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Cracked / chipping paint

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So I dropped off my Fusion to fix this:



Notice how the paint in the corner is cracked and started peeling off ? Yeah, that's how it came off the truck :( Not impressed with Ford's quality so far ...


The dealer called and the tip of the fender is officially rolled in. They're going to have to take it off, straighten it up, touch it up with paint and put it back on. My car's spending the night at the dealer! :(

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Uh oh, that's not good at all. I'm starting to get scared of what lies ahead when I pick my car up. I'll be going over it with a fine-tooth comb.

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Yup! I had a week to go over the car and find out what's wrong with it. This is one of the many little things. The moonroom is also sticking up on the driver's side and rubs against of the car's roof when I open it - they're fixing that too.


I also had a white mark on the steering column and a few faint scratches on the piano shiny surface by the cup holders.

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I've seen a few people post issues on here, and I can see where that would make a soon-to-be or prospective owner nervous about their new car. I'd like to say though, that I've been over my car dozens and dozens of times and have yet to find a flaw (aside from the chip on the hood that I've already received courtesy of the highway).


Hope your issues get worked out quickly and you don't run into anymore!

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That is not normal, thats a damage, so I wonder how that happened. The other things mentioned with the exception of the moonroof are probably from transit, the MR though, that is a factory issue for sure. Unless you buy a very expensive car that is handled with kid gloves, no matter who the car is from this can happen. Always pays to look over everything before signing on the line. Other than the weird crap that happened with my car, I have to say I found no build, or quality issues with it, the only thing that did show funky was the left tail light alignment, but as I looked at a dozen other Fusions, they all pretty much looked the same.

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So I finally have my car back! The dealer had it for 3 days (first day they lost power, so they couldn't do anything to it). I must say I am really disappointed with my dealer's service/body shop.


They fixed the fender, but I can tell it was fixed. The fender is straight now, the the paint job is crappy. On the top side the there's a small dip where the original paint came off and new paint came on - almost like they didn't fill it in before they re-painted it. But that's not all! The fender is not flush with the bumper - it sticks out about 2-3 mm at the top and is pushed in 1-2 at the bottom.


The interior of the car is filthily! There's dust everywhere! Apparently the bodyshop area is REALLY dusty filled with small particles - but how did they get INSIDE the car?


They replaced the piano black trim around the cupholders (my original had scratches) with another one from a car on the lot. Well the new one has more scratches than the one they took off - WTF ?? And that's not all - they took it off an Energi, so now instead of having one Park Assist button and a black cover next to it, I have two buttons: EV and gas lid release !!! Seriously ??? They couldn't even find a car with the same buttons as mine ???



Needless to say, I'm not happy - talked with my service advisor and the service manager and they're going to call me back to schedule another appointment to fix their mistakes ... They're also going to detail it and get rid of all the dust.


I'm glad I got my car back, but man... how can they be so incompetent! ??

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Wow, I'm sorry but out of disgust I had a bit of a chuckle at how a company can feel comfortable or proud in returning a car in that state. Hopefully they will make it right the next time.

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Wow, I'm sorry but out of disgust I had a bit of a chuckle at how a company can feel comfortable or proud in returning a car in that state. Hopefully they will make it right the next time.

Hey, at least they hooked up the Park Assist wires to the EV button, so I can still have the car park itself ... The gas button doesn't do anything.


I can pretend I have an Energi !

Edited by neod192

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The interior of the car is filthily! There's dust everywhere! Apparently the bodyshop area is REALLY dusty filled with small particles - but how did they get INSIDE the car?


My guess - the dude who was working on that exterior issue probably opened the window to blast the stereo while working.


And as for how it got messed up in the first place, doesn't it look like someone dropped it on the corner while preparing to attach it? Careless and something that should result in re-work to make it right, but when the pressure is on to churn out X cars in that day I guess someone blew it off? No that's definitely not the way operate, but I bet something like that is what happened.

Edited by jeff_h

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Hey, at least they hooked up the Park Assist wires to the EV button, so I can still have the car park itself ... The gas button doesn't do anything.


I can pretend I have an Energi !

I suppose... It just amazes me how people take no pride in their work these days! It's laughable.


But hey like you said you can pretend that you have an Energi for the next couple of days! :)

Edited by JSKershaw

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I'd think that the whole panel would need replacing if they can't make the paint match. Sorry you have an incompetent dealer. Kind of sounds like the issues we've been having with our dealer. I'm still optimistic that they will come through and make things right for us too. They said they're going to detail our car too to make up for their mistakes. They better come through on that or I will be very upset

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Well, I got it back again! :) This time it looks great. They fixed the fender correctly and it's flush with the bumper. They replaced the piano black trim piece with one that looks much better - still has a few very faint scratches that I can't really see - and it has the correct Park Assist button!


They also detailed it, so it looks brand new again - PHEW :)

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