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About Swiftd03

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  1. So, I've finally been driving my new car and tried using the 110v outlet today. I can not get it to work with a laptop or with my Iphone charger. Is there something I need to do to turn it on or some sort of requirement I'm missing?
  2. OK, so here is the back story. This is a fleet order through the company that I work for for my company car, not a normal customer order which I guess uses different priority codes that are actually more like date codes, actually more like date requests really. This is what I found online: https://www.fleet.ford.com/orders/ordering-and-production/priority-codes/ The code that I was given was M3 which designates a "beginning of production" of the 3rd week of December. According to their fleet ordering optimal order directions located here: https://www.fleet.ford.com/orders/ordering-and-production/optimal-order-submission/ that means if the schedule is followed that the vehicle will be delivered the first week of January. Here is what I don't get. Every vehicle Ford makes has a different timeline as far as building goes. There is no way that Ford could specifically plan out that they would be building that specific car in that specific week. In addition to that all the Detroit auto makers shut down the last 2 weeks of December, or at least they used to. Is it reasonable to say that the vehicle gets built the week before Christmas and then delivered the first week of the year? I don't think so. At the same time if they are building it in December why the heck would it take 2-3 months to get delivered?
  3. So here is a dumb question for you guys. When you ordered were you given a priority code (such as M3 or G1)? I have a Fusion Hybrid SE on order and I'm being told that it is going to be MARCH before it gets here but when I spoke to the dealer they said they should have it in January. Just trying to sort out the mess.
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