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MPG Happy Talk

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70 MPG is very good even if the trend is more downhill. Now if you would say you are getting the same to work. ;-) I would question if they gave you a Engeri instead.


What's your average MPG round trip?


Anyway well done!!!

Edited by corncobs

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Good evening my fellow FFH enthusiasts! Here are some evening numbers from my commute home and a trip to the in laws.


My drive :shift: home had a decent amount of interstate speeds of 65-75 with A/C on so I'm happy with 43

20130618_182641.jpg :victory:


Had to make a short trip to my in laws to pick up their Caddy (Platinum XL Escalade) to get it ready to take my wife, mother in law and step daughter to the airport in the morning. The luggage will not fit in the Fusion lol... Now this is a number I wish I could get more often!!! This is also over some hilly roads.

20130618_193319.jpg :dance: :happy feet:


Here is what I got in the Caddy on the way home lol

20130618_195059.jpg :cry: :hysterical:


Good thing I don't pay the fuel for this beast I would be broke lol....

Edited by gadgetguy

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I have got to quit coming in here!!!...dang it. I can't wait until (if) I can post a happy mpg pic!

Oh you will!

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Man I thought I was going to have my first 100% brake score coming in to work as every stop was 100%, but I must have pushed a little too hard on at least one turn because it was only a 99% with a 45.1 average. Either way, I'll take it. Also found my seat position is not tied in to my key even though I had set it to be. Wife drove the car yesterday so the seat was of, and also found it has to be in park in order to move from the memory position.

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OK, add me to the 50 + 100% club! Trying to give hybridbear a run for his money (not) LOL


Great job :) glad to see you can do it too :)

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Calgary has lots of hills. This trip was almost all downhill and started with a cold ICE. Very impressive!! Trip from visiting my wife's grandma to visit her aunt & uncle & cousins. Starting elevation was 3995 and ending was 3575 feet.



Edited by hybridbear

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At some point you will be able to bring gas back to the gas station ;-)


Did you replaced your stock tires with donut size tires in order to provide less resistance.


Keep enjoying your trip and you impressive MPG #

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Man cant beat that, but trying


Trip from work to the dealer to get some info on the headlight availability.



Then the trip home from the dealer.



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Man cant beat that, but trying


Your trying looks really good especially the first leg since I drove the same way I can say that this is very very good.


All thumbs up!

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Your trying looks really good especially the first leg since I drove the same way I can say that this is very very good.


All thumbs up!

Thanks, that route can be a trick to get good MPG on with all the inclines. I was quite pleased to see that today. I got 45 going to work this morning on the same route. Oh forgot to mention, the afternoon trip was with the windows down @55 MPH. I also got lucky and caught all the lights, which is extremely rare.

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Well, now this is more like it. Consistency is what I like, if it is going to be bad, be bad all the time, and be good, be good all the time, and so far its been all good.


My daily drive in has been pretty consistent, hitting between 43 and 45 each day.




Also my lifetime is very close to my real fuelly, actually a little lower than fuelly..




The car is doing exactly as I had hoped it would, was expecting between 38 and 43 MPG during break in and its doing it. :) That BD is a distant memory now!

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Well, now this is more like it. Consistency is what I like, if it is going to be bad, be bad all the time, and be good, be good all the time, and so far its been all good.


My daily drive in has been pretty consistent, hitting between 43 and 45 each day.




Also my lifetime is very close to my real fuelly, actually a little lower than fuelly..




The car is doing exactly as I had hoped it would, was expecting between 38 and 43 MPG during break in and its doing it. :) That BD is a distant memory now!


That's awesome!!! Looks like you and your FFH are getting along very well lol...

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Today was a great commute :shift: to work. Very relaxing and peaceful drive in!

20130620_075013.jpg :banvictory:

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Well, I picked up my car from the port on Tuesday morning. Drove it 325 miles back home and got avg 43.2 mpg....most of the trip was German autobahn going 70-80 mph. Better yet I still had over 1/4 tank left when I got to my house. After reading the horror stories when I first found this forum, I was concerned. But considering this is the first time I have ever driven a hybrid I am quite happy with my decision to get the Fusion. Just thought I would share.

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Not bad at all but also pretty slow for the Autobahn! ;-))


Did you notice people look surprised or interested? They will need to wait till next year before they see the new Mondeo (Fusion) and even better a FFH which I don't think will even be an option.

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Not bad at all but also pretty slow for the Autobahn! ;-))

Did you notice people look surprised or interested? They will need to wait till next year before they see the new Mondeo (Fusion) and even better a FFH which I don't think will even be an option.

Yes...a few people looked as I drove by them. I am sure it is the grill that catches their attention. While I could have driven faster I wanted to take it easy during the break-in period. I usually drive 85-100 in my Sunfire. My dealer here said I bought the first hybrid through him...he even asked me to bring it by so he could see how much trunk space was taken up by the battery. He only saw via pictures until I brought mine over fr show and tell.

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20 mile round trip yesterday - 95.6 mpg on the way down, 31.0 mpg on the way back - that's 63.3 mpg round trip. Wish all of my driving was like that! Best we've had on a tank is 40.91 mpg, car says average is 38.0. Still, much better than my 2005 Saturn VUE, or any other car we've ever owned, for that matter!!

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Well, I picked up my car from the port on Tuesday morning. Drove it 325 miles back home and got avg 43.2 mpg....most of the trip was German autobahn going 70-80 mph. Better yet I still had over 1/4 tank left when I got to my house. After reading the horror stories when I first found this forum, I was concerned. But considering this is the first time I have ever driven a hybrid I am quite happy with my decision to get the Fusion. Just thought I would share.

Where in Germany? We have a friend who lives near Koblenz.

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Drum Roll Please, new high for me today!




So far this is where it is at from the moment I left the dealers lot after resetting this specific panel. 1603 miles, left the lot with 3.9 miles on it.





Gives me a thrill to be able to post here now!

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Are you like Chris Matthews? Do you have a tingling sensation running down your leg? :ohsnap:

No, but my wife did! :happy feet:

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