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MPG Happy Talk

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Here's a trip from this morning through the city to St Paul to the model train museum where I was volunteering today. This morning it was in the 50s and raining heavy the whole trip.


Coming home tonight trying a slightly different all city route


Both trips started with a cold engine. Tonight coming home it was in the 80s so the AC was running

Really nice numbers! Looks like I got my work cut out for me > getting a brake score of 100% as it has already been suggested. MN seems to be very brake friendly.

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Really nice numbers! Looks like I got my work cut out for me > getting a brake score of 100% as it has already been suggested. MN seems to be very brake friendly.

A lot of it is that I try to find routes with minimal stops. As I've mentioned before our lights are timed pretty well and with the flashing "don't walk" as a warning a light is about to change I very rarely get caught & have to hit the brakes hard.

Edited by hybridbear

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Did it show the same 3 miles traveled?


I realized after I wrote that, that I reset the enlighten gauge about 1/6 of a mile after the trip started. I'm an idiot haha.

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So I went to an elevation mapping site for my work route and see that there is a 935 foot descent and 948 foot ascent during the trip. That would mean it kind of cancels each other out and should be a relative flat trip right? The only thing is it doesn't say how long the elevation changes are. Someone who is a math wizard needs to make a program that calculates all of this and figures out the aboslute best route, while taking in lights and likely other stoppages. I'm too much of a moron to do it. Any takers ;)?

Edited by Riggo

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Here's a trip from this morning through the city to St Paul to the model train museum where I was volunteering today. This morning it was in the 50s and raining heavy the whole trip.



Coming home tonight trying a slightly different all city route



Both trips started with a cold engine. Tonight coming home it was in the 80s so the AC was running



Those are impressive numbers but you should really stop having your kids and/or dogs pull your car around hahaha :hysterical3: :shift:

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So I went to an elevation mapping site for my work route and see that there is a 935 feet descent and 948 feet ascent during the trip. That would mean it kind of cancels each other out and should be a relative flat trip right? The only thing is it doesn't say how long the elevation changes are. Someone who is a math wizard needs to make a program that calculates all of this and figures out the aboslute best route, while taking in lights and likely other stoppages. I'm too much of a moron to do it. Any takers ;)?

I haven't tried this but I think a saw a selection where you see the grade in % which should give you some idea.

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Those are impressive numbers but you should really stop having your kids and/or dogs pull your car around hahaha :hysterical3: :shift:


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So I went to an elevation mapping site for my work route and see that there is a 935 foot descent and 948 foot ascent during the trip. That would mean it kind of cancels each other out and should be a relative flat trip right? The only thing is it doesn't say how long the elevation changes are. Someone who is a math wizard needs to make a program that calculates all of this and figures out the aboslute best route, while taking in lights and likely other stoppages. I'm too much of a moron to do it. Any takers ;)?

Those are some huge climbs!! That's over 1900 ft total elevation change on your commute. That'll have a huge MPG impact

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Well filled up again today to start the week out and had a 1/4 tank left. I didn't top off and once again what my computer showed 7.57 which equated to 39.9 mpg was not what I pumped. I pumped 8.28 which killed my average down to 36.3?????


I wonder why the discrepancy? Does anyone see the actual match the computer on a regular basis? How many stop at first click and how many top off? I think I'm going to go back to topping off like I did in my Honda.

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I usually check how many gallons I have used since the last fill up and that's what I will put back in.

That might be cheating but here is why; I had fill up's in both directions meaning; the pump shut off with about 0.5 gallon less than what the car used; the pump shuts of with 0.5 gallons more than what the car tells me I have used.


I don't no why that is but it's definitely related the gas pump it itself maybe even how they operate.


My FFH tells my her lifetime avg is 38.4 MPG but the gas cubby app tells me 37.4 MPG and that's because I topped it of with more than what was used more than once.

Edited by corncobs

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I usually check how many gallons I have used since the last fill up and that's what I will put back in.

That might be cheating but here is why; I had fill up's in both directions meaning; the pump shut off with about 0.5 gallon less than what the car used; the pump shuts of with 0.5 gallons more than what the car tells me I have used.


I don't no why that is but it's definitely related the gas pump it itself maybe even how they operate.


