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Bluetooth Phone - speakerphone no longer working.

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I'm one week into owning a 2013 Fusion Hybrid and love it. But, I was on a phone call yesterday. I was connected hands free through bluetooth. Halfway through the call, it stopped working - the caller couldn't hear me and I couldn't hear the caller. I was able change my phone to drop bluetooth and go to speakerphone and finished my call. The phone worked and it was still linked to the car (I could see history and my phonebook and initiate calls), but I couldn't hear when connected on a call.


I unsynched the bluetooth connection and resynched. That didn't help. I reset the entire mytouch system to factory defaults and that didn't help.


I didn't see anything like this in the manual and I've searched the forum and didn't see anyone else with this problem.


Has anyone seen this problem?

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I've had this happen to me and a simple reset using the delayed reboot program fixed the problem. I'm surprised that resetting it to factory defaults didn't fix it for you.


You might want to try this http://fordfusionhybridforum.com/topic/6474-how-to-reset-myford-touch-wout-losing-your-presets/

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I did the delayed reboot and it still didn't fix the problem. I then started to suspect my phone (HTC-One x). I had powered it down and back up several times since the start of this problem. However, I hadn't restarted the phone. I chose the option of restarting the phone. My problem disappeared. I'm not sure if it was the restart or the restart and the delayed reboot that fixed the problem.


If it happens again, I'll just try restarting my phone.


Thanks for your assistance

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I found that most of the problems I had with Sync and the iphone was related to the iphone itself, and turning off Bluetooth and turning it back on usually corrected this kind of problem.

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