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Y'all are driving me crazy..Lol..mine was 35 mpg today and I tried hard!


Isn't it getting better for you lately?

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from 30 to 35..almost.1000 miles on it. Not.getting better.fast.enough for me:(

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I can't really post happy MPG pics I'm not even close about 3x less currently at 18.9 MPG in the Explorer. I want my FFH back !!!


neither could i dam altima is only getting 21 - 25 mpg here

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I played today, got the pack to a full charge and for sure it does go between 40 and 50 on the instant, and I was able to keep it there for a while, then traffic slowed and I dropped into EV, and once it got below 70%, I was done, so switched back to my normal driving. At least now I know it is possible to get over 40 on the Interstate once the pack is full.


Managed 43.9 this morning, This car will do great on less hilly roads, so now need to go find some and get some 50's on it like y'all can do!

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I played today, got the pack to a full charge and for sure it does go between 40 and 50 on the instant, and I was able to keep it there for a while, then traffic slowed and I dropped into EV, and once it got below 70%, I was done, so switched back to my normal driving. At least now I know it is possible to get over 40 on the Interstate once the pack is full.


Managed 43.9 this morning, This car will do great on less hilly roads, so now need to go find some and get some 50's on it like y'all can do!

Oh yeah. By the time my charge gets up to about 80% I've even seen my instant MPG go up to the 60 MPG mark going 65 MPH. The car even says it's still charging the battery too! This is on the closest thing we have to a flat road here.

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I played today, got the pack to a full charge and for sure it does go between 40 and 50 on the instant, and I was able to keep it there for a while, then traffic slowed and I dropped into EV, and once it got below 70%, I was done, so switched back to my normal driving. At least now I know it is possible to get over 40 on the Interstate once the pack is full.

Oh yeah. By the time my charge gets up to about 80% I've even seen my instant MPG go up to the 60 MPG mark going 65 MPH. The car even says it's still charging the battery too! This is on the closest thing we have to a flat road here.

Me too! Here is a pic of the past 30 minutes of driving cruising at 65 MPH on the freeway with rolling hills. I think this is pretty great MPGs at 65 MPH. I even had 6 minutes of 55+ MPG as my average!!




Here is the trip summary. I was aided a little bit by wind blowing from behind me at 5-8 MPH. We'll see how the trip home goes driving into those same winds. The temp this morning was about 62-64 so in the afternoon when it's 75 I might see better fuel economy just from the warmth if I can keep the A/C off.




I'm hoping that we can get 45+ MPG for our road trip across Canada driving at 65 MPH and going through the Rockies. Going through the mountains I'll need to plan well to use the HVB down as low as possible going uphill so that on the descents we can spend more time recharging the pack and less time using engine braking and wasting that energy...

4.2 EV miles happened in the about 4.4 miles of city driving I did. The rest was all 65 MPH. And who says this car can't get 47 MPG at 65 MPH!!! :shift: :yahoo: :woohoo: :dance: :rockon: :woot: :banana piano: :banvictory:

Edited by hybridbear

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Here is a pic of the past 30 minutes of driving cruising at 65 MPH on the freeway with rolling hills. I think this is pretty great MPGs at 65 MPH. I even had 6 minutes of 55+ MPG as my average!!




I'm hoping that we can get 45+ MPG for our road trip across Canada driving at 65 MPH and going through the Rockies. Going through the mountains I'll need to plan well to use the HVB down as low as possible going uphill so that on the descents we can spend more time recharging the pack and less time using engine braking and wasting that energy...

4.2 EV miles happened in the about 4.4 miles of city driving I did. The rest was all 65 MPH. And who says this car can't get 47 MPG at 65 MPH!!!

Hmm, I drove 60 miles at 55 MPH with a few drops to 45/35 as I traveled through villages and "only" got 48.8. I don't think my car can do that at 65 (not yet at least). I then drove at 70 MPH and got 40 MPG on that section. Maybe after I get 10k miles I'll start seeing a bump in efficiency, but it'll be a while by the time I get there...


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Hmm, I drove 60 miles at 55 MPH with a few drops to 45/35 as I traveled through villages and "only" got 48.8. I don't think my car can do that at 65 (not yet at least). I then drove at 70 MPH and got 40 MPG on that section. Maybe after I get 10k miles I'll start seeing a bump in efficiency, but it'll be a while by the time I get there...


Haha... "Only 48.8" again I find that hilarious that we say that about a 3600 lb car traveling at 65 mph. The best I ever did in my Honda Civic was like 37.something and it lights and probably a little more aerodynamic due to it's shape. Your 1.8 mpg over EPA rating so I'd say that "Only 48.8" you speak of is pretty damn great lol.... I have yet to record that good of mpg traveling that speed for that long of a distance.

