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Posts posted by DaveM

  1. Thank you Dave. If you know, what brand of wiper blades are you using? As mentioned in my post above, I did try two of the top-recommended brands of blades but to no avail whatsoever. I have to think at this point the glass must be defective, and the reason I am concluding this is because you have mentioned you are not experiencing this issue plus I have tried two new brands of blades and done maximum cleaning. I also did talk w/ the dealer the other day and they said they would cover replacement under a the warranty, however if new blades would resolve this I would choose this solution over replacing the windshield.






    I still have the orginals that came on the car. Never had a problem so I wonder if you haven't picked up something that have stuck to the blades or what. I'd just get some at Wally World name brands and give them a try. Shouldn't cost over about $10 and if they work fine, if not you can then cross the blades off your list of what would be causing your problem.

  2. Since you have tried everything on the windshield my suggestion would be to replace the wipers as they are most likely the problem. Be sure to clean windshield again before using them as ours works great without a problem.. As far as the wax from car washes, I doubt it as if so there would be millions of people all over the country complaining about that. I have had many vehicles and all have gone through car washes weekly for more than 25 years without a problem.

  3. If the yellow engine symbol was on, the green car symbol was probably not on and that's why the car didn't move. Why the green light was not on is puzzling if in fact you turned the key to start far enough and long enough. It doesn't seem to require in my experience but a very brief time in start. It takes somewhat longer for the light test to complete and the dash display to appear. If the start was not accomplished, the test completes and the dash displays put the yellow engine symbol remains on and the green car is not displayed. We'll have to watch this further.

    my wife had the non start problem 3 times and finally told her next time don't touch it and let me see. She called me to the garage and there was no green light. I twisted the key to start and all was well. I showed her how she did it and each time the check engine light came on because she didn't twist it to the start spot. She hasn't had the problem since.

  4. Are there two people in the car? The passenger setting is ignored when there is no one in the passenger seat. Other than that it seems to work fine for us.




    If you over ride it by manually turning on the temp for the passenger side you can set it just like if you have a passenger. Also just because you have a passenger you have to still turn it on the first time after driving without someone sitting in the seat.

  5. They all do that - or most of them anyway. They would love for you to keep changing your oil every 3K miles. Has nothing to do with mfr recommendations - they're just trying to drum up business. Ignore whatever they recommend and use your own schedule.

    So true, I always just rip of their sticker and go by the display. When it gets to about 50% I check the mileage to see how far I have came and what the weather has been since last oil change. Then I make my own decision.

  6. I also cut on the passenger side of the AC, even when there is no passenger. I think it helps cool the interior down a little quicker. I also have gotten Window Tint on the (4) Side and the Back Window. It helps cut-down on the UV light, and keeps the car cooler. Maybe, try these tips! Good Luck

    It is my understanding is if you don't turn on pass. side it is still on at the same temp as drivers side. Only reason to turn on pass. side is if you want a different temp then driver. I have turned mine on and set it for 70 while leaving mine on 72 which does seem to cool it a little more without the cold draft blowing out my side vents.

  7. so since I got my new fusion 2010, theres the "objects in mirror are closer ..." sticker on my passenger side window in the interior. I tried peeling a bit off, but it leaves the words on the window.. I doubt its supposed to be there... should I take it to the dealership to get it removed, or just try removing it myself.. I dont want to keep it there, because, well its awkward, and weird that its on the window!


    please let me know what you think I should do!



    Those have been on every manufacturers right side mirror that I have bought for decades. Thats to let you know the mirror on the right is different than the left mirror and the object in the right mirror is a whole lot closer than it looks in that mirror.

  8. Hello. I've brought this thread back to the top because over the past couple of weeks a small section of my steering wheel has scraped away. I don't wear a ring but it appears to be in the exact spot where I usually place my hand while I drive.


    I'll try and take some pictures of it but I was wondering if anyone else out there had any problems with their steering wheel shredding. I don't know much about leather or vinyl but something like this shouldn't happen on a new car and when it does happen, it makes me believe that it's NOT LEATHER ! ! !



    I still don't believe it is real leather. More like a fake plastic leather. Having driven many G.M. vehicles with leather steering wheels this is the poorest excuse for a leather wheel in all my years of driving.

  9. Change the display so it shows your RPM's and see if it is the engine doing it. Also check to see if the elec. motor is going up in power. If neither one seems to be the culprut, then I bet it may be your electric fan making all that noise. You have let off the gas which for the most part cuts either all or most of the power depending on if you are above or below 47mph and with all that quiet you can now hear your fan kicking in. On my motorhome when I let off the gas at certain temps and speeds the electric fans come on and it sounds like 3 more engines starting up and running at full power.

