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Some of you will know me from the Blue Oval Fusion forum; now that I actually have my car I am not quite so active there and I thought I'd be better off to come over here and hang with others of my kind ;)


I do hope everyone is enjoying their FFH-- I have had mine for a few weeks now and still absolutely love it.

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Glad you are still hanging around somewhere... I seem to see plenty who will be active while waiting for their car to arrive and once they have it POOF they are gone... while others don't show up until they have an issue... so I guess different strokes..


So welcome aboard over here too!

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Well, I got sort of obsessive over the car while I was waiting for it, so it's hard to let old habits die. I generally feel a bit out of place on the car forums, though, as I'm not into cars the way some people are. Still, I am really enjoying experiencing the car and every day I have it I am more convinced I made the best possible choice for myself. So it's nice to have a place to share that experience with others.

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Welcome, Elle.


Looks like you made the right decision not waiting for the Ti. Happy to hear your SE is treating you well.

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Followed your ups and downs on the other forum. glad you are happy with the SE. Welcome aboard.

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I'm the opposite of what jeff_h said - I have been waiting for my FFH (factory ordered) since mid-December. Found out today I will have it WITHIN A WEEK!!!!! :happy feet:

Up until now, I've been mostly stalking in the background, reading everyone else's views. Can't wait to get my car and join in the conversations from real-world experience!

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So happy to hear you will have your car soon! Worth waiting for, without a doubt!

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Howdy neighbor. We just got our delivery yesterday after a long wait. So far enjoying the vehicle for its quiet, solid build, and features. No defects found at this time and averaging 38.6 MPG with only 105 miles total mileage.

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I actually took delivery of mine today! I posted a separate topic on my impressions.

Edited by djminfll

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