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This morning's commute, not as good as others. Hot and muggy so A/C was on but not pulling a big draw since it didn't have to cool the cabin down. ICE was cold and battery was less than 1/4 (here is the problem I believe) so the ICE had to kick on right away and not only warm up but charge the battery. I basically recovered from what started out as a 15 mpg reading to 45.8 by the time I got to work. It is very apparent to have a well charged battery when starting the drive and that the short trips we take really kill mpg averages!


Great brake score however! :shift:


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No pics available, just have to take my word for this: Yesterday, driving under 50, with the air on (90deg outside) at a distance of about 5 miles, got an average for the trip of 59mpg. I know, this isn't news to some, but I was pretty pleased to see. I have gotten around 50mpg a number of times, but 59, and I wasn't even trying really? Great mileage for me.

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No pics available, just have to take my word for this: Yesterday, driving under 50, with the air on (90deg outside) at a distance of about 5 miles, got an average for the trip of 59mpg. I know, this isn't news to some, but I was pretty pleased to see. I have gotten around 50mpg a number of times, but 59, and I wasn't even trying really? Great mileage for me.

Definitely awesome mpg!

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Doing some Interstate tomorrow for an onsite visit, so first trip on the "highway" tomorrow. If I do better than the other car, I will be happy. Something tells me, it will be a big YES. I was able to get mid 40's in the 10 on this trip, so keeping fingers crossed traffic is smooth so I can really find out.

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Now this is more like it!



Ive been gone so long I didnt realize you got a new one. Congrats, this one looks like a winner... 41.8mpg on the first tank.

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Yours is the Energi, right ? :victory:


No he probably has some stray dog pulling it down the street hahaha....

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Trip from Owatonna back to the Twin Cities to the dealer for an oil change. This time i had the A/C running the entire trip set at 74 with exterior temperature of 80. I was also driving into the wind, just like the morning about 5-10 MPH straight out of the North. I was very happy with this considering the A/C use. More EV miles because once I got into the Twin Cities metro area the speed limit drops to 55 MPH so then I started getting more EV miles. Poor brake score because with rush hour traffic starting I had some idiot pull out right in front of me and I had to hit the brakes hard



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Been driving with all the windows down instead of using the AC and still getting 44 MPG. The terrain near my house is whats killing my numbers though, those hills suck. Still working to find the best route to and from work, not easy when I have to choose between hills, or stops and turns. In either case, 10 MPG more than the other one :victory: Not bad for just over 800 miles either.

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I missed a 100% brake score because of one stupid light. Never know when it will change due to the cross traffic, and it is at the top of a rise so you cant see if there is a car there until its too late to start braking. Grrrr.


Aside from that.




I'll take 44.4 any day.


And this one is Much more accurate, only off by .1


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Trip last night going downtown to go to the baseball game. Sadly the Twins lost :(




Stopped for gas on the way home. The car pump shut off the first time at about 8 gallons. I put in 12.547 according to the pump because at that point it was constantly shutting off. Since the car indicated 12.55 gal I wanted to put in that much at least. Especially since this will be our first tank for the road trip and we want to maximize range. The tank average was about 56 MPG until the dealer wasted gas early in the week, and then the other dealer wasted gas when changing the oil, and then I drove 140 miles yesterday at 65 MPH for work which lowered my tank average by a lot. But still extremely happy with the summer MPG results. Back in the winter I was a bit disappointed early on with getting only 38-40 MPG per tank in the winter and I hoped that the summer tanks would be 50+ MPG to get the overall average up close to 47 MPG and now I'm more optimistic about the full year results being close to 47 MPG.




Coming home from gas station, so this is what will be my starting tank MPGs this morning. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to keep this up



Edited by hybridbear

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Wait, are you sure you dont have a Prius? :happy feet:

I told you he has stray dogs pulling him around town hahaha

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I told you he has stray dogs pulling him around town hahaha

Oh man I just had this crazy vision of him sitting in the sun roof with the reins in his hands with a bunch of dogs in front with him yelling MUSH Tonto MUSH.

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Stopped for gas on the way home. The car pump shut off the first time at about 8 gallons. I put in 12.547 according to the pump because at that point it was constantly shutting off. Since the car indicated 12.55 gal I wanted to put in that much at least. Especially since this will be our first tank for the road trip and we want to maximize range. The tank average was about 56 MPG until the dealer wasted gas early in the week, and then the other dealer wasted gas when changing the oil, and then I drove 140 miles yesterday at 65 MPH for work which lowered my tank average by a lot. But still extremely happy with the summer MPG results. Back in the winter I was a bit disappointed early on with getting only 38-40 MPG per tank in the winter and I hoped that the summer tanks would be 50+ MPG to get the overall average up close to 47 MPG and now I'm more optimistic about the full year results being close to 47 MPG.






man i wish i can get that many miles on a full tank hopefully when i get the car back

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