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Fusion Hybrid Member
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About tofusionornot

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  1. Wow, I want to thank each and every one of you for your responses. I really appreciate it and there is a lot of good information. So I was leaning towards a Diesel before I just saw ROB281's post... But when it comes to Diesels, there is nothing out right now that catches my eye like the new Fusion did...and honestly I would prefer a coupe right now (still fairly young, no family). Anyone have any intel on Diesel coupes and when to expect them in the US?
  2. Thank you all for the responses, I really appreciate the information/advice. I feel like I'm still unsure of what to do. I understand a lot of it is how I drive, and I'm not 'perfect' - but I would say I am above average when it comes to being efficient while driving. When I'm on the road for long periods of time, I am normally setting my cruise control to the speeds I posted above and not changing lanes to pass people just for fun. Right now I'm driving a 2007 Mitsubishi Outlander and getting about 360 miles per fill up. Which means I'm filling up almost every other day. What's the min/max per fill up to expect on the FFH? What are some good Diesels out there? One issue with the Diesels though is that every gas station doesnt carry diesel gas, right?
  3. thank you for the advice and quick responses corncobs and expresspotato!
  4. More information, I drive anywhere from 130 to 360 miles in a day.
  5. As the title says, for my work I do about 90% Hwy driving and typically drive at 72MPH (65MPH zone) and 80 (75MPH zone). Does it make sense for me to buy a Hybrid? The salesman has been talking me out of it saying that over 62MPH the car works on the gas and not the hybrid, so I should just go with a gas SE. Any thoughts are appreciated. Oh yeah, and I'm in Houston, TX - where the weather will be in 90's and 100's soon with a good amount of wind. Thanks
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