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If i take the back roads to work, I can exceed EPA estimates. I don't normally do this because I can get to work much quicker taking the highway, but sometimes coming home, it makes sense to take the back roads if it's raining or if i know traffic is bad on the highway.




I also have a podunk back-road route that can yield good MPG... I take that whenever i can.



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@corncobs I pay attention to the same thing and try to make sure I'm using as little ICE as I can to maintain speed and when I'm accelerating. I do not know how many miles are on the ICE since I reset my lifetime stats. But I can say that my mpg since I have taken delivery is 37.7 because I have not reset my trip 2. It doesn't show EV only miles for me to subtract from total miles.


I am not disappointed at all and maybe after 5000 miles it will continue to get better. I'm going to have the oil changed for the first time at that point as well.

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The problem around here is the lights arent timed, they are sensed instead, so you get one car pull up and the light changes, even if there is a lot of traffic on the main road, and even if the cars turn right. This screws up quite a few runs, and since it does that on some blind curves, it makes it difficult to predict and brake early enough to get the most. This is why my brake scores were only in the mid 90's.

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The problem around here is the lights arent timed, they are sensed instead, so you get one car pull up and the light changes, even if there is a lot of traffic on the main road, and even if the cars turn right. This screws up quite a few runs, and since it does that on some blind curves, it makes it difficult to predict and brake early enough to get the most. This is why my brake scores were only in the mid 90's.

Yep that's another sometimes very annoying issues; also the metra trains screw up the traffic pretty good; one the other hand it's a good thing, if you are stuck in traffic we are not wasting gas anymore which makes me patiently wait in my comfy FFH driver seat for traffic to move again. ?

Edited by corncobs

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On that light at 14 and 3 oaks is ridiculous. Whenever a train comes, 14 turns red and the left turn AWAY from the tracks is disabled. I can understand not turning left towards the tracks, but away? Then it cycles twice, so you get stuck there if you want to go left, and if you get through the main light, by the time you get across to Wendy's and make it back to 3 Oaks, thats when the left turn light goes green. I try to time it so we are there either before the 7:13 or after.

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The problem around here is the lights aren't timed, they are sensed instead, so you get one car pull up and the light changes, even if there is a lot of traffic on the main road, and even if the cars turn right. This screws up quite a few runs, and since it does that on some blind curves, it makes it difficult to predict and brake early enough to get the most. This is why my brake scores were only in the mid 90's.

A lot of the lights in the suburbs are sensors too. And in the city they use sensors at low traffic cross streets so that they don't stop the main road unnecessarily. Mostly though you sit for 2 minutes on the sensor before the light changes if you're on the side street waiting to cross main road. If a car doesn't stay on the sensor long enough then it doesn't change for the right turners


Yep that's another sometimes very annoying issues; also the metra trains screw up the traffic pretty good; one the other hand it's a good thing, if you are stuck in traffic we are not wasting gas anymore which makes me patiently wait in my comfy FFH driver seat for traffic to move again.

Our Light Rail messes things up too. So I try to stay away from that part of the city or plan my route to be least affected by how the trains mess up the lights. It's especially bad during rush hour when the light rail trains run ever 7 minutes. That means if you are at one grade crossing there is a train every 3.5 minutes on average through that crossing. It creates a big traffic headache

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Well I seem to be stuck in this 39 to 45 mpg range (not that I'm complaining because that still awesome) but no matter what I do I can't seem to get some of these high 40's low 50's I see posted (hybridbear) here. I know my normal commute is a lot of highway with speeds ranging from 60 to 75 mph but even on some of my city street trips I cannot seem to get there. I have had a couple times where I guess everything was lined up just right that I had some high numbers. The only thing I can think is that hear lately it has been raining and turned cooler again. This next week is supposed to be sunny and low to mid 80's so I will see if anything changes.


Here are a few pics of some of my shorter trips.








I will have to say that my computer numbers and my actual numbers were dead on this fill up. I didn't do any "top off" when it clicked off the first time I stopped and I was on a very level surface. I will also have to say that this tank (the first 1/4 tank) included the last part of my trip back from Daphne and of course my normal highway commute back and forth to work Thursday and Friday and a trip downtown Nashville yesterday. So I suppose finishing out t 39.4 mpg isn't to bad!





Your experience looks exactly like mine, although I'm still under 1000 miles. I think I'd be estatic with those number if I hadn't seen some of the numbers people are getting on here. I think a lot of it just depends on the terrain in the area you live. I think there are just too many hills in my area to acheieve the 50+ mpg. Oh well, I'm still happy with the mileage.

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I finally got over 50 on my morning commute! I'm pretty sure it's because I started the trip with a fully charged battery - but it was in the high 30's low 40's outside, so it felt like ICE ran a lot!


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Took an hour long trip up to the foothills yesterday to visit my father in law in the hospital. The trip up was mostly uphill and I was actually quite happy to see a bit better than 30mpg at the end of that trip. Coming back was 60 mpg and I was very happy with that.


I've made peace with the idea that the car will never do the numbers that I see some of you doing here, most likely due to the nature of my commute (short) and the terrain between home and work. I've stopped thinking much about it. The car does as well as my Prius did and offers many more amenities at a good price, with the bonus of excellent visibility in comparison. I feel far more comfortable in this car than I did in the Prius from a safety standpoint, and I'm getting great-- if not stellar-- mileage, so I'm very happy with it. Still think my next car will be an Energi, though.