My FFH tells my her lifetime avg is 38.4 MPG but the gas cubby app tells me 37.4 MPG and that's because I topped it of with more than what was used more than once.

But if you were to top it off every time I would think it would be more consistent in actual numbers. I had very consistent results doing the same thing in my Honda and I did it every time I filled up. I tracked my mileage almost every fill up in that car as well.

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I like to go by the saying:


"Never trust any statistics that you didn't forge yourself."

Edited by corncobs

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I like to go by the saying:

"Never trust any statistics that you didn't forge yourself."


Agreed! I'm going to see what I come up with by refueling like I did with my Honda starting next fill up since I've already filled the tank.

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OK so who has a Deep Impact Blue FFH and actually gets good MPG?

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OK so who has a Deep Impact Blue FFH and actually gets good MPG?

Shouldn't you be asking for Tuxedo Black HyTi? ? LOL

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Those are some huge climbs!! That's over 1900 ft total elevation change on your commute. That'll have a huge MPG impact


Ok so apparently I TOTALLY screwed it up somehow when I did my route. This is the correct elevation. OOPS! I've been quite dumb this weekend for some reason. I don't know if this elevation change would really have a huge impact on mpg or not.


Edited by Riggo

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OK so who has a Deep Impact Blue FFH and actually gets good MPG?

This is on rural roads (speed limit 55) with extreme P&G and going mostly 45-50. Luckily I was the only one on the road (and in the car) and could take my sweet time. I'm thinking this is how Ford told you that you're supposed to drive the car.


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Looks like racing the Prius this morning did cost me 1MPG; once and a while you have to put the "hammer" down.





Haha yes you do and it's worth the penalty. Car accelerates very well IMO..

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Lets see you race against my Flex! :) I DONT need to put the hammer down to beat ya! Did that with some schmuck in a Nissan bubble. He/she raced to a red light, I miserly drove to it, it turned green, he/she was nearly stopped, floored it, and I just gave 3/8th pedal and scooted to 80 in a blink, shot past, got through the next green(knew it would be), lanes merged while I had backed off the throttle and brought it back down to 60. See, I only race to GREEN lights! Still getting 21.6 MPG too! :)

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Lets see you race against my Flex! :) I DONT need to put the hammer down to beat ya!

No thank you! I know my/FFH limits and I'm not a fool trying to race twice the HP. But I like doing the same thing at red lights just roll up gently and continue while the idiots still have to slam their brakes. Or people that don't pay attention at a light because they are texting you can "smoke" them pretty good too. ;-))

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Ok so I took a completely new route to work this morning which is 100% city and never exceeding 50 mph, the temp starting out was high 60's. The drive is about 3 miles shorter and took me 20 minutes longer but yielded 8-10 mpg better.


I reset my avg MPG in the Empower screen before I pulled out of the drive way and then checked it when I pulled into the parking spot at my office. The strange thing is that the trip summary is a lower mpg than what shows in the Empower screen and the only thing I can think of is that the trip summary takes into account idle time where the ICE might have been running and the Empower does not. Either way great numbers for the distance traveled.


I am going to commit to this drive to and from work for the entire week to see how it turns out. As a matter of fact I am going to try and avoid the interstate as much as possible this week regardless. I have to go to a couple of our other campuses today and tomorrow but I am hoping to be able to travel city streets I just wont be able to return the exact same route as I take until Wednesday.


Leaving the house.



Empwer screen reading when I arrived at work.



Trip summary when I arrived at work.




My lifetime average has increased slowly but steadily over the last couple weeks and is now at 38.3 since my last reset. The reset was somewhere around 1000-1200 miles unfortunately I didn't note the miles when I reset the lifetime. I am going to be getting my oil changed for the first time around the 5000 mile mark to get out the break in oil and I am going to be resetting the lifetime again. i will be resetting it each oil change which will normally be every 10,000 miles after the first one.




I will be resetting the Empower avg every time I drive to see how each trip fares against the others. I will continue to update here as to my results.


Regardless of low 40's, high 40's or low 50's I am extremely pleased with this car in every aspect so this is really an exercise to see "what if" and to determine what will yield me the best results. I will not always be able to stay off the interstate but I am ok with the penalty when I can't.

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