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Everything posted by LEM

  1. I have an Android. When using version 9 (Pie) I get random bluetooth disconnections. Audio breaks up some times, too, while listening to music. I've seen that problem with 2 different phones. I had to downgrade my phone and everything worked again. Besides that, SYNC seems to reset every few months for not apparent reason. Not really an issue, but it would be nice that we could get updates with some fixes and maybe new features. As I said I only got one update since I bought my car just a few months later, and that was back in 2013.
  2. Thanks a lot for your reply. I checked and it says I have the latest. I remember only updating it one time a few months after I bought my car. Too bad, because I still have issues from time to time, especially with newer phones.
  3. Just wondering, because I haven't gotten an update in years.
  4. The car is great in all sense to me, but if I have to complain about something is when I am not carrying my phone and it gets automatically switched to radio scaring the hell out of me. Why does it have to change to radio? Why not USB? Why not other? Why can't it just stay where it was even if my phone is not there in silence?
  5. I need to bring my 2013 FFH for an oil change and tire rotation, and when I was doing the appointment online, this was suggested which covers inspecting other parts of the car (besides the oil change and tire rotation) Do you guys think it's worth it? How much is the average cost? Thanks!
  6. I got mine in June'13. To be honest, I never thought I would as satisfied as I still am with the car. Zero problems so far. My average is 45.2 MPG. I have been doing oil changes and tire rotations plus any needed recalls. 43K total mileage so far. I love it like the first day! Besides replacing the tires, do you guys can think about anything I would need to take care of soon?
  7. It has been a while, but I finally got it done today... I gave them a copy of the TSB and they told me that they applied it, but they had to apply a newer update as well besides this one. Let's see how it goes. I will change the light tonight and hopefully it won't reset again!
  8. I hope everything goes well. They told me yesterday that it would take more than a day to do everything, however it didn't end up taking more than half a day, because they had 2 technicians working on it.
  9. Jeff, I was there today for the 3 first recalls and they also performed 15R01 without telling me. Did you end up doing it, too?
  10. Thanks! I think you are right. I will probably wait a little bit longer if I decide to buy it.
  11. Thanks for the information. Yes, I didn't know about Saccucci and Hyannis, but I had been looking at the Curry Honda. My concern was that it seems you cannot buy it online, you need to call them, which is kind of strange compared to the one I bought for my FFH. I will definitely check the others if I decide to go ahead and buy the extended warranty.
  12. hybridbear, The Civic is now almost a year old and it has only 8000 miles. I remember that when I bought the extended warranty for my FFH, it got more expensive after a year of the purchase, and that's why I thought about doing that now. I am not sure if it would be the same with Honda.
  13. We usually keep our cars for a long time (~10 years) We had to put a lot of money in repairs in our last cars (2003 VW Jetta and 2001 VW Cabrio) during their 5-6 years, and I don't want that to happen again. Since cars nowadays have so many electronics, I'm afraid that I will have to put more money in the long run. Don't you think I will be paying for small repairs in a few years even if the engine is very reliable?
  14. Sorry to post this here, but you guys are so helpful that I prefer to post it here instead of looking for a Honda forum. My wife has a 2015 Honda Civic and I was considering buying an extended warranty as I have for my FFH. Does anybody have any experience with it? Any suggestions? Thanks!
  15. Funny that you say that. Just right now I was going through all my pending recalls and I have exactly the same line... Keep us updated about what you find out.
  16. Jeff, Have you also received that letter from Ford? I'm surprised VA is not part of the affected states...
  17. Same thing. My 2013 FFH had a for a while the word FUSON on the back. I was lucky that I found it the "I" and I glued it. And yes, it looks so cheap. I always wash my car by hand and I have to be extremely careful when I'm around them.
  18. I'm so sorry about that. I know how much it hurts... It really looks worse than mine, and mine was $10k... but you're right, they won't know until they see what has been damaged inside.
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