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I've made peace with the idea that the car will never do the numbers that I see some of you doing here, most likely due to the nature of my commute (short) and the terrain between home and work. I've stopped thinking much about it. The car does as well as my Prius did and offers many more amenities at a good price, with the bonus of excellent visibility in comparison.



You know, I feel the same way. If it weren't for the fouling of the plugs, I most likely could have stuck with the one I had, but I just lost my trust in that one car. I know what my 10 gets, and I also now know that the 13 will never do as well on the Interstate as the 10 can, however, were I to replace my 10 with a HyTi, considering the gas mileage between the 2 are pretty much the same, I wouldn't mind it too much as it will be as good as if not better than the 10 is right now. There is also a good chance that a new one WILL get better gas mileage than the one I had did. I also have these templates for grill covers laying around and a full set of Husky liners, I need something to do with them :)

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I also have these templates for grill covers laying around and a full set of Husky liners, I need something to do with them :)

eBay or Craiglist! You don't need no stinkin '13 FFH :) You're done buying cars! :victory:

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eBay or Craiglist! You don't need no stinkin '13 FFH :) You're done buying cars! :victory:

Hah you just dont want me to have as good or better than yours! :)


I had written up a Too Long didnt read thing, but decided Y'all dont want to read it. Long story short, the Ford ESP I Thought I was buying turned out not to be, and the finance company it used had issues with my bank rejecting the withdrawals and it got canceled. So now I dont have a contract and I noticed a few items that are potentially about to fail like the AC compressor. Having a 100K Ford Premium Care on it was what had me keeping the car, but without it, not so sure I want to take the chance on it, especially when in 2 weeks we are back to 500 miles a week on it, and it has 43k on it now. I did some budgeting and realized we can afford the HyTi, so if we cant get the warranty issue resolved, we may just go for the HyTi. I expect the car to arrive first week of June, so we shall see.


Don't get me wrong the 10 FFH is a good car, but where we live and since my wife drives it quite often with our kids in it, I need something reliable and not leave her stranded, and because of our long drive to and from work every day, we put a lot of miles on. With a new car I can get the 125K mile Premium Care for 4 years for under $1K from Flood ford, which I think we will have at least that many miles on it in 4 years. I can easily see us putting 300K on the car.

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OK. About 26 miles of this trip was on the interstate with ecocruise set at 63 mph



Here's the car doing what its supposed to do at 63 mph.



Return trip, only about 7 miles interstate:



Here's my final stats from this tank:



Lifetime average is up to 44.8 mpg.

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OK. About 26 miles of this trip was on the interstate with ecocruise set at 63 mph

Here's the car doing what its supposed to do at 63 mph.

Lifetime average is up to 44.8 mpg.

Nice run!

You need to stop taking pictures while driving at 63 MPH. Lol

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I know I wouldnt do this well if most my driving was interstate, but I have done well on the interstate sometimes. After the 1000-mile challenge is up, I'm gonna do a 500-600 mile road trip all interstate just to see what it does.. BTW I'm about 570 miles into the 1000-mile challenge at 52.9 MPG.

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Finally got my 2013 Fusion Ti AWD! Love it and got 24.6 mpg on my first fill up lol! Looking at over 26 mpg so far on this tank. 300 miles driven with about 100 MTE (1/4 tank left). I still plan on beating EPA combined although I know it'll be a tough order here lol.


I did meet up with a 2013 FFH owner. We briefly spoke and he started out getting mid 30s on his tank and is now getting low to mid 40s on his mpg.

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I know I wouldnt do this well if most my driving was interstate, but I have done well on the interstate sometimes. After the 1000-mile challenge is up, I'm gonna do a 500-600 mile road trip all interstate just to see what it does.. BTW I'm about 570 miles into the 1000-mile challenge at 52.9 MPG.

How much gas did you pump in that 628 mile tank?

I will be very happy if I can consistently get 500 miles out of a tank while in the city.

628 is exceptional!

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OK. About 26 miles of this trip was on the interstate with ecocruise set at 63 mph



Here is an interesting observation; your drive distance matches my daily drive (and only half is interstate) and even if my numbers are theoretically better your MPG are higher:


Yesterday's commute leaving with a frozen rear window.




This morning a lot warmer less EV miles but 46.9 MPG


That's the very puzzling part to me; somehow you manage to drive the ICE way more fuel efficient than others including myself on a more consistent base.

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That's the very puzzling part to me; somehow you manage to drive the ICE way more fuel efficient than others including myself on a more consistent base.

THAT ^^^^^ Even the "Here's the car doing what its supposed to do at 63 mph." picture is un-achievable for me - I only see instant MPGs that high if I'm going downhill. If the road is flat the car will be at 40 or slightly higher, but not anywhere close to 60 and it's definitely not sustainable ...

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OK. About 26 miles of this trip was on the interstate with ecocruise set at 63 mph



Here's the car doing what its supposed to do at 63 mph.



Return trip, only about 7 miles interstate:



Here's my final stats from this tank:



Lifetime average is up to 44.8 mpg.


wow i wish mine would get 600+ by now but the weather isnt helping as much here in NYC this morning drive its been the same the last couple of days as the temp are in the low 40's




but the drive home yesterday




i leave for florida on saturday hoping warm weather and the drive down I95 will give me some nice numbers

Edited by Da0ne

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