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Everything posted by Lee Ann Collum

  1. We played around with the car....We turned on the Eco Cruise and took a little road trip.....We actually were getting 38-40 MPG
  2. Thanks for the info Gry :) I will go do some reading,,,,,Our salesman told up that the car would stay in battery mode up till 62 mph ( except for accelerating and inclines of course ) So I hope you can understand our frustrations with this issue :shift: But the car did get worse with the upgrade :banghead:
  3. We are having the very same issues!!! Ford Company ask that we give it 30 days past the update to see that happens. Then call them back!! I too want my money back for this car!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. The car has roughly 2200 miles on it...Prior to the software upgrade we were only getting 34...As for Life time....I will have to go digging into car info for that tomorrow. I did call Ford company.....They told me to give it 30 days from the re calibration to see if it improved. We consonantly have to take our foot off the accelerator for it to go into EV mode, but then the car slows way down.... Even cruising at 55 mph( on a straight flat road ) the car stays on gas power. I know that when accelerating and going up an incline the gas power needs to kick in. But when I have reached a max speed between 55-60 the car simply wont stay in EV mode :(
  5. Same here.....Re-calibrated on Aug 12th and my MPG got worse!!! 32mpg...WTH?!?!?!
  6. Even after the so called "re-calibration" My Fusion Hybrid is only getting 32 mpg.....NOT HAPPY!! I called Ford and they told me to give it 30 days after the re-calibration to see if it helps, if not I am to call them back!! One strike towards the Ohio Lemon law down!!
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