 36MPG....... I'm very happy with the car..... BUT.... I'm wondering if there is something in my compressor that just isn't right. Might be the same problem for everyone getting less that desired results. Hope this doesn't affect us in our cold winters......
  12. This is a GREAT idea......... If I joined weightwatchers,,, and the wife pushes the car up hills,,, then we will both lose weight and gain another 2MPG by the end of the year! On a serious note: Where do I get this Ski Track thing that can help me graph my driving history.... Thanks, Seriously, Everybody here is a source of great information.
  13. Mainefusion Rocks!.... Your car is excellent and the info that you provide is great as well. So... I have looked all thru the options on MyFordTouch and cannot figure out where the settings are that provide the same info that you provide above.... I did see somewhere in Sirius that it would give me Ski conditions.... (is is there?)... it's 90 degrees outside so I'm not sure where to find it... Help me! ;) OK, so now I'm going to try some of your driving techniques to improve my 36MPG... I have noticed that the EV doesn't really do much until after I get up to 30MPH or so, so I've been using the ICE to get me to that point and then let off and see if I have enough juice for the EV to kick in and take me a little farther.... BUT.. what you just said about torque makes sense... So.... I'm gonna EV it up to 15MPH then kick the ICE in up to 30MPH then let the car decide from there... At that point I will have reached my 3 mile destination. Now for some positive,,, and more information on my car and hopefully others. As you can see I'm at 36MPG.... So today I drove round trip 52.2 miles.... outside temp= 82- 86 deg. ,,, rolled the windows down, raised the sunroof... and travelled in ECO at 55MPH..... Upon arriving home I got 49.8 MPG!!! Yeah!!!! WHOOO....... HOOOOOO!!!! And this ticked my lifetime up 0.2 ticks. I'm going to get my tools out and remove my compressor tonite. Also, I've read that every 100 pounds of luggage or people reduces MPG by 1MPG each. So I joined weighwatchers...... I'm 200 pounds so I should be able to gain another 1MPG by the end of the year.... :dance:
  14. I baby ours as well... and I'm at 36.1 Me at 36.1 lifetime........ I am with these guys.... wishing we were all at 47 or above. It's great that some are getting great MPG. I'm hoping that the update will do us all well.
  15. I like how tclemmer is using a Google spreadsheet and so I'll be doing the same with my results. I also have a 68 mile drive later today and is mostly interstate driving that will allow me to go over 70 mph and I will include those results in my spreadsheet but there wont be anything to compare it to before the update. I hope this info will be helpful to someone. NOTE: The above quote is from corerwh. The quote function didn't work quite properly. But the below is from me. I think that this information IS FANTASTIC!... Whether it be good or bad is GREAT information for all of us to learn from. I myself am learning everyday from this forum and very thankful.
  16. Geremy13

    Zaino How To

    I can't speak for others but here's my experience..... Looks pretty awesome!.. Now remember, I don't wash my cars that often.. haven't used ANY product for years. BUT got this new car for the wife, and decided we shall take care of it. Clay bar'd the brand new car.... Z5'd it twice,,,, Z2'd it twice....... and Z6 it when a slight amount of dust is present or predicted in the forecast. So far I am very pleased. I don't have to wash my car or do anything for another year! :) (Exept put gas in it more often that others that own the same car.)
  17. Still HOPE for my CAR,,,,,, So today had to see a client at 5.1 miles away. 82 degrees outside. Time to leave, hit the button on the remote to lower down all 4 windows from my office. (WOW., it worked and nothing stolen). Left the windows down for the first mile then rolled up the back 2 and opened up the sunroof. (Oh, also, no AC.... just ruffed it with vent only.) temp rising to 86 degrees but wind blowing thru the windows is bearable.) A few stop signs and a few stop lights. Arrive= 43.1 Coming back= 61.3 total trip there and back = 10.2 miles = 52.2MPG.... YEAH!!!! Damn it's hot though........ (also, my tripmeter doesn't actually represent my true tanks of gas MPG.) BUT,,,, it put a smile on my face! Now, tomorrow, I would like to do the same test with my wife in the car to get her used to HOT in the car, no AC.... try to convince her that I want to bring back memories of when we first got married.... Try to duplicate the results... and then, turn the AC on to whatever makes her comfortable and run the same run again. This would definitively establish differences in the AC vs no AC on my long 5.1 mile commutes to clients,,, which is aproximately 46.97% farther than I have to travel to work from home. :)
  18. Geremy13

