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MPG Happy Talk

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I reset my avg MPG in the Empower screen before I pulled out of the drive way and then checked it when I pulled into the parking spot at my office. The strange thing is that the trip summary is a lower mpg than what shows in the Empower screen and the only thing I can think of is that the trip summary takes into account idle time where the ICE might have been running and the Empower does not. Either way great numbers for the distance traveled.



Nice summary and drive!


I find that if the first thing I do (after turning on the car) is reset the Average MPG, at the end of the trip it will agree with the trip summary.

If, however, I forget to do so right away, and do anything such as back up a little, or drive in EV mode for a second, the two averages will be different, sometimes by a few MPGs, depending on how long I wait to reset the Avg MPG.

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Nice summary and drive!


I find that if the first thing I do (after turning on the car) is reset the Average MPG, at the end of the trip it will agree with the trip summary.

If, however, I forget to do so right away, and do anything such as back up a little, or drive in EV mode for a second, the two averages will be different, sometimes by a few MPGs, depending on how long I wait to reset the Avg MPG.

Good to know and thanks! It did idle with ICE for a minute or so before I reset it and drove off because the battery was very low from yesterday. I'm sure that's it then because I saw my avg drop before I reset it.

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Ok so I took a completely new route to work this morning which is 100% city and never exceeding 50 mph, the temp starting out was high 60's. The drive is about 3 miles shorter and took me 20 minutes longer but yielded 8-10 mpg better.


Regardless of low 40's, high 40's or low 50's I am extremely pleased with this car in every aspect so this is really an exercise to see "what if" and to determine what will yield me the best results. I will not always be able to stay off the interstate but I am ok with the penalty when I can't.



There you go! Drive Smarter, Not Faster!

Edited by acdii

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Another good day definitely worthy of 'MPG Happy Talk'


1) Could have been a really bad morning commute, as I-95 had all lanes closed for an accident... so instead of sitting there looking at miles of red brake lights in the same place for an hour or more, I took an alternate route that turned the normal 60 mile commute to a 73 mile commute, but this had more rural roads and rolling hills that tend to be MPG-friendly for my car:



2) Then after being at the office for a couple hours, I had to go to the client site -- from the below, my car likes to go there a lot more than I do!



3) Then on the way back to the office, there's a bit of a payback for the above trip's friendlier terrain and wind direction, so the MPG is quite a bit lower (about 25%) on the way back.



4) Then on the way home, there was a steady headwind today from the south - I normally get a couple MPG more that this on the afternoon drives so the headwind was a factor.



5) The result? Had to go to work on Saturday and lifetime MPG hit 48.3 on the way home, but with all of today's good MPG from the above, it inched up another notch already.



I think I can also qualify for the 1,000 mile challenge in that other thread -- filled up tank last week 594 miles / 11.46 gallons = 51.85 MPG... I was afraid that I may have not really topped off, but today's was good too: 591 miles / 11.66 gallons = 50.71 MPG.

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That is quite incredible. Well done, it certainly has broken in by now and may show what the car is capable of for sure.


Nice job!


Another good day definitely worthy of 'MPG Happy Talk'


1) Could have been a really bad morning commute, as I-95 had all lanes closed for an accident... so instead of sitting there looking at miles of red brake lights in the same place for an hour or more, I took an alternate route that turned the normal 60 mile commute to a 73 mile commute, but this had more rural roads and rolling hills that tend to be MPG-friendly for my car:



2) Then after being at the office for a couple hours, I had to go to the client site -- from the below, my car likes to go there a lot more than I do!



3) Then on the way back to the office, there's a bit of a payback for the above trip's friendlier terrain and wind direction, so the MPG is quite a bit lower (about 25%) on the way back.



4) Then on the way home, there was a steady headwind today from the south - I normally get a couple MPG more that this on the afternoon drives so the headwind was a factor.



5) The result? Had to go to work on Saturday and lifetime MPG hit 48.3 on the way home, but with all of today's good MPG from the above, it inched up another notch already.



