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Fusion Hybrid Member
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About MichgianFusion

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  1. Well, I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one. Soon after getting my 2010 FFH with 400 miles on it, I was hearing a "gurgling" noise coming from behind the dash on the passenger side. I let the service department know about it and they completely brushed it off as no concern, but said that they would look at it when I brought it in for its scheduled oil change (in 4,500 miles). The noise was not consistent, nor could I find a way to replicate it. Around 1,000 miles, my heater stopped working and so did the noise. Turns out that there was a bubble in the system and the gurgling might have been the air bubble working through the system. Eventually, the air bubble lodged itself around the thermostat and caused the heater to not kick in. They said they bled the system twice for good measure and have not had any problems since. I never get a confident answer from the techs since they haven't seen this happen before. Other people I've talked to said that normally in new cars, any bubbles in the system get worked out fairly quick.
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