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About ffhseattle

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  1. Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising. I seem to recall that others had mentioned that FFH DRLs usually use high beams, and I've definitely noticed that on other cars like Camry hybrid.
  2. I just had the dealer enable my DRLs, following advice given by others on this forum (thanks!). QUESTION: for those who have had their DRLs enabled, do they use the low or high beams? Mine use low beams and I found that a bit surprising, but perhaps that's how it's supposed to work... Thanks
  3. A bit off topic, but what gasoline(s) do you use in your FFH? Are there any that you religiously avoid?
  4. Thanks. Yes, I did cross-post it. I haven't yet figured out how these sites relate to one another, and another poster said the other one got better traffic. What they really need is something like the EV drive indicator that goes brown when the ICE kicks on. Perhaps red arrows could show when friction brakes kick in? It would be helpful to know where the limit is between regen and friction...
  5. Thanks. I should clarify my question. I understand that regen will stop when the battery is fully charged. What I wonder about is when you are at (for example) 50% charge, so there is plenty of opportunity for regen You have a choice how hard to squeeze the brake pedal. If you squeeze gently I assume all the stopping power being requested can be provided by regen braking. At some point -- BUT AT WHAT POINT? -- regen braking won't be enough to slow the vehicle so friction braking will be added. How do I tell when friction braking has kicked in?
  6. Just got a new 2012 FFH. Love it so far, but one thing puzzles me. I've found these forums interesting and helpful, and am hoping someone can enlighten me. How can you tell when you've maxed out regenerative braking? I see that the cycle icon has variable brightness as I squeeze the brake harder, indicating varying intensity of regeneration. But how do you know when you've maxed this out, and are starting to waste energy in friction braking? Thanks
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