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About WPWoodJr

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    Fusion Hybrid Member

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  1. Thanks... I admit it, I like Oprah's soul series. I also like Howard Stern though... :headscratch:
  2. I usually use Engage too so I can see what the electric engine is doing vs the gas engine. I use Empower to see the Accessories draw and the "EV mode readiness" green thermometer. I don't find the EV mode threshold indicator to be consistent enough because it grows and shrinks quite suddenly. I leave the bar graph at 10 minutes on local trips and 20 or 60 minutes on the highway.
  3. I just wrote about that on my blog! :idea: http://ffh.squarespace.com/blog/2009/9/11/...-bar-graph.html
  4. Can you purchase a subscription for XM-only stations too? As it comes in the FFH the SIRIUS subscription doesn't give access to XM channels like Oprah's channel 195.
  5. During a recent 600 mile trip to Maine I realized that the mpg bar graph gauge is not as useful as it could be. It frequently happens that there is a bar that has a very low mpg next to a bar with very high mpg. continue reading...
  6. I believe that fan is the fan for cooling the battery in the passenger compartment behind the rear seats.
  7. You can also select Stereo or Surround modes when playing USB or Bluetooth media.
  8. In Sony Sound Overload I reported on my experience with the Sony premium audio system in the FFH. I recommended some settings for the system that I felt improved the sound. Since then I've had considerably more experience with the sound of the Sony and I've tweaked the settings that I use. continue reading...
  9. I've compared it to the Prius JBL system and the Sony is much better. The Prius is a hatchback though so there is no rear deck to put the subwoofer(s) on. Generally the FFH is getting better reviews than the Camry, because of its better mileage, looks, drive-ability, and MS Sync system. Here's a video showing the Sony audio system in the Fusion.
  10. Thanks! I thought I saw a thread where someone else had this problem, but I can't find it.
  11. Last Saturday during the east coast rain storms I was driving home from Maine to Philadelphia and the windshield wipers stopped working. They would stop without warning and then sometime later start up again. I wasted a whole hour after one stop when I couldn't get them working. They seemed to keep working if I didn't use intermittent mode. Has anyone heard of this being a more general problem with the FFH or is it just mine?
  12. The dealer gave me a PIN when he delivered the car.
  13. Check out this thread on battery charge.
  14. It's been gorgeous here since last weekend when I got here until today, when the fog rolled in. Rain due tomorrow and Sunday too. In June and July, I'm told there was rain almost every day. That 63.x figure isn't realistic for daily commutes, I was driving specifically to optimize mpg.
  15. I had a 1998 Audi A6 before the FFH and wrote about how its suspension was softer here, so like you I was surprised by the harder ride on the FFH. However, unlike you I didn't go on to say, "I shall purchase a car that doesn't snap my spine on every tar strip, manhole cover and cigarett but it runs over. This is extreme suspension design gone crazy! I have cancelled all long trips in the immediate future........................"
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