  10. Extended range EV hybrids like the Volt are the future of transportation and will be the bridge to the non-petroleum world which will inevitably come. They're just not going to be cheaper. Energy is energy and it all tends to cost roughly the same. It takes the same amount of energy to run a 3500 lb. air conditioned car down the road at 70 mph whether it's electric or pedal powered; and it's a LOT of energy.

    We have to start somewhere. Do you think the engines of today were here 100 years ago? Of course not, but they did get better and better as time went on, and so will cars like the Volt. Look at VCR's. Where they started in the 70's and for the most part are gone due to new technology. So will the electric cars go that way but I see many years of them improving and being around to take some load off the importing of oil.

    I have a 08 HHR with about 15K on it and I can only think of a couple times where it has went farther than 40 miles at one time. So just think of the many gal. of gas I could have saved. Heck I bet it would still be on its first tank of gas.

  11. Buyers of The Nissan Leaf are entitled to the same $7500 rebate.


    And it's enough with the tired 'Government Motors" thing already. We get it.


    I resent my tax money being used for a lot of other things I consider worse than a credit for EVs. Not much we can do about , can we?


    I agree on the gov. motors cr-p. It is old, but what I resent is my hard earned money being used to rebate some yo-yo buying a foreign car that does nothing for this country except send mega bucks back to that country to support their schools, build their roads and make their standard of living better than ours.

  12. Chevy claims that the Volt will get 50 mpg after the first 40 miles, but I am very skeptical of that conclusion. It is heavier than a Prius and it has the additional inefficiency of generating electricity for charging batteries that in turn drive motors. Each operation is at best a 70% efficient energy conversion, thus combined it is only a 49% efficient process after the 30% efficiency of the ICE, for a total of 15% overall efficiency. A direct drive by an ICE like the Prius and Fusion Hybrid have, gives you the 30% ICE efficiency plus 85% mechanical drivetrain efficiency for an overall of 25% versus the Volt 15%. After the first 40 miles on the Volt I think not only will the Prius beat the Volt, so will the Fusion Hybrid with it's approximate 40 mpg.


    But there is no question that the first 40 miles on the battery is a big plus since most Americans make lots of short runs in a day. Assuming that their electrical energy cost is currently reasonable. I'm just not sure it's worth the extra even $2-$3 grand for someone who spends a lot of time highway driving. I think GM engineers are well aware of this situation which one reason it's release keeps getting delayed.


    And I do resent the fact that my tax dollars will be subsidizing the Volt's competitive position against the FFH, since I am a retired Ford employee. That's just not fair. They should subsidize all hybrids or no hybrids, not just the Government Motors hybrid.


    You have to think different here. First off the gas engine is not the same type of engine a normal car has to propel it. This gas engine is a generator which powers an electric motor that drives the wheels. Lots of generators make some to all of their power at a certain RPM where as a car engine can go from about 700 to 6, 7, or 8000 rpms which means different mpg at different speeds. I don't know what the volt will do but I can see if say the generator always runs at 3600 rpm's where as it puts out max voltage it is possible being I think the engine is smaller than the prius engine could get 50mpg. I guess within a couple months their should start being some road tests being done by the different mags so time will tell.

  13. I just got my Iphone 4 today and synced it to my 010 Fusion Hybrid with Nav. All I did was delete out my old Samsung phone and touch new and when they saw each other I typed in the number into my Iphone and they connected right away. Asked me If I wanted to do the phone directory, said yes and about 2min. later that was done. Later that day wife decided she wanted a cell too but just a regular one, nothing fancy. Well I had left my Iphone on the table in kitchen about 25 feet away from where car was in garage. Went out started car to sync her new phone and what do you know, even at that distance it connected with my Iphone. Had to go inside and turn it off come back out and sync her new Samsung to the Hybrid. Chose mine as main phone and hers synced right up too. Did not have to do anything else. I have the latest and greatest software on my Hybrid, I believe 3.1 if memory hasn't failed. I expected to spend sometime at this project from what I read here but was pleasantly surprised when all went well. Matter of fact I spent more time trying to figure out what I had to change on the car so my music from the cell would play through the car. Didn't need it cause I have all the same music on a thumb drive plugged into the USB port but can't resist a challenge. So far all is well in Ford land. :headspin:

  14. I suggest before you do anything this time spend the time and reseach your next purchase which looks like you didn't do this time around. I have to wonder if it wouldn't be better to just keep the hybrid as the money you lose on it plus getting another car more than likely will end up in the long run costing you more money than it would to keep what you got and just enjoy it.

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