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MPG Happy Talk

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I had a couple too many Blue Moons at BWW this evening and while I considered calling a cab, I let my wife (pregnant/sober) get behind the wheel of my FFH for the first time for any measurable distance. I cringed as she hit the brakes 20 feet before red lights, I sighed as she lead-footed her way past the EV Threshold on each and every bit of acceleration, I couldn't bear looking across to the info display as she revved uphill and over the speed limit! After 15 miles of agony I could only scratch my head. Her fuel use showed 47.3 mpg. Happy talk.

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My first day back at work and the day started very well; the number put a big smile in my sleepy face.




i had the opposite today 50 downpours, raining and windy



Edited by Da0ne

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Hey I'm getting 21.6, does that count? :) :happy feet:

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Hey I'm getting 21.6, does that count? :) :happy feet:

Absolutely since it makes you happy and you have twice the HP why not; it's all relative and as you have stated in the other thread with the hybrid driving expierience you wouldn't see those numbers in your Flex.

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Absolutely since it makes you happy and you have twice the HP why not; it's all relative and as you have stated in the other thread with the hybrid driving expierience you wouldn't see those numbers in your Flex.

Agreed. I work at a truck stop. Most drivers are ecstatic to get 7 mpg. Isnt that ridiculous? Imagine how small an amount of fuel you use at 21 MPG compared to a 300-gallon truck. Our company sold $4.5 BILLION in fuel last year...

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Just took my first road trip, after putting approximately 700 miles in town. Have been averaging 47-49 mpg in town, on one trip of approx. 7 miles averaged 79 mpg. The road trip was approx. 220 mi each way, and averaged 41 and 42 mpg each trip, used eco cruise and drove 70 mph most of the time. Will try the next trip to stay at 65 and see how it does. Overall I am very happy with this car, as we do 90% of our driving in town and if we get over 47 mpg that's great.

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I'm getting about 44 mpg every day to and from work and now feel subpar because of you guys :cry:

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Good weather today for gas mileage, about 75 degrees and light rain. I imagine that on the highway the increased resistance from the rain would have impacted my mileage, but not in the city
I will not be doing this :spend: on gas anytime soon :dance: :yahoo: :rockon: my car is a :superhero: in disguise. I need to give it a superhero name...any ideas?
Trip after work today, cold engine start
Trip home taking the scenic route which is slightly longer but gets better gas mileage
Current tank average, showing that the 70+ MPG trip is slightly inflated by arriving home with an almost completely depleted battery
Graph showing previous 30 minutes of driving. Note how the threshhold bar is almost off the chart!!
Current tank. I know it's only been 30 miles, but what an impressive 30 miles!! 77% of the miles have been in EV mode! I hope we can keep up 55 MPG for this entire tank


Edited by hybridbear

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Borrowed my wife's Escape to drive our lawnmower 150 miles to our unoccupied rental house to do yardwork, so she took my FFH again. When I got back, my tank average was down from 53.4 to 52.7. Women! Got it back up to 53.1 with this trip home.



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I filled up last night, Gas in Harvard, $4.19 for regular (which at the one station is 89 O), across the border for 89, $3,78. Guess where I got the gas. Anyhow, I looked at trip 2 which is the one I reset with each fill, and 22.7 MPG!!!! :happy feet: :happy feet: I might be able to carpool again tomorrow, curious to see how my wife has been doing on the Fusion, last I looked it was around 43 MPG.

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I have another fun one; just coming back from lunch.




It definitely is a fun game especially if the conditions are right. On the way to lunch I only got 35.8 MPG.

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Did anyone start out in the low 40s and then have that crazy jump into the upper 40s and low 50s like I"m seeing?? I still have under 1,000 miles on my car but I can't get past the 44 mpg mark, even on warm days. I guess it's just the terrain where I live. I'm not complaining! It's just seeing all these crazy numbers is making me wonder if there are even better days ahead.

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Our mileage seemed to markedly improve after our California road trip. Some of that was learning the car, and I'm still learning how to drive better even after 9000+ miles. Acdii will tell you that he's still learning how to drive his 2010 FFH better after 3+ years. But break in seems to take a full 1000 miles on the ICE if not closer to 1500 ICE miles.


What proportion of EV miles have you been seeing so far? That will serve as a good approximation of how long it will take you to put 1000 miles on the ICE.

Did anyone start out in the low 40s and then have that crazy jump into the upper 40s and low 50s like I"m seeing?? I still have under 1,000 miles on my car but I can't get past the 44 mpg mark, even on warm days. I guess it's just the terrain where I live. I'm not complaining! It's just seeing all these crazy numbers is making me wonder if there are even better days ahead.

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I had my second 50+ day commute in a row.




That's some impressive MPG!!!

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Ok so over the last 2-3 weeks I have had to take a couple long distance trips. The first to Dalton GA which didn't do to bad on the way back. The second trip which is almost 500 miles each way to Daphne AL was terrible. The second leg of the return trip I ended at 36.5 mpg for approx 120 miles (forgot to take pic) but the rest of the trip was low 30's :cry: and the fill ups has killed my Fuelly average lol.


But on a brighter note.... I decided to take a different route to work this morning with only 10 miles of it at highway (60-70) speeds and the rest city. Now the distance was longer and it took about 20 minutes more to get to work but it did yield some decent mpg. However the increased travel doesn't work for me so I probably will stick to the normal route. I'm sure when the traffic is heavy the time will increase even more. I will just try to lower my speed to the 60 mph sweet spot as much as possible to keep EV engaged as much as it can.


Here is my morning commute :shift: numbers for today :happy feet: . I always remote start to warm the engine and the temp this morning was in the 60's.



My long distance trip mpg does not discourage me in the slightest and I knew before even purchasing the car that highway is for the most part lower than city for a hybrid, it's just the nature of the beast :angry22: lol.

I am very happy with this number and I'm sure as I continue to hone my hybrid skills it will improve even more.


I also want to say I really enjoy the involvement that many of us put into this forum. I was a little hesitant to join as so many of the forums I do join are dead :boring: or just nothing empty posts. The engagement and information is outstanding here :rockon: and I love seeing all of the different results!!!! Keep the posts and pics coming!! PLus these emoticons are awesome hahaha ..... :happy feet: :drool: :yahoo:

Edited by gadgetguy

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@ gadgetguy


Nicely said and I 100% agree with you in the forum comment; I too was hesitant to join but just like you said an awesome bunch of people and knowledge here.

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