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SecuriCode keyless entry keypad problems

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so this is like the third time i found need to use the entry keypad. my FFH has the standard dumb keyfob with the switchblade key not the fancy AI keyfob or whatever.



Basically key got locked in car when I got into work this morning, I blame winter glove being clumsy and stuffing stuff in pockets. Anyhow I locked the car door via the push button on the door as I am exiting so thats how it got in there.


Now when it comes lunch I run out too my car and realize what has happened, go oh I got the keypad lets jsut unlock it and find my key. Guess what it does not want to work. I only have my user code for key 1 memorized as its based off a date (no im not messing the date up) other thing to note that it is below zero out today with a windchill. I was able to swype down and get the keypad to iluminate, and then punch in my code. YOu should only need five presses right? and the little circle light up on top would blink after each of them but after the fith entry no unlock, try hitting 3-4 to unlock all doors... nothing


Quite frustrating


any experience or ideas? Rather sooner than later so I can get home (if not I can try get a family member to bring a spare key but its a hour commute)

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and the little circle light up on top would blink after each of them but after the fith entry no unlock, try hitting 3-4 to unlock all doors... nothing


When It's rainning, or cold outside, I slowly press the numbers of my code and It works. Giving like a second between each press. Otherweise, everything seems to work (circle blinks) but the door won't unlock.

Edited by FernMTL

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i mena ive been in and out of the building (its so cold outside) trying it a few times im pretty sure ive done slow and fast but maybe Ill give it one more go i think you only have 5 seconds anyhow

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i mena ive been in and out of the building (its so cold outside) trying it a few times im pretty sure ive done slow and fast but maybe Ill give it one more go i think you only have 5 seconds anyhow

So what happened? Were you able to get in?

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So other than if you lock your dead keyfob in the car (you cannot unlock your doors), what else is the SecuriCode™ invisible keypad good for? On my 2017 FFH Platinum I just tough the handle to lock the vehicle and grip the handle to unlock.


If I understood my walkaround with the salesman you cannot open the gas door or trunk if the car battery is dead. I thought that was interesting. "Just jump start it and you can fill-er up!"

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So.. Let's say all I have is my SecuriCode.. I can get in the car. Anyway to start? I reviewed my 2017 FFH manual pages 61, 62, and 127.


(I lose things all the time..)

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