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Windows automatically rolling down??

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I own a 2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid and recently went out of town for Christmas. I parked my car in long-term parking. I came back tonight, walked to my car, and noticed that the windows were completely down on all four doors and the sun roof was rolled open as well. None of my belongings (just some papers and a bag) look like they have been disturbed and I don't think there is anything missing. I don't know whether it was locked or not, because I started the car remotely and pressed the lock button as I walked to the car. It's rainy and freezing cold here and there is no way that I left them open before I left.


The police were not impressed and stated that they thought that a low flying jet rattled the electronics.


Has anybody had similar happen? Should I be worrying about an electronic theft? I am planning to go to the dealership tomorrow and have them evaluation the computer but should there be something that I have them evaluate specifically?

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Would it be possible that by exident you pressed the unlock button when leaving the car in first place?

Not sure if I ever triggered the global open feature but I have triggered the panic alarm with the key in my pocket multiple times on my FFH.


The "rental" car I'm driving right now has the same global open feature and all window were down when I went outside with the dog before going to bed a few weeks ago. It was rainy and I'm 100% sure the windows were closed when we arrived hours before.


It's not a bad thing to have it checked out but as disturbing as it sounds it might be just bad "timing" with the key in your pocket.

Edited by corncobs

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I don't know about how each car's timing reacts to the global opening but mine requires me to hold the keb fob 'open' button for a good 2-3 seconds, and then sometimes I have to try twice.

If this even occurred in my car it would not be because I accidently initiated the global opening, it's too hard to do.


A simple unlock is possible and easy to do, hopefully the Dealer can reset some software that will prevent this.

It can also be disabled by the Dealer (Owner's Manual Pg 72).

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I don't know about how each car's timing reacts to the global opening but mine requires me to hold the keb fob 'open' button for a good 2-3 seconds,


Which is possible if the fob was inside a pocket, purse, or piece of luggage where something was pressing up against it constantly -- I wonder if the OP could have done something like that by accident, and the windows were actually rolling down as he/she walked away from the vehicle? We've seen a couple threads where this is the most likely culprit.

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I don't know about how each car's timing reacts to the global opening but mine requires me to hold the keb fob 'open' button for a good 2-3 seconds, and then sometimes I have to try twice.

If this even occurred in my car it would not be because I accidently initiated the global opening, it's too hard to do.


A simple unlock is possible and easy to do, hopefully the Dealer can reset some software that will prevent this.

It can also be disabled by the Dealer (Owner's Manual Pg 72).

I have come downstairs to the FFH at our apartment to find all the windows down because the key fob got bumped in my pocket. When I try to use my fob to do this I find that it isn't easy like GrySql says. But when the fob is bumped in my pocket it happens very easily lol

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One thing about Global Open, though, is that it doesn't roll back the sunroof. It only opens the vent option on the sunroof.

That's a good point! I don't have a sunroof so I wouldn't know.

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Global opening works fine for me lately, but the global closing doesn't roll up the front passenger window, leaves that one down Any ideas?


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Does the window roll up / down from inside the car when the buttons are used?


It sounds like this window has lost the one touch up / down feature. If that's the case the global open / close also doesn't work.


I just had this 3 days ago.

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My wife owns a 2016 Fusion and its the car we drive on trips. First time the windows were down was about 6 months ago when we came out from a restaurant the windows were all down. Last time it happened was a couple days ago. What I discovered was on the left side of the steering wheel is a menu button for the left side of the display for fuel economy etc. Also on the menu were some settings for convenience and among them was remote windows up and down each with a separate check box. Since I don’t want to use that feature I unchecked the boxes disabling that feature. This ought to solve the mystery. Only time i would use this would be when we go to Georgia to visit family in the summer and I will reactivate it then to put windows down on hot days to help pre cool the car. 

Check your menu, it may solve your issue.

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My son has had his 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid since it was new and this just happened to him today.  He said he came out to his car and all the windows were down.  Nothing was stolen, thank goodness.  However, it had rained earlier, so things were quite wet.  He said that his phone normally automatically connects to his car, except for after this happened.  He checked the menu and disabled the feature.  He didn't even know the keyfob could do that.  

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