    Zaino How To

    So here's some fun...... It's Friday night,,,, don't have to work tomorrow..... Z6 the car tonite.... looking sweet!... Decide to Armor All the tires..... stand back and admire my work. Then it starts to RAIN! WTF???? (no clouds in the sky). Pull the car in the garage and dry it off as quickly as possible. (10 min.) Just get finished........ No more RAIN! My car is now ruined! I believe GOD is telling me don't treat the car like it's anything more than a car. Just another one of life's lessons. Lesson Learned!
  19. Very well put..... My REAL numbers are my total miles divided by the actual amount of gas I put in the car. Which is NOT what the tripmeter reports... Interesting.... Hmmmmmm... I wonder why? Wish it was the other way around.
  20. Thank you acdii, I appreciate this forum very much. I am going to put 5000 miles on the car before I get really concerned.. BUT ... most of all I appreciate that YOU as a moderator provide honest information both for/ against the product without bias. Sometimes you hop into forums where this is not true. I think that this forum is going to provide us with alot of information.... whether it be good or bad..... honest information is all we ask for. Glad that your cars are working out for you..........
  21. Some interesting numbers just for those interested. And the only reason I bring this up is because my last tank reported 36.9 but my actual (based on fuelly) was only 35.0MPG. Anyways: The numbers above are reported as 49.9MPG ... BUT 35.2/ 0.7= 50.3MPG Now just for fun.... 35.2 actual miles traveled minus 20.2 EV and 2.9 Regen equals 12.9 miles actually travelled on gasoline alone. Which equates to 17.3 MPG on gas alone. Just havin' fun.... I have too much time on my hands apparently.... need to go wash the car now......
  22. acdii, I am curious as I don't get 43 and above. My tanks thus far is 36. What was your MPG on your first car?... and how come you had to trade in a brand new car instead of them just giving you a new one? (Exchange based on something was obviously wrong.)
  23. Interesting. And I thought the same as well, BUT... the devices that have the video (RCA) cables seem to be mostly Apple. I was able to get the iTouch to work briefly but my device says that the cable is unsupported.,, probably because I didn't buy it from Apple. On the other hand it might be detecting that I am connecting it to a Microsoft product... :) Still would like to figure a way to do it easily and cheaply.
  24. How Do I Watch Movies on MyFord Touch? Hello All, and I am so appreciative of all the information that is available to us. I just have a question on how to do this. It is pretty much 2 part. The first part is how do you do it in PARK?... It says that it can do it but I can't figure it out. I am with a computer-electronics company so I pretty much have access to everything. I tried it tonite with an i-touch and the device told me that my accessory was unsupported (probably because I did'nt buy the cable from Apple.)....... But... I am not a big Apple guy anyway....... So........ how can I watch video from my Samsung Galaxy,,,,, or USB flash drive, ... or any other device. (I suppose I could pick up a USB DVD portable device...... ).... but would like to do it as simple as possible..... I also suppose I could buy a cable from Apple that works with our current Apple devices. Best of all ,, I would like to just pop in a DVD into the player and watch it from there........... BUT>>>???? (clue me in if that's possible.) Part 2: After accomplishing the above,,,,, how can I do this while in DRIVE? I see that there are 3rd party devices that I can buy to get this done (at a considerable price and modifications)... but want to get this done cheaply. NOTE: I don't want to watch videos while driving but my wife would like to on a long trip. All help appreciated. Thanks.
  25. djminfll, it is not worth suffering, you are correct. I would just like to get the 47MPG as advertised. I was happy to actually achieve that on a 28 mile round trip (albeit with some suffering.)... So, it has given me some hope. No ... I wouldn't drive a Fiat 500... Quick Story: While test driving Hybrids from different manufacturers.... the salesman brought up his sales manager to close the deal.... during the conversation he contested that the Kia Optima (totally decked out) set cross country records for MPG as documented by Guiness or something... then he sarcastically asked me what kind of MPG do I want?... and I sarcastically replied better than that!... and he pointed me to his solution which was some Skate Board Looking Car...... (possibly Fiat, possibly Honda, ....)... but my response is that I am not going to drive a Skate Board looking car (regardless of the MPG). So, obviously this dealership did not understand the request for luxury and MPG. Will I settle for 36+ on the FFH? .......... I am completely satisfied with Titanium luxury...... but not MPG. (no bitching, just a concern)... just my opinion as well. Always, I appreciate your input. Thank you corncobs, I will do that as well. I am learning that on my short 3 mile commutes that I can turn on the AC and let the car cool down,,, and then turn it to vent for the rest of my drive. Might make a difference. We shall see.
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