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Everything posted by gadgetguy

  1. Here a cool page I found on a site that was in a post from Ford Motor Company. The site is Ford Driving Skills For Life and has a lot of great information! I recommend you check it out! https://www.drivingskillsforlife.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3&Itemid=14
  2. Ooopps I did it again... bwahahahaha.... My morning commute :shift: was awesome! Left the house with 1/2 battery, 75 degrees, no A/C with windows down. Drove pretty normal by accelerating normally up to the speed I wanted to maintain and just drove like I would any other car! Hardly looked at the mpg display and didn't care if I was in EV or not. My brake score is not so hot because of a couple lights I had to brake hard for, didn't feel light running a red... :banvictory: That's winning!!! :yahoo:
  3. Ok I wanted to post this earlier but it has been a busy day. My tank of driving my FFH like any other car is actually going very well! The post I made yesterday was pretty much all highway and I achieved the same mpg as I would have normally. These numbers here are from my normal commute to work and home and a trip to the movie theater. I am very very pleased with these numbers considering I have done nothing but drive my car like I would any other car. Morning commute started with battery at just below 1/2, temp 75, no A/C :rockon: :headspin: Commute :shift: home, which is 75% interstate, left with battery almost dead, temp was a humid 95 so A/C was blasting... :victory: A short trip to the movies this evening Again in all of these drives I did nothing as I normally would in trying to achieve good mpg. Now my morning commute was 49.9 instead of 54 or 55 but that pretty awesome. My interstate mpg is consistent and it is what it is. When going 60 to 75 mph 39-40 mpg is all you can expect which again is fine with me! This car rocks!!! :rockon:
  4. Dude 41 is not "bad" and 46 is good! I don't care what people say this car is badass! My "no hybrid driving" test is not going bad at all. Not like I thought it would. Had to go to another campus today which is about 80 miles up a ridge. Speeds ranged 65 to as high as 80 mostly uphill and got 39.6 mpg by the time I got there, forgot to snap a pic. On the way back I got over 41 same speeds but more down than up. Oh and it's hot and humid today so the A/C was set at 70 using recirculate both trips. The average for the tank so far is almost 40. I have driven like I would drive a regular car and have barely even looked at the dash stats. Tomorrow morning will be a good test since I'll be going to my office and taking my normal route that I know I can get 55 mpg average on.
  5. OMG you only got 53.9?!?! How can you live with yourself hahaha.... I wonder if AL Gore will let borrow some of your carbon footprint your not using for my mid 40's lol...
  6. Very good point and explanation!
  7. That's awesome! Congratulations! This is an awesome ride!
  8. That's very interesting and yes you do lol.... Thanks for the info!
  9. Hahaha.. Yeah me and my OCD will be in a battle lol...
  10. Nice numbers corncobs! I will see your 51.9 and raise another 3.5 to 55.4 lol.... Yep that's .1 mpg better that my previous best so I have set a new bar for myself lol... :shift: I am going to try an experiment with this next tank of gas which I will be filling up tonight. I have been curious to see what the mpg would be if I drove my FFH like I drove my Civic so I am going to use the next tank to check it out.
  11. My morning commute :shift: today I only got 52.7...... Theres that "Only" again hahaha :hysterical: that's awesome! :peelout:
  12. On mobile you can't see that.
  13. I totally agree the styling is much better on the FFH. Since Ford has taken a bunch of flack over the mpg ratings I am very interested to see how it performs. Considering it uses a totally different Hybrid system I know it's not apples to apples but it is a mid-sized sedan that's comparable in weight etc..
  14. I will be very interested in seeing the real world numbers from this vehicle especially considering the combined mpg is the same as the Fusion. What do you think is going to be real world? http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1084933_2014-honda-accord-hybrid-arrives-this-fall-rated-at-47-mpg#100430942
  15. Today was a great commute :shift: to work. Very relaxing and peaceful drive in! :banvictory:
  16. That's awesome!!! Looks like you and your FFH are getting along very well lol...
  17. Part 3 of the New Gas Mileage Rules Will Reshape What Americans Drive series http://www.greencarreports.com/news/1084851_new-gas-mileage-rules-will-reshape-what-americans-drive-hybrids-electrics-cost
  18. Good evening my fellow FFH enthusiasts! Here are some evening numbers from my commute home and a trip to the in laws. My drive :shift: home had a decent amount of interstate speeds of 65-75 with A/C on so I'm happy with 43 :victory: Had to make a short trip to my in laws to pick up their Caddy (Platinum XL Escalade) to get it ready to take my wife, mother in law and step daughter to the airport in the morning. The luggage will not fit in the Fusion lol... Now this is a number I wish I could get more often!!! This is also over some hilly roads. :dance: :happy feet: Here is what I got in the Caddy on the way home lol :cry: :hysterical: Good thing I don't pay the fuel for this beast I would be broke lol....
  19. yes maybe so for right now but I think this could lead to some pretty cool stuff if it can be perfected and reduce the cost
  20. Not what I have been getting on my morning commute :shift: but considering it was raining with A/C on not too bad. Started with battery about 3/4 and temp at 67. 2 above EPA... I'll take it!
  21. That's awesome with such low miles! Welcome to the forum!!
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