I think I can also qualify for the 1,000 mile challenge in that other thread -- filled up tank last week 594 miles / 11.46 gallons = 51.85 MPG... I was afraid that I may have not really topped off, but today's was good too: 591 miles / 11.66 gallons = 50.71 MPG.

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That is quite incredible. Well done, it certainly has broken in by now and may show what the car is capable of for sure.


Nice job!



Absolutely agree rjent!! Very impressive!

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Well a little disappointed this after noon on a trip to another campus considering how my morning was. never hit the interstate all city through stop lights and rolling hills. Weather was warm in the high 70's.



I realized today that after the car has been sitting in the sun and the A/C gets to cranking it really sucks the juice! Had another short trip that I only achieved 30 mpg.


I forgot to take a pic when I got home but it was 43.1. Curious to see how my morning commute is again. I am expecting the same as today.

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Well a little disappointed this after noon on a trip to another campus considering how my morning was. never hit the interstate all city through stop lights and rolling hills. Weather was warm in the high 70's.



I realized today that after the car has been sitting in the sun and the A/C gets to cranking it really sucks the juice! Had another short trip that I only achieved 30 mpg.


I forgot to take a pic when I got home but it was 43.1. Curious to see how my morning commute is again. I am expecting the same as today.

Mi mileage has definitely taken a hit since I started using the A/C. Also, if your city route has a lot of lights, you will pay the price for all the starting and stopping.

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Today I reconfirmed why taking the back roads to work in the morning is just not worth it for me. It took me a bit over 30 minutes to get to work, where it would normally take 15 to 18 minutes using my normal route. I hit almost every light, had to go through a school zone, and just wasn't relaxing at all. The end result was nothing to write home about, 45 MPG, whereas yesterday I got 44 MPG taking the highway route.


Everyone in the morning is scrambling to get to work. Surprisingly, there was a lot more traffic,as people from these neighborhoods were leaving their homes on their way to work. In the morning, I too, just want to get to work, and traveling unimpeded at 58 to 62 MPH on highways, works better for me in the mornings.

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Today I reconfirmed why taking the back roads to work in the morning is just not worth it for me. It took me a bit over 30 minutes to get to work, where it would normally take 15 to 18 minutes using my normal route. I hit almost every light, had to go through a school zone, and just wasn't relaxing at all. The end result was nothing to write home about, 45 MPG, whereas yesterday I got 44 MPG taking the highway route.


Everyone in the morning is scrambling to get to work. Surprisingly, there was a lot more traffic,as people from these neighborhoods were leaving their homes on their way to work. In the morning, I too, just want to get to work, and traveling unimpeded at 58 to 62 MPH on highways, works better for me in the mornings.


I am inclined to agree with you. This morning, as you see below, was not as good as yesterday. Same amount of traffic same number of lights only difference is it was a little humid and rained for a minute so the air was on but not drawing a huge amount of energy from the battery. I check the bar graph and it was barely visible.



I can achieve that kind of mileage (and better) taking the interstate to work considering that part of my drive is on a section that's 55 mph so I can go 62 no problem. I know I said I was going to take the city route all week but it just doesn't pan out. Maybe once in awhile I can get a 50+ mpg trip but I don't think it's going to be consistent so it's not worth the traffic, the stop and go and the extra time to get the same or worse than my interstate route.


Back to the interstate tomorrow! Either way I am very happy so I am not disappointing at all, the car is a joy to drive!


Oh and yesterday I got to test out the cars evasive maneuvering prowess and happy to say it responds and reacts very well! Had an idiot that decided to pull out and pass on a 2 lane road and I had to take evasive action to literally avoid a head on collision. The car had very good composure and was very easy to direct how I wanted. Solid braking w/o lockup and great body control. Just in case you were wondering!


Love this car!

Edited by gadgetguy

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Just completed a 467 mile trip this past weekend. About 60% was interstate driving with the cruise set at 68 mph, 30% was two lane at 55 mph or less (quite hilly and curvy) and the remaining 10% considered city driving. Entire trip was with AC on. Trip mileage was 44.9 mpg.

