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Checked out a C-max Energi

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Not 100% sold on one yet. The dealer has already gone through their 5 allocated units for the year, so finding one with the options I want, which is basically a 302A in Ruby Red, will be difficult. The ones they do have are either 301A with that stupid solar heat source on the top(glass roof), or a loaded up 303A with the Solar heat source.


The time to recharge is roughly 12 hours, which isnt too big a deal, as long as we remember to plug it in as soon as we get home, or spend $4K for a fast charger(not going to happen). The biggest thing though that has me not liking it is the cargo, or I should say lack of cargo area. It's not like I would be putting a lot of stuff back there, the trunk in the 10 isnt that much bigger, but still has enough room to stick both car seats into it when we want to use the back seat for other things (get your mind out of the gutter).


I didn't negotiate any pricing, but from what I got from the sales guy during our chat is, they will pretty much be asking full MSRP and not wheeling and dealing, because they have 2 charging stations to pay for.


So my observations so far, an Energi is not on the horizon any time soon. Heres the trunk space, not a lot of room, when we pick the kids up, their back packs wont fit if the cover is closed.





So, its a toss up right now, If I do go with a plain Cmax, I can get that through my regular dealer, but I would much rather have a HyTi. Unfortunately, they dont have any Cmax on the lot that I can really check out. Finding a Hyti with just the Drivers assist package has been fruitless, there are none. There are a few now, but they are loaded up with crap I dont need.



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That was information the sales guy told me, as if he didnt want to sell me the car. Considering there are 3 Energi on their lot right now, and at least one had a dead battery, the other one had a depleted main, and nearly depleted traction battery, I dont think they are too hot on dealing on them either. Looks like the charging station can only be "professionally" installed here. I do my own wiring, so installing one by me would be EASY.


I did a search for 250 miles for a Ruby Red 302A, and there are none. bummer

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I take what they say with a grain of salt. I do a lot of research on things when I decide to get into it, as much as possible that is. Jumping into the new Fusion went against what I normally do, but it was a new car with no history yet, and went on what I know about the older Fusions, and of course they are nothing like the old ones. Considering there are none that I want, and I wont just settle on one, not when I will be hanging on to it for a long time.


Main reason I am even considering is because the Ford ESP I was supposed to have purchased was not a Ford ESP, and the finance company that it went through has issues with my bank, and due to the withdrawals failing, they canceled the contract. So the car no longer has a warranty, and is 6K past the point where I can get a Ford ESP, and now I noticed things are starting to show signs of needing repair, that and it needs new tires. Grrrrr. I also get leg and back pains while driving it. :(

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