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I also want to say I really enjoy the involvement that many of us put into this forum. I was a little hesitant to join as so many of the forums I do join are dead :boring: or just nothing empty posts. The engagement and information is outstanding here :rockon: and I love seeing all of the different results!!!! Keep the posts and pics coming!! PLus these emoticons are awesome hahaha ..... :happy feet: :drool: :yahoo:

@ gadgetguy


Nicely said and I 100% agree with you in the forum comment; I too was hesitant to join but just like you said an awesome bunch of people and knowledge here.

I too felt the same. I had never joined or participated in an online forum before this one. I had stumbled across some in the past when Googling information about car issues or repairs but had never been a part of one. And now I really value the comments and insight here and the sense of community we have

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Today the temps dropped into the low 40s with strong northwest winds and driving a city route of about 7 miles only returned 53 MPG and I was disappointed! I said to my wife, "Wow I got spoiled fast" :cry:

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Today the temps dropped into the low 40s with strong northwest winds and driving a city route of about 7 miles only returned 53 MPG and I was disappointed! I said to my wife, "Wow I got spoiled fast" :cry:


yes we do


although yesterday i only got 38.5 in the am commute again another rainy and windy day so defrost n heat on


but the one home





this morning finally warmer weather 60 degrees out



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This is my morning school commute that was only getting 35-38mpg in the winter. Seems like the weather was finally decent for this drive. I've only been able to get 46-49 on it before :)


Return trip:


Edited by tombarker13ffh

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I'm also wondering what I should do on my trip home from work today. It's about a 20 mile trip. The ETA to empty is something like 15 miles, but I know almost all of you that have tried it have gone way over the distance to empty estimate. Soooooo... Do I risk it and see if I can make it or just fill up before I leave today. Decisions decisions...

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I'm also wondering what I should do on my trip home from work today. It's about a 20 mile trip. The ETA to empty is something like 15 miles, but I know almost all of you that have tried it have gone way over the distance to empty estimate. Soooooo... Do I risk it and see if I can make it or just fill up before I leave today. Decisions decisions...

I would look at the gallons used on this tank so far; mine usually shows 50 MTE but about 3.5 gal still left in the tank.

So if mine would show me 11 gal used but 20 MTE I would still drive home the 38 miles since the gas is much cheaper.


Looking at your pic you only need max .5 gal to get home.

Edited by corncobs

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I must have less than a gallon left since DTE is 28. oops, thanks honey for not filling up last night!

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Had some good numbers today.


Suburban roads mostly 40-50 MPH, had a couple lights make me hit the brakes hard. Within the Mpls city limits almost all the lights automatically turn the walk sign on for pedestrians when they turn green and then flash "Don't Walk" to warn you before the light turns red. In the suburbs NONE of the lights do this. In the suburbs a pedestrian must push the button to get a "Walk" sign and then the "Don't Walk" doesn't coincide with the light turning red, it just comes on after a few seconds. So this ruins my normal system of watching the walk/don't walk symbols to know if a light is about to turn red.


Trip home from supper out. Had to slam on the brakes to not hit a wild turkey that ran out in front of the car when we were doing about 45 MPH going down a hill. Grrr stupid turkey... :angry22: :redcard: :banghead:
Lifetime average is up to 42.6 now. Current tank over 56 MPG a little over 1/4 used up. My progress toward 1000 miles for that thread is now 333 miles in at 53.5 MPG

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Those are not just good; those are awesome numbers IMO.

One of these days I'm going to drive a different route that doesn't require Interstate just as curiosity.

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Man, me and HBear are gonna be neck-and-neck in the 1,000-mile challenge! I'm showing 53 after 320 miles. Also, I almost exclusively view this forum on my smartphone and these thumbnails just don't work very well...


And I had to brake for 3 large vultures eating a skunk today! Damn large birds!

Edited by tombarker13ffh

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I wish I has some rural back roads to work but it's not in the cards in the dc area :-(. I'm jealous of you guys!

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If i take the back roads to work, I can exceed EPA estimates. I don't normally do this because I can get to work much quicker taking the highway, but sometimes coming home, it makes sense to take the back roads if it's raining or if i know traffic is bad on the highway.



Edited by fusionTX

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If i take the back roads to work, I can exceed EPA estimates. I don't normally do this because I can get to work much quicker taking the highway, but sometimes coming home, it makes sense to take the back roads if it's raining or if i know traffic is bad on the highway.



If it's only 10 miles taking the back roads, how short is your drive the quick way? Depending on the time difference, I'd consider taking the slower route more often. But I take the 45-mph route twice a day, so I'm used to it. Probably only takes me 5 extra minutes versus the 60-mph highway. Got 60.2 mpg over 10 miles this morning...

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Ran some errands this morning and drove like a grandma ... At least I can now get the EPA numbers!





