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MPG Happy Talk

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I rant above then this happens. On my way home tonight from Manhattan Beach, CA, North on Sepulveda past LAX and almost to the Howard Hughes Center. I just drove home not paying any attention to mileage extending techniques, my son was with me and were just talking. When I pulled in the driveway I looked down at the display after shutting down the car. I almost ____, I couldn't grab my iPhone fast enough, couldn't believe it.



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Here's another, city driving, using a lot of brakes. What this trip summary needs is average MPH.



Edited by gkinla

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Ok so here is this mornings commute and as I thought rain can play a major factor in mpg performance.


I can attest to the difference with rain, as we've touched on a few times here. I had a really great trip1/tank MPG going the past few days, between 54-55 which would have probably gotten 53.x actual -- however Tropical Storm Andrea (it's hurricane season already, I guess) came up the coast yesterday so I had an out-n-back trip to a friend's house that was about 40 miles away, through heavy rain and moderate wind - got 47.7 and 45.7 on the legs. Granted, some would love to get those numbers but they are about 15% down from the other trips that was getting for this tank, and the rain/wind was the only difference. Filled up today, display for the tank said 52.3 and actual at the pump turned out to be 51.2.

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Here are some happy numbers for today and what my current tank numbers are and since I got the car.


Trip 2 have never been reset so this is since I drove it off the lot and today it is exactly 2 months old!!!


Short trip to get my hair cut left with ICE cold and 1/4 battery, temp 80 degrees, windows down no A/C. :shift: Sorry for the blurry pic i didn't let it focus..

20130608_151238.jpg :rockon:


The trip back home but I stopped to get a drink at Sonic and the ICE came on to recharge for a minute. Amazing how much that affects the mpg average even for a minute.



Here is my current tank numbers. Best tank of gas so far and my DTE still shows over 100 to go.



Here is Trip 2 which again has never been reset. The average mpg has been steadily going up and really these numbers are not to bad IMO! Makes me happy!!! :happy feet:

20130608_155416.jpg :headspin:


What's odd to me however is the fact that the odometer shows 6421 even and the trip shows 6421.2 so the whole decimal point thing is definitely why some of the manually calculated numbers don't jive...

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When I first got my FFH back in February, I was pretty dissapointed averaging 38mpg. However now that it's broken in, and the weather has warmed up I'm getting pretty outstanding milage. My lifetime average is 40.3mpg, Over the last thousand miles or so I'm averaging 44mpg.


Since my last fill up I've driven 175 miles and I'm averaging 52.7 mpg. I just drove to the airport with a short stop at the office, and averaged 52.9mpg over 48 miles, and 56.7mpg for the other 24.6 miles. Pictures attached.



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When I first got my FFH back in February, I was pretty dissapointed averaging 38mpg. However now that it's broken in, and the weather has warmed up I'm getting pretty outstanding milage. My lifetime average is 40.3mpg, Over the last thousand miles or so I'm averaging 44mpg.


Since my last fill up I've driven 175 miles and I'm averaging 52.7 mpg. I just drove to the airport with a short stop at the office, and averaged 52.9mpg over 48 miles, and 56.7mpg for the other 24.6 miles. Pictures attached.


IMG_0673.JPG IMG_0669.JPG IMG_0674.JPG

Thank you for this post another reason to stay patient if you are not getting 50+ right the first week.

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The cars mileage computers calculate more decimal places than the display shows. Once you calculate the computer bias, usually about 1-2 mpg too optimistic, you can rely on the car computations.

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My Turn! :) :happy feet:




This was a trip from the John Deere store to the dealer. Prior to this the usual 42. Then 43 from there to my house. Best part I am not trying, just driving and enjoying the car. :victory: :rockon:

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First fill, 41.8. Very very pleased!


Also pleased with the Flex. Towing the trailer last week and the little bit of other driving, over 16 MPG. Topped the tank off today and the trip home, over 21 MPG. :rockon:

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What's odd to me however is the fact that the odometer shows 6421 even and the trip shows 6421.2 so the whole decimal point thing is definitely why some of the manually calculated numbers don't jive...

C-Max owners have noted the same thing. It seems that the reason is how the odometer calculates miles is different from how the trip computer counts miles as you drive. The odometer is calculated in a different part of the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) where it is protected from tampering and cannot be reset. The Trip Computer calculates a different way because it can be reset, etc. There is a difference somewhere in their calculation methods which leads to this difference

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Trips from yesterday, tank average up to 56.5 MPG over almost 400 miles, RAFE in ET Mode shows 57.7 for our recent fuel economy. Starting with a cold ICE





This trip also began with a cold ICE





Every trip was over 60 MPG!!


