We were bringing our 2010 FFH through a car wash and when the car moved into the soap and water, an engine symbol illuminated as well as the traction light, both on the left side of the drivers display. At the end of the car wash, the engine would not start up. We turned the ignition off and then back on, but the engine would not start and the car would not go on engine or electric. I had my wife who was driving, place the car in neutral again and got out to push it. In this car wash, the driver of the car behind you is completely blinded to anyone stalled in front and the drying tabs hang down to go over the car and completely obscure the driver's vision. Before I could push our car out of the way, their front bumper hit our rear bumper and started pushing the car. At that point, I was able to push the car out of the way and off to the side. After a minute, we were able to get the engine to start and had no further problems. However until we get some answer on this, we won't be going through and car washes.