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MPG Happy Talk

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I am even more determined to stay off the freeway after this morning. Below is my trip to the dentist on the freeway going 65 MPH. Not bad for 65 MPH...



I shut off the car to get this at the top of the freeway ramp while at a red light because I wanted to turn ET Mode back on to see my coolant temp in degrees with the grille cover on after not letting the ICE shut off for 20+ minutes. The pic below is the rest of the drive to the dentist.



I estimate that the total trip MPG was about 44.8 MPG based on calculating the exact gallons used by taking the total miles divided by the trip MPG provided. That is pretty good for 65 MPH highway driving starting with a cold engine and a temp of 40 degrees this morning. But still disappointing when it lowered my current tank from 54.3 down to 53.9 MPG :(


On the trip from the dentist to work I took a city route that took my drive from 30 minutes up to 50 minutes, but I was in no hurry to get to work so it didn't matter. And taking the city route I brought my tank MPG up to 54.4 from 53.9 at the start and for the trip I got...


72.4 MPG!!

Edited by hybridbear

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On the trip from the dentist to work I took a city route that took my drive from 30 minutes up to 50 minutes, but I was in no hurry to get to work so it didn't matter. And taking the city route I brought my tank MPG up to 54.4 from 53.9 at the start and for the trip I got...


72.4 MPG!!

You might want to take your car to the dealer and get it fixed because it's broken! NO WAY is that screen accurate :confused:

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Dude you are crazy.....(good)!

Don't make us feel bad posting numbers like those. ;-)

I can't even say you fudged the number by driving up a hill first and started from there because you total miles match up! I got work to do, I mean improving my driving skills.

Edited by corncobs

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You might want to take your car to the dealer and get it fixed because it's broken! NO WAY is that screen accurate :confused:

Maybe he photoshopped it ...

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72.4 MPG!!


I am thinking it has to be the break-in period and the terrain that is helping to get these numbers. I can't imagine those of us who aren't getting 50+ are really driving that much differently. Nice job though!!! Also, the amount of EV you got is insane!

Edited by Riggo

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Dude you are crazy.....(good)!

Don't make us feel bad posting numbers like those. ;-)

I can't even say you fudged the number by driving up a hill first and started from there because you total miles match up! I got work to do, I mean improving my driving skills.



I am thinking it has to be the break-in period and the terrain that is helping to get these numbers. I can't imagine those of us who aren't getting 50+ are really driving that much differently. Nice job though!!! Also, the amount of EV you got is insane!

Our terrain here is rather flat if you're just looking at point A elevation & point B elevation, but in between it's almost constant rolling hills. I was rather surprised myself at the gas mileage. I was expecting 60 MPG, not 70+.


This just goes to show how well the car will do in the city. Most of the roads coming from the dentist to the office through the city were 35 MPH or 30 MPH speed limits with long stretches of no stops. When I mapped out my route to the office avoiding the freeway I tried to figure out which roads have the least traffic lights/stop signs and then I took those roads. The ICE only came on when I was accelerating


This makes me all the more resolved to take the city route as much as possible if I can get numbers like this. Since I've gotten so used to driving the city route everywhere I don't like the freeway anymore. It felt uncomfortable this morning being on the freeway. I much prefer city streets

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Well that makes sense why I can't duplicate those numbers when I drive through the city. There are stop lights almost every block when I take the city routes and they are never timed well :-(.

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My drive to work this morning got 41.5 mpg. Cold weather average was 33. On the freeway I was going 70 mph and passed a black Tesla Model S that was holding up a line of traffic in the right lane. It felt good doing that. I wanted to tell them "I could buy three of these for for what you paid for that!' It is a great looking car, however. During the drive, two drivers, one in a BMW, had their heads look like they were an owl as the passed the other way as I sat at a stop sign. The good feelings from driving a FFH just never seem to stop.

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Here are some good numbers for today. Got my oil changed for the first time and had to fill up so I have reset my lifetime as well. I plan on resetting every oil change to see how it progresses.


My drive from work to the gas station by my dealer. It was such a nice day I decided to take a more scenic route with the windows down and the radio cranked up lol!



These are my stats for this tank. Keep in mind I do a lot of interstate.



My Lifetime summary before I reset it (it has already been reset once but forgot to record it)


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Hi gadgetguy nice numbers you are showing here; here is an interesting observation. Looking at your Trip 1 summary I noticed very similar mileage and travel time but yet your saying most of your travel is interstate. Now if I remember correct you are remote starting you car before heading out correct?


Now if I compare my last trip numbers with yours it doesn't appear the the avg MPH are a good comparison after all




Now compare the numbers;

gadgetguy: avg speed 25.3 MPH > avg MPG 42.6 MPG

corncobs: avg speed 30.1 MPH > avg MPG 48.5 MPG


That was just interesting to me.

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Hi gadgetguy nice numbers you are showing here; here is an interesting observation. Looking at your Trip 1 summary I noticed very similar mileage and travel time but yet your saying most of your travel is interstate. Now if I remember correct you are remote starting you car before heading out correct?