Also, take a look at this. I cruised for 2.3 miles at 25 MPG with no stops using EV mode, my longest ever distance without the ICE turning on to charge. And then when it did turn on to charge it didn't do its usual 20 MPG charging but did what's shown below. Sorry the pic is blurry because I was driving. I flipped over to Engage because it shows the ICE load including the generator to charge the HVB whereas Empower won't show the generator load on the ICE. Notice how little load the computer was placing on the ICE to charge. I drove another half-mile or so like this before the ICE shut off again. The next time it came on it did its usual growl and high revs to charge the HVB more quickly.


Edited by hybridbear

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My Turn! :) :happy feet:




This was a trip from the John Deere store to the dealer. Prior to this the usual 42. Then 43 from there to my house. Best part I am not trying, just driving and enjoying the car. :victory: :rockon:

That's awesome and I am really glad it's performing the way it's supposed to! If anyone deserves that it's you!

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C-Max owners have noted the same thing. It seems that the reason is how the odometer calculates miles is different from how the trip computer counts miles as you drive. The odometer is calculated in a different part of the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) where it is protected from tampering and cannot be reset. The Trip Computer calculates a different way because it can be reset, etc. There is a difference somewhere in their calculation methods which leads to this difference

You would think that they could have both areas pull from the same source just stored in a different area so that one can be modified and one cannot. Being in IT I see this type of function in other computer systems. Seems odd considering that the calculation is very important to mpg figures.

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Trips from yesterday, tank average up to 56.5 MPG over almost 400 miles, RAFE in ET Mode shows 57.7 for our recent fuel economy. Starting with a cold ICE





This trip also began with a cold ICE





Every trip was over 60 MPG!!


Also, take a look at this. I cruised for 2.3 miles at 25 MPG with no stops using EV mode, my longest ever distance without the ICE turning on to charge. And then when it did turn on to charge it didn't do its usual 20 MPG charging but did what's shown below. Sorry the pic is blurry because I was driving. I flipped over to Engage because it shows the ICE load including the generator to charge the HVB whereas Empower won't show the generator load on the ICE. Notice how little load the computer was placing on the ICE to charge. I drove another half-mile or so like this before the ICE shut off again. The next time it came on it did its usual growl and high revs to charge the HVB more quickly.


You hybridbear are a freaking hybrid driving master! You are like Yoda master! As a matter of fact you need to change your screen name to hybridyodamaster lol... That's amazing!

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You hybridbear are a freaking hybrid driving master! You are like Yoda master! As a matter of fact you need to change your screen name to hybridyodamaster lol... That's amazing!


Yeah and it was about 3 months ago when he was saying how his MPG wasn't so hot, and I said wait until warmer weather, it makes a big difference with these, whether it gets really cold or really hot.

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So I made a few emergency calls today with the FD. Our emergency response rules say we must follow all road rules in our personal vehicles when responding to the station or to a scene. To optimize our response times, when responding in personal vehicles, we gun it to get to the posted speed limit and hold it.


I do not have pictures to show since I was in a rush, but my response mpg to the station today was 30mpg. The return trip was 58mpg. So even though the short response trip cost me, I believe it allowed the battery to charge enough to support the return trip.


A hell of a lot better than the truck too.

Edited by kuzzi

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So I made a few emergency calls today with the FD. Our emergency response rules say we must follow all road rules in or personal vehicles when responding to the station or to a scene. To optimize our response times, when responding in personal vehicles, we gun it to get to the posted speed limit and hold it.


I do not have pictures to show since I was in a rush, but my response mpg to the station today was 30mpg. The return trip was 58mpg. So even though the short response trip cost me, I believe it allowed the battery to charge enough to support the return trip.


A hell of a lot better than the truck too.

You are far away from my location but thanks for your service at the FD and I guess whoever needs your help would happily pay the gas charge at 30 MPG.

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So far pretty consistent at 43 MPG to work. I wonder what it would get is I actually tried to get good MPG, been enjoying the drive too much to worry about it.

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You are far away from my location but thanks for your service at the FD and I guess whoever needs your help would happily pay the gas charge at 30 MPG.

When I began my career with the LAFD (1969) we used gasoline engines in the Fire Trucks. They were Hall/Scott 1092 cubic inch inline 6 cylinder motors with a 6" exhaust pipe and a speed limiter at 2200 rpm with a 4 speed manual transmission.

They got 2 mpg, when we'd go around corners the black exhaust (pointed down beneath the passenger side running board) would clean the gutter and blow all the debris onto the sidewalk.

Woe be it to any unlucky pedestrian standing nearby....

That's all changed now, Diesels are the norm.

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May the Fusion be with you.


Hahahaha "May the Fusion be with you" thats awesome!

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This morning - ICE cold, 67 degrees, rainy with A/c on. I only got 47.9.... :cry:

20130610_070939.jpg :shift: :banvictory:


Hahaha..... Only.... Hahaha that's awesome! :hysterical:

Edited by gadgetguy

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