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Text Messageing - Iphone

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Does anyone have text messageing working from their Iphone on the SYNC fusion system?

I swear it read one off my phone but I haven't been able to duplicate it to read any others.

Starting to think I'm crazy but it did happen once. I can't believe FORD doesn't have the #1 smartphone in the country able to work on its system. Any thoughts? :shift:

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Sending text messages doesn't work on the iPhone actuall it only works with a small number of phones as we have figured out.


Reading the text should work and if it did work before and it shows you the selection one the right display and you select "Listen" but you don't hear anything try adjust the volume. I had to do that just the other day after I didn't hear anything.


Have you looked at the following forum?



Edited by corncobs

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Thanks for the info.

Got the texting to work but not the email.


Thanks again.

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SYNC won't read your e-mails, just texts :) Glad you got that piece working.

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Can anyone tell me where to look to find the version number of my SYNC software?

Several people talk about the 3.5.1 update.

Is the update loaded automatically to our car system or does it have to be done manually?

Full of questions............... :shift:

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not sure about inside the car as I haven't really looked but it can be found on the syncmyride site

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If you have following screen option on MFT which jeff_h has linked on the Engeri forum you have version 3.5.1.


You can see the picture of the FFH that highlights where energy is going and how the fuel is used.



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