Now if I compare my last trip numbers with yours it doesn't appear the the avg MPH are a good comparison after all




Now compare the numbers;

gadgetguy: avg speed 25.3 MPH > avg MPG 42.6 MPG

corncobs: avg speed 30.1 MPH > avg MPG 48.5 MPG


That was just interesting to me.

Hey corncobs sorry I actually wanted to add a little more but got hurried out by the wife lol.


Sorry for the confusion but I have quit remote starting since it's warmed up and it's been working well. When it's cold I will be going back to remote starting. I figure if I'm going to be sacrificing mpg while idling I might as well get something for it and drive lol.


Your observation is indeed interesting.

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I also should have noted that a couple times I took the back roads to work but it didn't really improve my average. I am just managing my speed better on the highway.

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I also should have noted that a couple times I took the back roads to work but it didn't really improve my average. I am just managing my speed better on the highway.

Are you checking for fuel economy screen while you are driving? I can definitely see my different sections of my drive reflected on that screen with 6 min intervals. Also the second screen with braking; accelerating; coasting how is that looking for you.

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I do not use that screen but I switch back and forth between Empower and the My View screen. I would have to say that switching to Empower so I can see the threshold has helped the most. There are times I can feather the go pedal back and forth without dramatically affecting my speed to keep it in EV that before I would not have.

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Hi gadgetguy nice numbers you are showing here; here is an interesting observation. Looking at your Trip 1 summary I noticed very similar mileage and travel time but yet your saying most of your travel is interstate. Now if I remember correct you are remote starting you car before heading out correct?


Now if I compare my last trip numbers with yours it doesn't appear the the avg MPH are a good comparison after all


Now compare the numbers;

gadgetguy: avg speed 25.3 MPH > avg MPG 42.6 MPG

corncobs: avg speed 30.1 MPH > avg MPG 48.5 MPG


That was just interesting to me.

This is very interesting. Like all things, YMMV! This shows the caveat in general of comparisons. Because no two owners are equal there is limited value in comparisons. I really hope that another owner can drive MXGolf's car to see how they do and see the MPG issues. If someone else were to drive their car and then his on the same route you would be able to determine if his car has an issue and hopefully get more information as to what the issue is because that owner would be able to find the differences.


Are you checking for fuel economy screen while you are driving? I can definitely see my different sections of my drive reflected on that screen with 6 min intervals. Also the second screen with braking; accelerating; coasting how is that looking for you.

I like watching this. I can flip between screens without taking my eyes off the road. I periodically check the intervals MPG screen along my drives and often I try to guess about where a 6 min interval will be for my MPGs. I can usually tell when I've had a stretch with lower MPGs and then that is reflected on the graph.

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Trips from yesterday & today

Weather - windy and 50-60 degrees

Current tank sits at 55.0 MPG, over 620 miles traveled, will need to get gas tomorrow I'd guess


Going from work to downtown St Paul yesterday



Trip home from downtown St Paul. This was an elevation increase. The Mississippi river flows down from Minneapolis through St Paul so when I left St Paul and followed the river back to Minneapolis and then a creek from where it meets the river back toward our apartment I was climbing the whole way. It was also raining heavily this entire trip. Most of the trip the wipers were running non-stop. This trip shows less regen and less EV miles which also reflects the fact that I was climbing



Trips this morning/afternoon






Edited by hybridbear

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I've just noticed that the contents of the screen don't add up. e.g. 11.4 mi. using up 0.1 gal means the car should have indicaated 114mpg. WTH?

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I've just noticed that the contents of the screen don't add up. e.g. 11.4 mi. using up 0.1 gal means the car should have indicaated 114mpg. WTH?

I think we figured this out at some point; the gallons used are just shy of 0.2 (0.192) but the car on this screen only shows one decimal point.

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I think we figured this out at some point; the gallons used are just shy of 0.2 (0.192) but the car on this screen only shows one decimal point.

We definitely need another decimal point. What were they thinking?

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We definitely need another decimal point. What were they thinking?

At least the trip meter screens go to 2 decimal places. If you want a more exact calculation of fuel used you just take your miles divided by the MPG, like corncobs did above

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More trips from today






I also paid more attention to how far my car will go cruising at a steady speed in EV mode. Starting with about 80% battery SOC I went 2.9 miles at 25-30 MPH including stopping for an accelerating away from 4 stop signs. I could have gone more miles but I started going up a long hill which made the ICE turn on. In those 2.9 miles my SOC dropped from 80% to about 40%. Later on I went 1.6 miles at 25 MPH with no stops while the SOC dropped from 50% to about 33%. At about 33% the ICE seems to turn on even if you're driving on flat roads to charge the battery. EV+ is an exception as I have run the battery down closer to 20-25% using EV sometimes. At that low a charge the ICE comes on as soon as you touch the gas pedal and won't shut off until the SOC reaches about 33-40%.


Do others notice similar performance? It seems that the lower MPG cars are NOT able to get such EV performance, indicating the battery pack as the possible source of their poor MPGs

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Ok this isn't about my FFH but it is very much Happy Talk. I am happy I have my FFH and don't drive my wifes Envoy everyday because the miles I drive everyday this would be my weekly fill up - ouch!!! It doesn't do better that 15-16 mpg lol...



This is about my FFH which is a trip to dinner this evening.


Edited by gadgetguy

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