Whoever said the car doesn't need to break in has no idea what they're talking about! You guys are showing 60+ after 5-8k miles and mine's not getting to 47 after 1.2k. I'm sure it'll get higher after I get more miles :)

Edited by neod192

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With now just over 7000 miles on my FFH I would definitely agree with the break in period.

Even in warmer weather I couldn't make numbers better than 46 MPG on daily commute. Now I had two 50 MPG days in a row which fits with the Ford PPT slide 47 > difference between 0 and 6000 miles is 5 MPG.

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If it's only 10 miles taking the back roads, how short is your drive telythe quick way? Depending on the time difference, I'd consider taking the slower route more often. But I take the 45-mph route twice a day, so I'm used to it. Probably only takes me 5 extra minutes versus the 60-mph highway. Got 60.2 mpg over 10 miles this morning...

It about 18 minutes taking the highway, when there are no issues, maybe an extra 10 minutes taking the back roads.

These are more like 35 MPH roads. it's two miles shorter but does take about 10 minutes longer. But ten minutes sitting waiting at red lights is not relaxing to me.


On the way home, I should probably do it more often, as lately I've been hitting traffic on highway due to construction, which is not very relaxing either.

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I wish I has some rural back roads to work but it's not in the cards in the dc area :-(. I'm jealous of you guys!

Slow city speeds with minimal stops work best. Are there any stretches where you drive the same street for miles? In DC have they timed the lights so that people can go miles without stopping if they're staying straight on the same road and driving exactly the speed limit? That's how Minneapolis does it. It encourages people to slow down and moves traffic more efficiently


If i take the back roads to work, I can exceed EPA estimates. I don't normally do this because I can get to work much quicker taking the highway, but sometimes coming home, it makes sense to take the back roads if it's raining or if i know traffic is bad on the highway.

I'd take the back roads anyway. Going to work is harder because of the rush, but coming home I would even if it's more time


If it's only 10 miles taking the back roads, how short is your drive the quick way? Depending on the time difference, I'd consider taking the slower route more often. But I take the 45-mph route twice a day, so I'm used to it. Probably only takes me 5 extra minutes versus the 60-mph highway. Got 60.2 mpg over 10 miles this morning...

Thanks for asking this Tom. I was about to ask the same thing and then I saw your post


It about 18 minutes taking the highway, when there are no issues, maybe an extra 10 minutes taking the back roads.

These are more like 35 MPH roads. it's two miles shorter but does take about 10 minutes longer. But ten minutes sitting waiting at red lights is not relaxing to me.


On the way home, I should probably do it more often, as lately I've been hitting traffic on highway due to construction, which is not very relaxing either.

And TX replied so fast too... Red lights have become more relaxing to me as I look at the other cars wasting fuel while stopped and appreciate the hybrid even more. It also gives me time to just enjoy the car. I'm finding that driving 55+ MPH on the highway is not relaxing.


But then again it sounds like Minneapolis has made city driving easier than other places with the timing of our lights in most areas to reduce stopping for red lights and the walk/don't walk signs to warn you when a light is going to turn red so you don't have low brake scores due to rapid stops

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On the other hand there are cities that seem to be doing just the opposite.

Palatine IL is one of them; there are lights where when one turns green you can see the next one 100 yards ahead turn red at pretty much the same time.

It usually turns into a head shaking moment when people try to win the race to this visibly red light.

Edited by corncobs

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Nope hybridbear, I swear they do the opposite in the dc area to keep people from speeding. The lights don't seem to be timed at all, even when doing the speed limit I'm constantly stopping at lights through the city. I wish they'd have them timed like they do in Minneapolis. :-(

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Well I seem to be stuck in this 39 to 45 mpg range (not that I'm complaining because that still awesome) but no matter what I do I can't seem to get some of these high 40's low 50's I see posted (hybridbear) here. I know my normal commute is a lot of highway with speeds ranging from 60 to 75 mph but even on some of my city street trips I cannot seem to get there. I have had a couple times where I guess everything was lined up just right that I had some high numbers. The only thing I can think is that hear lately it has been raining and turned cooler again. This next week is supposed to be sunny and low to mid 80's so I will see if anything changes.


Here are a few pics of some of my shorter trips.








I will have to say that my computer numbers and my actual numbers were dead on this fill up. I didn't do any "top off" when it clicked off the first time I stopped and I was on a very level surface. I will also have to say that this tank (the first 1/4 tank) included the last part of my trip back from Daphne and of course my normal highway commute back and forth to work Thursday and Friday and a trip downtown Nashville yesterday. So I suppose finishing out t 39.4 mpg isn't to bad!




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@ gadgetguy


Is wouldn't necessarily say those are bad numbers; I would consider those trips short; your ratio total miles to EV miles is awesome.

Maybe you need to look at your instant MPG when the battery charging. I noticed that a started to increase speed every time the ICE would kick in. So what I'm trying to say is I was using more power than needed resulting in not so good MPGs.

How many miles do have on your ICE? I'm actually starting to believe in the break in period since we got back I feel like it's less difficult to return better results.

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