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Bill D

Intermittent auto lighting system.

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The auto headlight lighting system switched between day and night mode, back and forth. This occurred once during the first month of driving after pulling out of my garage into bright sunlight.

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The auto headlight lighting system switched between day and night mode, back and forth. This occurred once during the first month of driving after pulling out of my garage into bright sunlight.

That's not terribly unusual.


I think there is one sensor that does the headlights and another that does the interior lights (dashboard)......or there is a different threshold.

I have seen mine "switch" twice as darkness approaches.

The auto high beams might be a factor too.


If it only did that once, I certainly wouldn't worry about it.


What exactly made you thing it was doing something abnormal ?

Edited by Easy Rider

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The auto headlight lighting system switched between day and night mode, back and forth. This occurred once during the first month of driving after pulling out of my garage into bright sunlight.

If this reoccurs, I recommend speaking with your dealer to shed some light on the subject.



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Mine does this switcheroo everytime I back out of the garage. Seems like normal behavior as the car moves from a darkened garage to sunlight. It also happens when backing out of a carport.

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Mine does this switcheroo everytime I back out of the garage. Seems like normal behavior as the car moves from a darkened garage to sunlight. It also happens when backing out of a carport.

+1, mine always has.

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The dash will change depending on light levels the sensors see. If I have wipers on, the lights are on, and if its light enough outside, the dash will switch to day, and if it darkens out, it will switch to night.

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