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The key is avoiding stops more so than lower speeds. As I explained here the stops are by nature inefficient, even though it's much better for us in the hybrids

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Trips from yesterday




Very little variation. Both trips started with a cold engine. There seems to be minimal elevation change on this route but there are a lot of rolling hills. This is the trip to go visit my parents

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whoa. We are planning on going to MN in July, I am finding you and have you teach ME how to drive! That is awesome.

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Trips from yesterday




Very little variation. Both trips started with a cold engine. There seems to be minimal elevation change on this route but there are a lot of rolling hills. This is the trip to go visit my parents

We should organize a training camp for FFH efficient driving best practice.

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Since we've hit high eighties, the A/C is on all the time and the mileage is headed through the floor. Trips are running in the 20s and average on the tank is below 37. I wonder if the DC/DC is involved in this? I ran the '10 up to Wisconsin and Penna. last August and got up to 43mpg tank averages in weather from 90 in TX to 70s in PA. VERY disappointed in the hybrid operation in the heat.

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I ran the AC my entire trip home today from work at 73 defrees and got 46.5 mpg in 83 degree heat. That's actually above my normal trip average when not even using the AC.

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Trips from yesterday




Very little variation. Both trips started with a cold engine. There seems to be minimal elevation change on this route but there are a lot of rolling hills. This is the trip to go visit my parents


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A couple pics from todays travels.


This pic is a drive I had to make to one of our other campuses and it includes highway travel but at speeds of 50 to 65 mph due to construction so EV was able to kick in. The AC was on but again not using a lot of juice.



This pic is the commute from the campus to home. Rain had moved through dropping temps so I turned the climate control off and rolled down the windows. I didn't take the route I normally would have due to a construction accident that had the road closed but the route I chose was still a rural route w/o interstate so that was fine. Yielded some good MPG. I have come to the conclusion that the elements have a bigger effect than I had originally thought.


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Since we've hit high eighties, the A/C is on all the time and the mileage is headed through the floor. Trips are running in the 20s and average on the tank is below 37. I wonder if the DC/DC is involved in this? I ran the '10 up to Wisconsin and Penna. last August and got up to 43mpg tank averages in weather from 90 in TX to 70s in PA. VERY disappointed in the hybrid operation in the heat.

I have seen as much as a 15% drop in my mileage this week, and constant A/C is the only new variable unless you count that I now have EV+ at work, which also means my battery is pretty depleted at startup. I want to give it a little moretime beforeA blame the A/C. But if it is the A/C, things will only get worse in July, Aug and Sep.

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I have seen as much as a 15% drop in my mileage this week, and constant A/C is the only new variable unless you count that I now have EV+ at work, which also means my battery is pretty depleted at startup. I want to give it a little moretime beforeA blame the A/C. But if it is the A/C, things will only get worse in July, Aug and Sep.

Interestingly my MPG has improved lately, which I think coincidentally matches up to more heavy use of the A/C. I either passed some sort of break in mark or I've subconsciously changed a driving habit because on the same exact drive, only hotter, I'm getting 3-4 MPG more than a month or so ago.

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As I mentioned above, the A/C was not a problem to getting good mileage during the August trip last year in the '10.

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I have seen as much as a 15% drop in my mileage this week, and constant A/C is the only new variable unless you count that I now have EV+ at work, which also means my battery is pretty depleted at startup. I want to give it a little moretime beforeA blame the A/C. But if it is the A/C, things will only get worse in July, Aug and Sep.


I concur with terryb and fusionTX - the A/C use is hurting MPG performance. This FFH seems to like outside temps between 60-85 degrees. Below 60 affects MPG adversely as seen by numerous examples here. And while I did not observe the A/C affecting MPG when it was high 70s-low 80s outside, I am definitely seeing its drain on the MPG now that it is 90 everyday.


Still happy with the MPG overall - wouldn't trade it for anything on the market - but I am expecting the lifetime MPG to head south in the summer ahead.

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And the other possible culprit, or co-conspirator, is the Humidity. Humidity levels over the last week have been mostly in the mid-80% range. Mechanically, I don't know how that would affect the performance, but I have seen numerous reports in this forum regarding poor performance in rainy weather.

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