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About Musicman

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  1. Hi Guys......I'm curious......let's say my car ('11 SEL) is parked in my garage, with the doors unlocked. And I go out there to grab a CD or whatever and come back in. As soon as I open a door, the front & rear parking lamps and the mirror lamps come on. I think it's kind of unnecessary. In that situation, I would only need the interior lamps to come on. Anyone know how to disable that function....or if it can be disabled? I've looked in the manual, but I don't see anything addressing that specific issue. Thanks!!
  2. Hi Slojay......you can save up to 20 songs, and once you get to 20 it'll start asking to replace songs etc.....And you do have the ability to delete individual songs While in satellite radio mode: Menu -Song seek menu -Delete a song
  3. Hi everyone...... I've got an '11 SEL equipped with the premium stereo, and the Sirius six month trial. I've noticed that certain songs on certain satellite channels are able to be saved, but others aren't. It will say "cannot save". I'm clueless as to why this is. Anyone have an answer???? Thanks!!
  4. Hi everyone....I'm new here. I have a (Sprint) Samsung Instinct S30 phone, and when I receive a text message, it shows up on the sync screen and says "missed call". My phone is a device that is not supported for the sync bluetooth texting. My question is....does anyone else have a non-supported cellphone that shows "missed call" when you receive a text message??? I was told nothing should register (on sync) when you receive a text on a non-supported phone. But, I hope I'm not the only one.... Thanks!!
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